"I can't do it." My ten year old self said as I put my hands down in defeat. "You're just not trying hard enough." The beautiful woman said. Her long black hair was tied behind as she pulled her fan to her face. In front of me stood a small metamorphosis that the woman insisted I could control. I tilted my head at her, "Why do I have to do this? I wanna play with the other kids." For as long as I could remember, I was never allowed to play with other children. The only person I was allowed to see was Ren and even he didn't have to go through the same training as me. "It's your talent Cora, you were chosen. The other children won't help you make this a better world." The woman kneeled down to my height and held my hands. "Don't you want to be a hero?" I looked at the metamorphosis which stared at me back. Its eyes were black and empty but I could see something beyond it. "That's not being a hero; they don't want to be controlled!" I said pointing at the creature. The woman made a strange facial expression before regaining her composure. "You don't know that." She said calmly. "Yes, I do. They told me." I shrugged. I didn't understand much but I was sure no one wanted to be controlled against their will. All I wanted was to play with the other kids and make friends but everyone told me I couldn't because I had some role to play. The woman took long to reply as she stared at me blankly. Her grip on my hand suddenly tightened. I tried pulling it back but she simply held it with more force. "Cora, never say that again. These things are not people, they do not feel anything." My eyes became teary. "…'re scaring me." "Do you understand me?" she asked coldly. I sniffled as I answered, "Yes." "Now be a good girl and tell it to do as I say." The woman said smiling sweetly.


When I wake up, I'm surprised to find my face wet with tears. I sit up slowly, feeling some pain in my joints as I wipe my face. I'm smart enough to know that dream wasn't simply a dream, it was a memory. Memories of the mission come flooding back and I look around the room frantically. 

The room is white and so are the sheets that cover me. I look down at my body, somebody changed my clothes. I'm wearing a gray sweatshirt and pants, I reach over to the drawer where my spear is. Where am I? I grab the spear and begin to get out of the bed.

"Relax, this is a safe place." I immediately recognize the voice and turn to see Sebastian standing by the door. I ease up and sigh in relief. "Sebastian." I look him in the eye to figure out where we stand. He saw me control that metamorphosis…what if he sees me as a monster? The thought of that makes my chest hurt and I almost look away when he smiles. "Well, you took your time waking up." He walks closer and sits on the edge of the bed.

I look at him perplexed, what is he doing? Maybe I imagined the whole thing…he moves closer and waves three fingers in front of my face. "Hello, earth to Cora. You look like you've seen a ghost."

If that's what he wants, I'll act normal too. "Sorry, I must have been lost in thought." I laugh off. He stares at me for a second before speaking. "This is Camp Carter. After you…suddenly passed out, I called them for backup."

"I see." I look around the room once more. Frankly speaking, this place seems to be doing better off than Central. Everything looks so new. I hear some voices before a knock on the door. Sebastian stares at me before answering, "Come in."

A man and woman walk in one after the other. The man is young, dark and is wearing a long black trench coat. Taking a closer look, he seems closer to our age. He stands right in front of the bed and wears an easy smile. The woman, who had a long scar on her face, stands beside him with a blank expression. "Hello, Miss Cora Aetos. We came as soon as we heard you were awake, my name is Duri and this is Penelope." He says gesturing at the woman. His accent is quite peculiar, thicker than Sebastian's and almost foreign if I may say. 

"Hi." I say before looking at Sebastian. "Duri is the Governor of Camp Carter and Penelope is a lead scientist here." He explains. Is he serious? That guy is the Governor, he looks way too young. Duri catches me staring and bursts out laughing. "I know what you're thinking, it is kind of strange for a twenty year old to be in this position."

That causes my face to flush in embarrassment and I look the other way. "I…it's not that…I don't mean it that way." I try to explain hurriedly. Hah, this is so embarrassing; I really need to learn to keep my thoughts from showing on my face.

Sebastian coughs into his elbow, is he laughing at me? "Relax, it's expected since this is our first meeting." That is an understatement, I never would have guessed the man leading the research on metamorphoses is a boy three years older than me. I move to cover my face with my arm and flinch. "Ah, be careful. We did a blood test on you while you were asleep." Duri says apologetically. I raise a brow and Sebastian shows me his hand where a white band aid covers his wrist. "It's basic procedure."

"Sorry to interrupt, but have some more questions for the two of you." Penelope says. I can immediately tell she's the 'no nonsense' type. She puts her hands in the pockets of her lab coat and takes a step forward. Sebastian sighs and sits up straight. "Sebastian told us that you two were fighting three metamorphoses in a C-Zone area. Then, after you killed them, you suddenly passed out?" She asks raising a brow. Why did he only mention three when there were four? 

I look at Sebastian who doesn't meet my eyes; he didn't tell them the full story. Penelope continues staring at me, she looks like she doesn't believe any of it. "Hm, but I thought we already went over that, Penny." Duri says. "It's just standard procedure when we receive visitors." The way she says it makes me feel unwelcome. 

"Yes, that's what happened. I just felt dizzy all of a sudden and that's what brings us here." I shrug. Sebastian must have a good reason for hiding that information. Duri replies before Penelope has a chance to say anything. "Anyway, you are welcome to stay for as long as you want. I heard you haven't visited many camps so please take a look." That sounds really interesting. "Can I really?" I ask getting a little excited.

"Of course, unfortunately I'm too busy to show you around but that's okay. Sebastian knows this place better than anyone else." Duri smiles. I furrow my brows and glance at Sebastian. "He does?"

"Sebastian was a resident of Camp Carter." Penelope says. I knew he had to be from one of the camps but the news still came as a shock. What more, Sebastian doesn't look too comfortable with the topic. There's an awkward silence before Duri coughs.

"We'll inform you of the results from the samples you brought. In any case, enjoy your stay." Penelope nods at us and they both leave. I stare at the door after them and only speak when I'm sure they're gone. "Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" I turn to Sebastian, "You know what I'm talking about, why didn't you tell them?"

"If I told them everything, you wouldn't be here right now. You would be locked behind some glass wall and they…" He suddenly stops. "What is it Sebastian?"

"Forget it, just…don't do anything, okay? I'll handle it." He stands up and walks to the door. "I'll show you around the place so get ready. I'll be waiting downstairs." The door closes behind him and I'm left confused. Why is he willing to go so far for me? I just don't get it.

Luckily, they set out some clothes for me to wear during our stay. Camp Carter's style is quite different from Central's practical dark attire. In fact, everything is different from Central. It's so bright and much calmer. I chose to wear a pink dress and some white sneakers to go with it. 

All the people I meet on my way downstairs stare at me and keep a distance. Great, it seems I'm an outcast here too. I spot Sebastian and he waves at me. I stop in my tracks for a second. He looks…different from usual. The white button down shirt looks really good on him. I clear my throat, "Um…hi." Why do I sound so awkward and stiff?

Something must be wrong with me. "Uh, Cora?" Sebastian asks. "Yes?" I say. "I said, where do you want to go first? I can take you to the labs-

"No." I quickly interrupt. I don't want to be anywhere that will make me over think. "I want to see how people live here." Sebastian tilts his head and nods. "Sure thing." Despite this place being in charge of research, the majority must be normal civilians. The weather is warm when we step out of the house and I take in the sight.

All of the houses are identical and arranged in straight lines. Unlike Central, the land is flat and stretches for miles. I spot some children playing with a ball in the streets. "Honestly, can they be a little more careful?" Sebastian says as we walk. "There's nothing wrong with playing with a ball." I scoff.

"Correction, they're playing with a ball out in the streets." Sebastian points out which makes me roll my eyes. "You are so boring, Sebastian." That makes him scoff as he turns to me. "I am not! Do you know how many people look up to me?"

"I'm sure those little kids wouldn't be part of them." I sigh. "Excuse me?"

"Oh, look!" I say pointing at a fountain at the roundabout. The way the light rays hit it reminds me of the forest and a blush creeps up my face. "Do you want to go there?" Sebastian asks. "N-no, l-let's go over there!" I say pointing at some random building. "The home for the elderly?" He questions. "Yeah, sounds like fun, I know." I say dragging him along, my heart just felt weird.

Maybe that metamorphosis released some radiation that's messing with me. I place my hand on my chest, "Am I sick?"

"What was that?" Sebastian says holding the door open for me. "N-nothing, let's go in." 

We are greeted by a middle aged woman in a nurse uniform. "Hello, Angie." Sebastian smiles. "Sebby, it's been such a long time." She says trapping him in a hug. "Why don't you come and visit?" He awkwardly hugs her back. "I've been a little busy." The woman turns to me and smiles. "And who is this pretty lady?"

"She's my partner, Cora." I shake her hand and introduce myself. "Angie, I'm showing Cora around. Do you mind if we help you out?" Angie's smile only gets brighter. "Please help out in the kitchen." Angie suddenly grabs our hands and before I know it, we're in the kitchen wearing aprons.

"She had this planned from the beginning." Sebastian sighs lifting a tray of cookies. "Where exactly are we going?" I say doing the same. "The game room where all the old people play cards and gossip."

The so-called game room is livelier than I expected and twenty pairs of eyes turn to us as we walk in. "Brace yourself." Sebastian whispers close to my ear. In just half an hour, I'm completely drained and exhausted. Somehow, I ended up getting stuck with some woman very adamant in the battle of milk chocolate vs. chocolate mint.

"Enough of this! At the end of the day, none of us have teeth to chew those sweet things!" Granny Claire says before turning to me. "More importantly, Cora, our Sebastian seems much taken by you."

"What?" I sit up straighter and secretly glance at Sebastian who is laughing while playing some game. "That's…." I start.

"Very true. Who knew that boy could smile so much less bring a girl here." Someone else contributes. "It's because it's a mission, not that he brought me here on purpose." I say quickly shaking my head.

The ladies laugh and look at me with smiles. Why do I feel like I've already lost? "It's so nice seeing him happy after what he went through." Granny Claire says taking a sip of her tea.

What is she talking about?

 "You're right. It was so tragic."

"At such a young age too." I look at all the women who sigh. "Sorry, but what are you talking about?" I ask seriously confused. "Sebastian lived in Camp Carter before ten years ago when the accident happened." Granny Claire says looking at him. "The poor boy lost both his parents in the attack." 

Her words strike me as unsettling. I didn't know he had that kind of a childhood, but the mention of an attack specifically ten years ago sends a shiver down my spine. 

"I can see you care about him from the way you're looking at him." She continues while smiling. Oh no, I got caught staring. Before I can say anything, some music starts playing and I look up.

"Oh, this is the perfect time! Ladies don't you think so?" Granny says grabbing my hands and pulling me to my feet. "The perfect time for what?" I say as the women share a look. "Come here."

I'm dragged into a room by them as they push me in front of a mirror. My black hair falls below my shoulders but some parts are not even because of my negligence. Have I actually been walking around like this?

I run my hand through my hair feeling a little self-conscious. "Don't worry dear, just leave everything to these old ladies."

I'm pretty sure more than eight hands work on me and I'm too dizzy to focus on what they're doing. But when they are done and I stand in front of the mirror, I can't help but be surprised.

"This is me?" I mumble. My hair is cut even and curled, somehow they made makeup work on me and my eyes look brighter. "Is this the power of makeup?"

"No. You were already beautiful without it." Everyone nods in agreement and Granny Claire brings out a midnight blue dress. I raise a brow and point at the dress then myself. 

"It's all you; you are going to look so pretty. I don't remember the last time we got to dress up someone like this." I crack my fingers as I try taking a step in the dress. It fits well but I've never worn anything like this.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go outside before the music stops!" I tilt my head to the side, "Why?" They simply push me out and I bump into Sebastian. Sebastian, who is wearing a black suit. "Oh, hey." He says rubbing the back of his neck. Behind him stand some men who nod to themselves and look randomly satisfied.

Don't tell me… The music is still playing and everyone else pairs off. I fold my arms and look to the side, this is so embarrassing. "So…um…wanna dance or something?" Sebastian asks reaching out his hand.

I look at his hand then his face. His hair is tousled to the side and he looks almost as embarrassed as me. "Okay." I say taking it. "Just so you know, I don't know how to dance."

"Neither can I, but I'm pretty sure it's left, back, front, right or something." I lose count of the number of times I step on his foot and mumble another apology. "I-it's okay, damn you're worse than me." He chuckles.

"That's not very nice." I glare. "It's the truth though, my feet are gonna be so sore after this." He says. "Hey, I thought you said its okay." I complain. "Did I?" He laughs as I punch his shoulder.

"You are such a jerk, you know that right?"

We continue with our meaningless banter until I feel eyes on me. I look over Sebastian's shoulder and stop mid-sentence.

My eyes find Ren and he stares back at me from across the room. Sebastian follows my line of sight, "What's wrong? Why are you staring at that guy?" I don't know what to think or feel, I had almost forgotten about Ren. I drop my hands from Sebastian's shoulders and take a step back.

Sebastian stares back at me confused. "Excuse me for some minutes." I say walking past him. Ren leaves the room and I follow after him without much thought.

He stops once we reach the laundry room. There's no one around, just as he likes it. I'm sure of one thing, there's no way he's here by chance.

"Why are you here?" I ask folding my arms. "You seem to be having a lot of fun." His voice sounds clearly irritated but I can't figure out why. "Have you been following me?" I notice some scars on his face and his sandy hair seems shorter.

"You remembered how to control them." Ren said leaning against the wall. It looks like I'm not getting a straight answer from him, this is so pointless.

I look towards the door but he's blocking the way. "Do you have something you want to say to me?" Ren looks at me for while and his eyes soften. "You look happier."

The tone of his voice is sad and I can feel the truth in his words. "This entire time you've just been making observations, what do you want from me?" I sigh. I'm sure Sebastian is confused about what just happened. 

"I think you forgot what we talked about last time." He says moving closer to me. "How do I know if you're telling the truth?" I say looking away. "Cora, I know you don't remember me…but I would never lie to you. Everything I've done and everything I'm doing is all for you."

Ren holds my cheek, "These people you trust are in danger. J-just leave everything behind and come with me." I push his hand away and take a step back. He looks back at me hurt.

"I can't do that." I can't imagine betraying my new friends like that; they've made my life so much brighter. I know that I was never happy where I came from and I would have left if I could.

"If I have to, I will protect them." I say clenching my fists. Whoever these people are, they made a bad mistake of letting me leave. "Cora-

"What's going on here?" I flinch back at the voice and turn to the door which is wide open. Sebastian's hand is on the door and he stares at me blankly.

How much has he heard? I don't think I'll be able to get out of this one.