A Thing Of Nightmares (2)

The spiders went down into a heap of corpses, each one dragged by Matthew who didn't even seem bothered by the entrails on his cloak.

Philip looked a little sick and close to vomiting, meanwhile Anthony was counting the body of the spiders.

"Ooh, that's gonna get us a bit of a hefty price." Anthony said.

"You only killed like one or two." Philip frowned and covered his mouth.

"But I did say that I hired Matthew as my bodyguard though right? So technically—" Anthony's gaze trailed on the gore on the young man's body and cleared his throat. "Technically, I'm just so very proud of him and you too, Lukas. Lukas?"

To them, it seemed like Lukas was standing still for no reason—but the truth was that he was discussing things with Drusilla and it didn't look good.

Lukas glanced over his shoulders. "Hey, maybe we should go and head back first after all?"

"Are you sure?" Anthony said.