Spending The Night*

In the study room of the family head of the Ming family. Mountains of books could bee seen in front of Yw Xun who has been reading them since he entered the room.

He stood up and took the books back to the shelf. After fixing them he left the study room, his head is flooded with information.

The world he reincarnated into is divided into five regions namely the Central region, Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western region abd it's divided by a massive ocean that houses very powerful spirit beast.Its rumored that there's a very powerful spirit beast that lives at the bottom of the ocean. The people inhabiting each region finds it very hard to travel to each region making trade impossible for them. Even the most powerful cultivators finds it hard to travel to other regions because of the dangers involved.

Ye xun is currently in the Eastern region of the continent. The ruler of the Eastern region is the Zhang Family. There are also other sects in the Eastern region and some are more powerful than the Great Sacred Sect that Ye Xun currently belongs to.

Ye Xun left the study room and went to meet Fu Ming. He couldn't find him but saw Ming Xue walking to toward him.

"Younger brother Ye. You're out already. Did you get what you're looking for?" Fu Ming asked Ye Xun when he got to his side.

"Yes I did get what I'm looking for. Thank you for everything. I would like to get going now." Ye Xun said as he turned around and started walking to the exit of the house.

"Younger brother please don't be in a hurry. It's getting late and my father would like to invite you to dinner if you don't mind. Why don't you stay the night here and you leave early tomorrow morning." Ming Xue said trying to change his mind which worked as he saw Ye Xun stopping and walked back to him.

The both of them walked back to the where his family was. When Fu Ming saw him he was happy that Ming Xue was able to convince Ye Xun to join them for dinner and spent the night in their house.

Ye Xun decided to stay because he was hungry and he didn't feel like going back to the sect immediately as he still have enough time at hand.

Around a table, the family head could be seen with his family gathered. Many delicacies could be seen on the table steaming hot and flooding the whole place with mouth watering aroma.

Ye Xun couldn't help but swallow his saliva as he saw the variety of food placed on the tables.

"Older brother Ye I'm happy you agreed to stay. Please join us for dinner, there's more than enough for everyone." Fu Ming said as he signals to Ye Xun to sit down.

"Senior thank you." Ye Xun replied as he sits down to eat with the family.

The other members were shocked to hear how the family head addressing the teenage boy in front them. They looked at him trying to figure him out. His two daughters looked at Ye Xun with an interested look as he was a very handsome man.

Ye Xun felt an intense gaze on him, he looked around and saw two nearly identical girls looking at him. They bit their lips seductively and abd winked at Ye Xun who looked away immediately. He continued eating his food but he was starting to feel uneasy as the girls continuing smiling at him.

When he and the family were done eating, he was led by Ming Xue to a room prepared for him to spend the night.

Inside his room, Ye Xun was getting ready to cultivate when he heard a knock on the door. He walked to the door and opened it. He saw one of the girls that was looking at him at dinner. She was standing in front of him dressed in loose clothing with her head bent down. Ye Xun looked and the girl and could see that she was nervous as her face was blushing.

"Please can I come in" she asked as the raise her head and her eyes meeting with Ye Xun's.

Ye Xun saw the nervously on her face. He allowed her in as he didn't want to let her stand outside his door because it could cause misunderstanding if someone saw her.

She walked into his room while Ye Xun closed the door.

"Okay then how may I help yo...." before he could complete his sentence he felt her warm lips on his.

She separated her lips from his immediately and her face turned crimson.

"What's your name" Ye Xun asked her when their lips separated.

*Min... Ming Min" she stuttered.

He looked at her, admiring her beauty and engraving it into his memory. He saw how beautiful she was with her hour glass figure. Maybe because she was sitting so he didn't see it but now that she was at his front, he took it all in.

Under his intense stare, she couldn't help but blush. She felt the temperature of her increase quickly and she getting very excited and nervous at the same time. They continued like that for some time and the atmosphere was getting awkward.

Ye Xun walked up to her and pull her lips to meet his.

He took her lips into his mouth.

He kissed her lips softly. His hands began to move around her body, feeling her skin through the clothes. He hugged her tightly and pressed her body against mine.

Taking off her clothes, he stared at her naked figure and couldn't help but swallow subconsciously.

"Ha…" Min sighed dreamily and twisted her body inside my arms. Ye Xun continued pressing his lips firmly against hers. He then moved his tongue and slowly inserted it into her mouth.

"!!!" Min made an expression of surprise, but her expression turned soft immediately after. She then moved her tongue excitedly and entwined it with mine.

The temperature inside the room increased slowly. Sweat began to appear on their skin due to the heat brought by their intertwined bodies, but neither Ye nor Min stopped their kiss.

After kissing for one minute, Min began to feel out of breath.

She tried to move her mouth away, but he pressed forward and sucked fiercely her saliva. Min's face turned red, and she tried to struggle more fiercely, but the pleasure brought by the kiss was so great that her body had turned soft.

He continued sucking her lips, moving my tongue slowly inside her mouth. Our saliva mixed completely and her breath passed directly into my mouth.

When he finally felt that she was about to fall unconscious, he ended the kiss.

"Pant, pant…" Min panted fiercely once our mouths separated. She was looking at me with tears in her eyes and a blushing expression.

She stared at me seductively before lowering her head in embarrassment. Seeing that expression, He Xun felt my blood burning inside of him.

Unable to endure the desire,he lifted her and threw her into my bed.

"Kya!" Min shouted in surprise, but he immediately sealed her lips with another kiss. Min opened her eyes wide when she felt his mouth again.

She then closed her eyes and hugged my waist softly. He began to move his hands through her body, beginning with her chest, then her waist, and finally her bottom.

Ye Xun could feel the elasticity of her chest and bottom despite her clothes. Her bottom deformed each time his moved his hands, changing to different forms each second.

"Anh…" Min moaned softly and twitched below my body. He realized that she was already wet, so he moved his hand towards her clitoris.

"!!!" She jumped in surprise when she felt my hand there, but her body was pressed below mine, so she could not move. He then smiled teasingly and moved softly his hand.

"Ahn… Yes...Ahhh"

He smiled and moved his other hand to her chest. He then pressed them fiercely and pinched her nipples. Min opened her eyes wide due to the pleasure and her mind turned blank. For a second, she could only open and close her mouth repeatedly.

He was startled due to her expression, but when he felt the liquid flowing below, I realized that she had cummed.

What a surprise, to think that Min would cum so quickly.

Min's ears turned red she saw it. She tried to look aside, but Ye Xun did not allow it. Min could only look at me while trying to hide her embarrassment.

He smiled again and kissed her eyelids softly. He then moved my mouth to her cheeks, then to her neck, then to her shoulder.

Min twisted her body comfortably and tried to suppress her moans, but my hands continued touching her body without stop. He caressed her legs and then put his palm against her abdomen, doing circles in her skin.