Carmilla House (3)

"Do you really think they've met Elias?" Genevieve asked Catherine and Rowena. The three sisters led the way to the Carmilla House's abode and were currently discussing what Theodore had claimed.

"I don't think Elias would have simply let them walk away if that was true." Catherine disagreed. "What if we contact him? Let him know that we found these people who claimed to be Vardokens?"

"Two of them claimed to be Vardokens, and the other one said he was a Farkas." Genevieve wrinkled her nose.

"I think the first one was lying just so he could leave without problems." Rowena muttered.

"But it doesn't make sense to lie about that. It's just confusing… especially when he's just with more liars too." Genevieve said.

"...What if it's true though?" Catherine hummed and rubbed her chin. "Then it would make a little sense for him to lie if he intended to hide the two from us. But why would an extinct House suddenly have people?"