The Party Happens Now (3)

Going to the Weisse's mansion felt like a death sentence to Stacy, she didn't want to go anywhere near the location for obvious reasons but work dictated that she did and unlike a certain someone like Serena–someone has got to pay the bills.

Which was why it was a sudden surprise when she looked up and saw Lukas.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey, yourself." Stacy greeted him. She looked at her table and gestured to the contents on the table. "Want anything to drink? Everything's in the house tonight."

"Oh really? That's incredible. How generous of you." Lukas grinned and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I mean no." Stacy calmed down a little and sighed inwardly. "This place is sponsored by the Weisse family and everything's free, so drink as much as your wanton little heart desires, my friend."