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"The wilderness?" Lawrence Tenebris said. "Then we must rally all of the Hunters–"

"I'm afraid that would be impossible at this point, Councilman Tenebris." an aged Vampire strolled up to the group.

Lukas didn't think he'd actually see an elderly Vampire after much history about Vampires being able to take whatever form they wished to take, but then he remembered that the Vampires have waned in power.

"What do you mean?" Lily's father turned in ire to the Guildmaster of Hunters. "This is my daughter that we're talking about–"

"She is but one daughter among your other children, Councilman. Hardly a reason to risk my Hunters who have already dwindled in number after your council failed to recruit elites and discover the reason for their accelerating disappearance." the old man coldly said.

Lukas felt the old man glance his way, but he could have also looked in Stacy's direction.