Soon enough, we reach the surface and my eyes widen in shock. I'm sure we're directly above the cave and that this place is hidden by mountains. But I didn't expect to see a sort of small city. The landscape was totally deceiving before. I feel the wind against my skin and a shiver runs down my spine. "It's getting cold," I say. "It usually does in the night." Sebastian says.

A few people wearing the same uniform as Galand look at us but soon continue about their work. A black truck stops near us and Galand turns to us. "Well, that's my queue. I have to deliver the vials before heading back to the borders.

"Thanks for everything buddy, tell Armentia I said hi. She should be around seven months now right?"

"Yes." Galand replies with a big smile. "I still can't imagine you being a father." Sebastian laughs.

"Neither can I, Sebastian boy." Galand and Sebastian share one last handshake and we start walking. The buildings aren't that big; they look like they were built in a hurry. Most resemble houses or rather cabins. They are far apart and arranged in an almost circular manner. What surprises me is that there aren't a lot of them. 

I don't see another truck and most roads lead to the forests. We reach what looks like an open space where people who look to be my age begin staring at us. Most of them were practicing combat skills and martial arts before the saw us. 

"Is she new?" I hear someone murmur. "Sebastian is back," another says. Sebastian grabs my hand speeds up. The most significant building, which we're heading to, stands alone and is the tallest. We enter the building and take the elevator. 

Soon we reach two silver doors guarded by two men. Sebastian shows them an ID and they let us pass. "Cora, just stay behind me, you don't have to say anything." Sebastian says. I nod as we approach a man behind a desk table. "So, you finally decided to return." The man says. 

"It's not like I had much of a choice."

"And the specimen?"

"Galand will send them on their way." There seems to be tension as the man's cold grey eyes stare at Sebastian. "Let's hope Carter actually finds something useful this time around." The man directs his attention to me.

"Who is she?" I tense and try to take a step back but Sebastian holds me in place. Once again, my heart starts beating fast, his eyes look so familiar. "Her name is Cora, I found her in one of the ruined," Sebastian explains.

"Really? And you didn't think finding a human in a metamorphosis infected place was strange?" The man raises his eyebrow. "Not at all, Alistair." Sebastian shrugs. "This isn't a charity camp, Sebastian. Not just anyone can come to central."Alistair sighs. 

"But we can't just leave people who need our help. If we want to rebuild our world, we need every hand to work together." I can immediately that it's bullshit since he originally planned on leaving me. I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"There you go with that quixotic nonsense again. Fine, do what you want. That will be all." He waves us off. Sebastian nods and turns around, dragging me with him. When we are in the hallway, I turn to Sebastian. "What was with the hostility and who the hell was that guy?" I want to at least know the big bosses of this place. "To answer your first question, that's how we always are. His name is Alistair, the current head of Central. You can think of him as some sort of president."

We go outside and he leads me to a house further away from the common area. Sebastian hands me the keys and stops at the door, "You have a housemate, her name is Blair but she's not here right now. If you need place is pretty far off so I guess you'll just have to wait for Blair." He says it with such a straight face that I can't tell if he's joking. In fact, he's entire personality perplexes me, how can one guy be so strange? 

"Um, thanks for everything. I don't know what I would have done if we didn't meet." I say looking up to him. "Whoa, so you had it in you to show appreciation." He smirks. Is this guy trying to pick a fight with me?

"You know, most people would just say 'you're welcome', especially those with manners." I say shrugging. "Are you saying I'm ill-mannered?" He asks raising a brow.

"You said that. Since I'm nice, I'll say it on your behalf," I say putting my hand to my chest, "Don't mention it. You're more than welcome, Cora." 

Sebastian bursts out in laughter. "I don't talk like that." He turns around to walk away. "But for all its worth, you're welcome even though I didn't do it for the right reasons." I shake my head while opening the front door. He just has to have the last word.

I decide to take a bath and as I relax in the tub, I can't help but think about everything that's happened so far. Where did the metamorphoses come from? How did Edmond Wesley control the situation so quickly? I feel myself drift off.


Darkness surrounded me as I stood in the dark alley. The sound of shouting and heavy boots was everywhere. "Cora, what are you waiting for? Let's go!" A sandy haired boy said to me. We ran through a narrow tunnel and reached a hidden door. We passed through and met a man in a black cloak. "We brought what you asked for," the boy said to the man. He handed the man a black briefcase and the man opened it. He removed a purple vial and looked over at us, "And the girl?"  "Cora is one of us, do you have something to say about it?" The boy said. "What are you going to use it for?" I asked. The man's blood red eyes stared at m. "You don't have to worry about that, thank you for the delivery." I felt a shiver run up my spine. "Ren, let's get going." I said to the boy. We quickly left the area and found ourselves in the Underground City. The people from the shadows stared at us as we passed through and entered a restaurant. We sat in the back and Ren ordered food. Out the window, I noticed a small boy get pushed around by bigger boys. They kicked and punched him all over before he fell to the ground. "Cora, are you okay with what I ordered?" Ren asked. But I wasn't listening, my attention was still on the small boy. My heart went out to him as I slightly frowned. "Cora? Cora...Cora?


I jolt up in surprise and realize I'm still in the bathtub. "Hey Cora, are you okay in there?" "What? Oh Sebastian, I'm okay? I question looking around the bathroom. "Sorry, you weren't responding so I thought I'd check up on you. I came to tell you something," he says from the other side of the door, "we're having a bonfire tonight, I set out some clothes for you to wear."

"Thanks, I'll be there soon," I reply. I hear the door close and sigh in relief. What a strange dream. On the bed farthest from the door I find blue denim shorts, a black shirt and sneakers. The room which is divided into two sides, each with a bed, is fairly spacious. Blair's side is crowded with all sorts of weapons. 

I'm really curious to see what kind of a girl she is to have such danger things hanging around. I mean, on her dressing mirror is a double- edged dagger. "Ha, interesting." I say to myself. Compared to Blair's side, mine is completely plain with nothing to show that someone will be sleeping there. There is absolutely no personality, reminding me of the absence of my memories. 

I get dressed and find Sebastian by the door. "You look nice." Sebastian says taking me aback. "Thank you." I reply in suspicion. Sebastian rolls his eyes and goes to open the front door. "Let's go, I want to introduce you to your new family." 


"Of course, I mean this is your new home right?" Sebastian answers casually. The words fail to form in my mouth, I suddenly feel nervous and scared. What if they don't like me? I probably won't have any place to go. What will I do then?

I feel the touch of a hand on my shoulder and look up to Sebastian. "Relax, it's going to be okay." That calms me down immediately and I nod. "Okay, I'll believe you."

When we get there, everyone is talking and laughing but they all stop the moment they spot Sebastian and I. I'm met by over fifty pairs of eyes, I really want to go back now. Sebastian clears his throat, "Good evening everyone." He grabs everyone's attention as he pushes me to the front, "This is Cora Aetós, our newest member. I hope everyone welcomes her warmly, you know it is times like this- Sebastian stops midway and sighs. "I really hate giving speeches," I hear him mutter and turn to him in surprise, is the guy being for real?

"You know what? Cora has joined has today, so like, be nice and all that." Even more surprising is that people actually clap for that sorry excuse of a speech. If I knew he would like this, I would have simply introduced myself. Anyway, everyone else seems okay with it. I guess he gets a free pass because of that face of his.

Two boys with black hair approach us. They must be twins. "No way Seb, long time no see!" The one with green eyes exclaims. "It's good to see you too Alex," he replies. The two boys turn to me. "Hello, my name is Cora." I say confidently.

"We know." The one with blue eyes says. The green-eyed boy breaks into a smile and walks up to me, "My name is Alexander and that cloud of darkness over there is Nicholas." He says pointing at the blue-eyed guy. "We're twins."

"I can see that," I say smiling. "So, it's almost impossible to survive out there. What's your story?" Alexander asks. "Cora will be joining our ranks tomorrow. That's all you need to know." Sebastian shrugs. "Whoa, I see you're still at the top of your game with those communication skills." Alex rolls his eyes.

"But before that, I want Nico to train her," Sebastian says ignoring the comment. Alexander looks shocked and Nicholas glares at Sebastian. "No."

"Listen, it won't even be for a long time, just until she learns how to handle herself." Sebastian says. "I'm perfectly capable of handling myself," I scoff.

"Yes, yes." He waves off. "If you really want to join Central, you have to." I sigh beyond irritated. Would it kill him to ask for my opinion? "My answer is still no. Tell Blair or something." Nicholas says. How cold, but whatever. It's not like it bother me.

"Blair is still on some mission, so it's got to be you." Sebastian replies. "Hey, what about me?" Alexander asks raising his hand. "Come on Nico, it can only be you." Sebastian pleads. Nicholas sighs, "Fine."

"Hey, are you guys ignoring me?" Alexander asks. I can tell this is how most of their conversions are. "Don't sulk too much, Cora. Nico is a great teacher." Sebastian says turning to me. Alexander clicks his tongue, "You guys are the worst." He casually swings his arm around my shoulder, "Let's get away from these assholes Cora. I'll introduce you to everyone." He does exactly that to the point that I can barely remember any of the names. Though unexpected, I end having a great time with everyone. I don't think I've ever laughed like this in my entire life. 

The sudden thought causes me to pause and feel uneasy. I decide to ignore it and instead focus on Alex's story. It's only a matter of time before people begin to withdraw to their homes.

When I go back to the house, I lay in bed and can't help but smile to myself. I want to stay with everyone like this, it seems so peaceful here. Nothing like that place. I try hard to think of that place, nothing comes to mind.

Was I perhaps in a bad place before coming here? But in the end, nothing comes up. My last thought is of the person who appeared in my dream….Ren.


Morning comes quicker than I expected and I groan as I roll over. I open my eyes and glare at the nuisance that is called Sebastian. "Finally, I was about to pour a bucket of cold water over your head." He says. "Why do I have to wake up so early? The sun's not even up completely." I say grumpily.

"Your training starts today and Nico is strict. I suggest you prepare yourself both physically and mentally. You have half an hour to get ready." He says walking out of the room. Mentally huh? How lovely. I take a shower and get dressed. Sebastian is preparing breakfast when I enter the kitchen. "So you can cook." I state. He looks taken off guard as he turns around to find me leaning by the counter.

A second passes and his normal blank stare is back. "Basic survival skill but I might be the best around." He says placing the plate on the table. "Confident, aren't we?" I roll my eyes. "As I should." He smirks. "You don't have a lot of friends, do you?" He doesn't answer my question but points at the table. I knew it. "We have a self proclaimed loner on our hands," I laugh as I take a seat.

"You sure do have many opinions for someone who has lost their memories." He says sitting down. "I lost my memories, it's not like I became an idiot who knows nothing." I say with my mouth stuffed.

We don't talk much until we reach the training grounds. The entire time I notice Sebastian stealing glances at me. "Do you have something to say to me?" I ask. 

"I'm not that great with people, so just know that I didn't mean any offence earlier."Sebastian says. Oh, I had completely forgotten about that. What a half baked apology but…..I'll take it. "Yes, yes. I know." I laugh. Before I know it, Nicholas is walking towards us.

"You're finally here."

"I'll leave her in your capable hands," Sebastian says. Nicholas nods in response and Sebastian leaves. "Good morning, Nicholas." I say enthusiastically. "I'm glad you have so much energy," he smirks. I tilt my head to the side in confusion.

I soon understand when he explains to me the plan for the day. "We'll be doing the basics of the basics today. You can start with running ten laps, then about forty pushups and sit-ups," he says, "after that I'll teach you some hand-to-hand combat. Sound good?"

"Are you crazy? This is what you call basics!?" I exclaim. "You have to be able to do at least this much, unless of course, you can't handle it." I see what he's trying to do what nevertheless I still fall for it. If it's a challenge he wants, then fine, I'll play along. "This is nothing."

"That's the spirit." He says.

By the time I'm done, the only thing I can feel is my throat burning but everything else is pretty okay. Surprisingly I'm still standing. "Are…we…done yet?" I ask out of breath. "I'm surprised that you actually managed, take a break. We'll continue tomorrow, I've seen enough for today." Nicholas says handing me a bottle of water.

We sit by a nearby bench and I finally have the opportunity to ask questions. I turn towards Nicholas, "Can you tell me more about the camps?" He looks at me strangely, "Why do you want to know?"

"Please, Nicholas." It's easy to tell that he's wary of me and he hesitates for a minute. "There are four camps.  We have Rose in the north, Blaze in the west, Greenwood east and Carter in the south. There are other affiliations for those who don't like the camps. But they usually consist of small groups." The Rebellion must be a part of those affiliations. The strange term from my dream suddenly resurfaces and I blurt out my thoughts before thinking.

"What's the Underground City?" 

Nicholas looks shocked. "What's your relationship with that place?"

"I…I don't, I just remembered it. Is something wrong?" I ask concerned. "It's nothing, it's just that place, well the name speaks for itself. It's pretty shady and a place where information circulates the most." He replies. His words don't match his expression from earlier.

Was he shocked that someone randomly mentioned that place or is it because it's specifically me? I fail to decipher any meaning from his actions and find myself simply nodding my head. Nicholas clears his throat, "Let's head back."

We end up talking normally after brushing everything off. But even after returning to the house, his expression hangs fresh in my mind. There's something I must be missing.