Events At Carmilla House (4)

Stacy's appearance was something out of a movie, she was like the belle of the ball… and then there was Alexei too.

Lukas found himself in awe of seeing Stacy, but then again, he had always known that she was a beautiful person inside and out hence why he didn't stare too long. Alexei also happened to make things about him as he literally did fingerguns across the ballroom.

"Hah. This is a sight." Elias couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle at the appearance of the male Vardoken, but he didn't stop moving away.

The young lord of the Aurelius House had places to be, and that was finding his grandfather for example who had yet to return.

Lukas also cast a momentarily glance at the duo, relieved that they were okay, but also apprehensive of the event.

Maybe it was just him, but something didn't seem right.

It was almost as if there was a big something about to unfold and Lukas just didn't know where it would hit them right in the face.