I woke to the sound of my phone. Surely it can’t be six o’clock already. I realize it can’t be because there is no light coming through the blinds. Who the hell is phoning me at this time? I didn’t even look. Instead, I answered it.

  “Hello,” I answer tiredly.

  “Tell me what you want, what you really, really want.” I hear someone singing on the other end.Trying to sing, it was terrible, between that and giggling.

  “Paisley?” I question, wondering why she is singing down the phone to me.

  “Hey, handsome Professor Reeves, what are you doing? Did you enjoy my song?” she laughs, her words slightly slurred.

  “I am sleeping, Paisley, and no, please do not take up singing; you are terrible,” I say, chuckling at the last part.

  I should be pissed at her, not laughing. I look at the screen on my phone, and it reads three a.m.

  “That is just pure mean,” she huffs.

  She sounds completely wasted! I still don’t understand why she is calling me.