Qualities of a Man

Anastasia dis Vardoken, otherwise known as 'Stacy' to Lukas and the majority of the people in Lux City found herself at strange odds with her brother Alexei.

He was giving her a pointed look that seemed to say:

'Are you really going after someone with a girlfriend already?'

"Oi, Lukas." Alexei decided to talk with the Vampire because Stacy refused to say anything.

"Um, yes?" Lukas, who had expected a lot more hostility from Alexei, was a little surprised but also willing to listen to what the man had to say.

Alexei did help in his own grumpy way by flinging him towards the giant sand worm so that had to prove that maybe teamwork and cooperation was possible in the group.

"So, this Lily girl or whoever… is she your best friend or something?" Alexei crossed his arms. "You're risking your life and your girlfriend's just to be here. That Assassin boy, I can understand–"

"This Assassin has a name." Theodore said from the driver's seat.