A Problem In The Air (4)

"Is that enough to gain your trust?" Lukas asked. There was a confident swagger in his motion as he looked at Philip.

Philip's lips pressed down together into a thin line, but as he looked at Matthew again, his shoulders sagged and he nodded.

"Yes, it's not enough to earn my complete trust because it's clear that you're hiding how you know all of those things… but I trust you enough to know that your intentions aren't bad. Not that's actually enough…"

"It's more than enough for me." Anthony declared. "You helped us out of the Dark Forest, killed the giant spiders and somehow even made Matthew get new powers. Sure, it sucks that you're the one at fault for that Dream Eater that killed two other Vampires—but it's not like you meant for it to happen, right?"

"No." Lukas frowned. "Of course not—I don't want that."

"Then that settles things, right?" Anthony said.