A New World Awaits

Her heart was beating twice as fast as usual. Kirika was nervous, but also very enthusiastic. She couldn't help herself. Only a few minutes lefts until she can dive into her new world. The virtual world she had been waiting for since three months ago.

She was lying on the soft mattress, while the Dynames Gear had been attached to her head. There were three green dots of light that became an indicator that the full dive machine she was currently using was running well and just waiting for Kirika's own command. In accordance with the directions given by Virtue some time ago. Players must give verbal orders to activate Dynames Gear.

Kirika closed her eyes, her arms stretched out to relax her body, all her nerves and muscles had to calm down. But still, the fear that the full dive machine she was using had problems persisted.

Of course, this is the full dive ever. Moreover, the Dynames Gear is connected directly to her head and will later send signals to the nerves in the brain instead of other body senses.

Kirika tried to calm herself down again. "Virtue is not a new company.support machines game . There won't be any problems."


After saying that command, Kirika instantly couldn't move her body and felt like she had fallen from the sky to somewhere. The tinkling of the bells sounded so close. Kirika opened her eyes, white ghoose feathers danced around her. Now she is in a European-style room. In front of her stood a large mirror that displayed the entire body of her character.

"Welcome to Heavenly Online."


"I am Neomi, the administrator of this room. Here, you will create your virtual body. Please choose between the five races."

Kirika looked at her reflection in the mirror which was still shrouded in white light and ghoose feathers. The races that Heavenly Online offers are only five which is humans, elves or fairies, draycos or humans who have dragon blood, pysarlf or mermaids, and the ancient race ankserlf that has a balance between physical and magical strength.

After thinking for a moment she finally decided to use the male character of the ankserlf race, because other races have advantages when used for classes . She had seen it when Virtue Station was playing videos about the various races. In an instant the white light and goose feathers disappeared, and she was now a well-built man. But because Kirika is a woman, her character's face is a bit feminine.

"You can adjust everything according to your wishes. Starting from race, hair color, iris, height, to weight. But Neomi recommends not to be too different from your real body, okay."

The administrator's voice sounded very cute, maybe if she was a man, she would immediately idolize this administrator.

"It's okay if I use a different gender right?"

"Yeah...you can use characters of different genders as you like."


Kirika tried to move her arms and legs to make sure she could move her character properly. Then try her sight. She adjusted the height and posture of her character far beyond her original height because she wanted to be free from the short impression that always attached to her This makes her look like a real swordsman. Her hands took turns selecting accessories and clothes that a beginner like herself could wear.

A long black robe that went up to the knees that was left open, showing a dark gray undershirt, then black trousers. And her appearance feels so complete with blackish brown boots. For accessories she only chooses a scabbard that hangs on her back. Kirika really doesn't like using extra accessories, and her habits in the real world are carried over to the virtual world.

"Are you sure about your choice?"

Kirika nodded, once again she looked her body from head to toe. Everything was according to her wishes, the swordsman who became the main character in her novel. She wanted to quickly finish creating this character and tutorial and then move freely in her new world.

"Then, please select class you want to play. You can watch a short video about how to play each class, its skills, and its weaknesses."

Of the twelve classes available, only two caught her attention. Cryomancers and Hunter. But she didn't have the talent to use a big heavy sword. In the games she had played, Kirika always used a thin sword. Actually she wanted to try new things in Heavenly Online, but considering that she didn't know the rules of the game yet, Kirika preferred to take the safe step. Moreover, the appearance of her virtual body is very suitable for Cyromancer.

"I'll chose Cryomancer."

"Are you sure about your choice? Each player can change the class in the administrator in the game later, but for beginners it might be a little difficult because the weapon given during character creation cannot be used by all classes."

Kirika nodded slowly, she had made up her mind with her choice. Cryomancer, class that wields a thin long sword and can use magic. In the trailer that Virtue shared, class has agility above all classes , plus she really likes sword fighting. All of her novel characters are also sword users.

"Alright then. Next is to give your character a name."

Kirika frowned. Name. That was the part that always bothered her. She don't know how many dozens of names, maybe hundreds of times she had to think of names. In every novel she wrote, she had to think of a unique and different name.

"Name?" she muttered. "Why is it always the name that makes me dizzy?"

Kirika spread the legs of her character, her arms folded in front of her chest. At first she looked down at the floor which was covered in a dark purple carpet with cream stripes. After a while she started to get frustrated, while staring at the ceiling of the luxurious character making room she ran out of ideas.

"Ah...then I'll just use my pen-name. Hopefully no one will recognize me. After all, where is a reckless writer like me who spends most of time playing games?" she muttered to herself.

"Zeunoia!" she shouted. As if she had managed to escape the deadlock.

"Fine. Neomi will check first. You can't use an character name that someone else already uses."

"What? Don't joke, it's a name that I made myself. If someone uses it, they must be my fans," she said confidently.

"Congratulations! You can use the name Zeunoia!"


"Character creation has been completed. Does Ze want to do the tutorial class first?"

"Ze? Apparently administrators can choose nicknames for players, huh? Besides, can I really choose to skip the tutorial part?"

"You can, but tutorials are very useful for beginners."

The words of the administrator of the room she was currently in made Kirika hesitate a little. If she chose to follow the tutorial, it would take a long time. And she couldn't help but want to see the outside world. There must have been a lot of players who preceded her out there. The second reason, she wanted to exiting the game while to make sure everything was safe. The fear that she suddenly couldn't exit the game had been bothering her for a while. But if she skipped the tutorial, she would lose important information that Virtue didn't give to her.

For security reasons, Kirika finally chose to skipped the tutorial and went straight to the starting city. She was planning to exit the game, if she left during the character creation, this virtual body she created would surely disappear before the data could be saved.