CHAPTER 143 – Jimmy/Owen/Mike

  Jimmy POV

  I honestly don’t know what Owen’s problem is.

  We haven’t found our mates yet, so why does he think it will happen now?

  I’m tired of waiting. I want to have some real fun. Well, we have had fun before, but it was more of a one-night stand than anything else. To be honest, I’m not really sure exactly what my friend has done. I, on the other hand, have enjoyed myself from time to time, but now, I think I’m ready to go to the next level and actually have a relationship, even if it isn’t with my mate.

  “Jimmy, baby, are you ever going to take me out on a date? Or am I just going to only hang out with you in my apartment?”

  I smile and turn my head towards Becky. Her long brown wavy hair fans out along my arm and the side of my bare chest as we lay on the bed.