New Events (4)

"What the hell are you thinking, Stacy?!" Alexei's voice echoed in their small shabby house. Located in the outskirts of the city of Lux in the least developed district, this was a place where the young Vampire could shout all he wanted without alerting or disturbing the people.

Alexei dis Vardoken hadn't attended the "anniversary" of the city of Lux–it was nothing more but a cheap way to celebrate the day that their ancestors were betrayed and now he was even more furious to hear his sister's words.

Grabbing the younger sibling by the shoulders, Alexei shook Stacy roughly.

"Do you know what you're doing? Did some Charmer make you say yes into doing this–did they manipulate you into saying yes?"

"Alexei, you of all people should know that we're not easily influenced by anything or anyone." Stacy frowned at her brother and jerked away from him.

"It has to be that vile Weisse woman!" Alexei thundered.