A Problem in the Air (2)

Luckily for Philip and everyone else in the team, once the Sky Changing Wyvern plucked the rabbit—it flew back up and didn't chase down after them.

For a split second though, Lukas thought it made eye contact with him… or maybe that was just his imagination.

Lukas didn't actually remember Iolathane mentioning anything about a wyvern that changed its scale colors, but it seemed like the others didn't as well.

What was up with that?

"We… we survived." Philip gasped.

"No thanks to you." Anthony massaged his forehead, one hand holding the crossbow.

"I'm more surprised that Matthew here is still knocked out dead." Philip said. "I'm not actually holding a corpse am I? Check his pulse, Anthony."

Lukas finally turned to Philip and shot him a dead look. "Just wait for Matthew to wake up, he's going to be alright, okay? I have a girlfriend who's been asleep for more than a month and it's got nothing to do—you know what nevermind."