'We've got this okay? No pressure, we're doing it just as we rehearsed.' Yasmine smiled assuredly, as she motivated the crew.

'Lights! Lights!' She peeped to see the audience again. The play went on better than expected. Its climax was the classic love scene played by Mike and of course, Meghan.

A young lady Liesl, daughter of a general who fell head over heels for a seventeen year old delivery boy Rolfe. Michael owned the stage alongside his witch girlfriend, both singing as though they wrote the script.

Joanne watched them as they danced on the benches set up. For some reason, she couldn't wait for the show to end. She walked away slowly, but increased her pace when tears began to leave her eyes against her will. In the end of the scene, pink roses were released from the roof. Just before hitting the ground, all the roses turned blue, leaving both the actors and the audience in awe.

The audience expressed their happiness with roaring applauses while silently wondering how the crew was able to initiate the colour change.

'The end.' Yasmine smiled in the spotlight alongside Meghan and Mike, enjoying the audience's excitement. Mike could see his dad smiling from a distance. For some reason, seeing his dad there cheering for him reminded him of his mum. He silently wished she was there beside his dad.

Meghan could sense magic around. She looked at Mike questioningly. He had a smile on his face, but he didn't look very happy. His eyes were fixed in a particular direction.

'What is he looking at?' She traced his eyes.

'Mr Onan…. He must be thinking about his mum.' She sighed when she saw both father and son looking oddly at each other.

'And we're done. Everybody backstage.' Yasmine whispered to the crew.

'Are you okay?' She held Mike's hand even tighter as they walked out of the stage.

'Yeah. Yes I am.'