Strange Catharsis (3)

The hut was dark and mostly empty. It stood farthest among the huts, mostly isolated from the rest and with nothing more but a simple bed. The bed looked like it was mostly made of wood and then leaves for furnishing.

A couple of hides were present and looked to function as either pillows or blankets. Whichever the user preferred, but it looked untouched and unused. The Vampire couple looked at it and then at each other with an unreadable gaze.

Lukas wanted to grimace–he had expected something more comfortable.

More cozy for people who wanted to rest… and maybe do other more things.

Chaerin finally smiled at him. "It's not bad, right?"

"I suppose if there's something that Theodore and his group didn't quite consider when they visited here–it's introducing them to proper beddings and all that." Lukas remarked.

He approached the bed and sat down.

It wasn't the most comfortable one, but it was not half bad either.