A New Stage (3)

"Okay, we'll look weak or something." Lukas acknowledged. "But surely, some place like… I don't know, Umbra is where we can also find Overlords right? That's where you came from, right?"

Theodore's grip tightened against the driver's wheel, knuckles turning slightly white. The assassin Vampire reminded himself that the reason for all this curiosity was because Lukas was someone who was unfamiliar with the other parts of the world.

"There is a reason as to why the Tenebris House is residing in Lux City now." Theodore quipped, a bit coldly but then sighed. "But if there's anywhere else that might catch your interest, it would be none other than Nyx City. It's where we're heading now."

"Wait, isn't that like Nyx Credits?" Lukas' brows rose. "You mean to say that–"