Elena's POV

  "I should have known. This had to do with Oliver, his witches' allies must be the cause of this." He cracked his knuckles in anger.

  "How do you mean? I know he is got witches and all but what has that got to do with me?" I sucked in a breath while enjoying the cool feeling of fresh water on my now clean pale skin.

  "Some hours before the full moon, I saw some witches performing spells and placing bound little twigs all over the bayou."

  "The moment I crossed them, My magic was suppressed." I finished off with a frown and with a deep breath, a whirlwind blew past and I could feel my insides getting warm again. I could feel my magic, growing like a molten lava and immediately my cuts began to seal off and within some seconds I was as good as new.

  "You have healed up? How?" Mateo's hands dangled at his sides and his eyes widened with astonishment.