Listening To Instincts (4)

Lukas waited with bated breath for the speaker to reveal herself, but he already had a feeling of what he was going to encounter.

"I said, I have a name."

"Yes, I never contradicted that fact."

"… Why aren't you asking me for it—it's quite rude not to ask."

"It's far more rude not to introduce yourself beforehand and to abduct me here in the first place."

"You… you and the others were the first trespassers, that's beyond rude! Downright nasty when we've done nothing to you folks."

"So you say, but there's books and probably other belongings here that doesn't belong to you or to your other winged friends here."

"Family." She said vexed. "Family. They're my family and I do not like the fact that you're being rude to them."

"I don't get why you're being so fussy about rudeness." Lukas scratched the back of his head. "You brought me here for a reason, so let's deal with that."

"You refused to give me an answer—well, you did. But it's…ugh."