Master Forneius stopped in his steps the second he caught a glimpse of Celeste glowing in her fashioned white dress. She light from the sunset she stood in front of gave a striking outline of her body from her hair to the hems of her white dress.

'Celeste.' Forneius bowed wearing his usual clever grin.

Celeste was startled by a familiar voice. She sensed him before, but waved it off, since he hadn't visited the Megal coven in over four years.

'Forneius.' She smiled before turning to face him.

'To what do I owe this…visit?' She asked. Forneius read the smile on her face. It wasn't sincere. He knew that even though she smiled, she didn't mean a warm welcome. She wanted to have nothing to do with him, especially after what he had done to her in the past.

'You look well, as opposed to the state I saw you in the last time.' She joined her hands above her waist in poise as she spoke. Her shoulders, relaxed and her chin high.

'Hmm…' Forneius thought. He didn't see that coming. Was she making a joke out of him?

'You also look well, as always.' He reached for her knuckles to kiss them.

'Why have you visited Forneius? The Megal is way more than a day's journey.' Celeste quickly folded her arms behind her. She was not going to let Fornieus' promiscuous lips touch her skin. She was sure they hadn't been in very noble places.

'Cold as usual.' Forneius laughed gently.

'I've come to ask for your help my dear Celeste.'

'Does this have anything to do with your ailment?' She scanned him with her eyes.

'I'm afraid it does.'

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

'I'll have that one.' Jeanette pointed a goldfish in a glass bowl.

'That's a good choice! He doesn't have a name yet.' The lady on the counter smiled. Jeanette 'found' this pet store on her way back from work. She decided to walk in since she had already prepared dinner before leaving home and besides, what was the rush? She closed earlier than usual.

The little goldfish reminded her of Damien somehow. It was pretty, majestic and mysterious. As insane as she knew she sounded, thinking of him made her happy and somewhat worried, but more of the former.

'May I ask why you chose this one?' The lady handed over the bowl to her.

'He reminds me of someone.' Jeanette paid the lady.

'I get to keep the bowl too?' Jeanette asked as the lady returned back to the counter.

'Oh! Yes. You're our first fish customer this month.' The lady smiled. Jeanette could tell the lady loved her job.

'Oh. Thanks.'

'You're welcome! See you next time. Tell your friends our pet store's the best miss!' She waved as Jeanette left.