The Aurelius Family

What kind of face do you think you'd made in this situation?

Imagine as if you knew someone closely for years, ever since you were nothing but a small child, and even heard what this person was like from other people.

And then have that image you had crafted of them to be tossed away entirely, dumped into a blazing fiery pit that left nothing.

Not even ashes.

Von Elias Aurelius witnessed it for the first time.

"It seems like it's a fortunate day if grandfather is summoning me to his study." Elias said as he tucked a book underneath his arm.

The servants did not tell him more of the details, but he expected that his grandfather would tell him when he arrived.

Elias hoped that it was nothing related to the marriage proposals and such things, because he detested it.

However, Elias didn't think that his grandfather would bring it up in this occasion.