Kate leaned her back against the wall next to the door. There were no chairs at hand, so she slid all the way down until her ass was on the carpet and her back was still against the wall. She wanted to bury her head in her hands, but she couldn't because she didn't want to mess with the cum on her face. She even had to be careful not to sit with her knees against her chest, because she didn't want to smear the cum on her huge tits.
She thought, Now that I'm all alone, I can finally think clearly about all this... craziness! What the HELL is happening?! I feel like I just got run over by a truck. No, make that a whole fleet of trucks. But I LIKE it!
She sighed heavily. I really must be mad. But now's not the time for a pity party. I'm sure I'll be feeling plenty regretful tomorrow. For starters, I DO want Ryan! It's not just his cock. Although, God, his cock! But it's not just that. He has a kind of quiet, commanding confidence that makes my panties wet. Oops, scratch that. I should say 'keeps my pussy wet,' because I'm not wearing panties and I'm never dry enough to get wet in the first place!
She shook her head in wonder and she was reminded all over again that she was wearing nothing but the real pearl necklace around her neck and the cummy pearl necklace and facial Ryan had squirted onto her.
But she was determined not to get distracted. So I want him in my life one way or another. I would just die if this was just a one-night stand! That said, the one thing I know I DON'T WANT is to be his "personal slut!" Whatever the hell that means! I don't even know what that means, and I probably don't want to know. So we'll have to figure out some kind of compromise that will allow us to have lots of molten hot sex while letting me keep my dignity. That may be tough, since he seems pretty determined, and he holds all the cards. It's like Erin said, "Big cock trumps big tits."
But... is that really true?! I have no doubt all the girls fall all over him once they find out what he's packing. But I'm not just ANY busty beauty. I'm Kate Middlefield! I'm special! I could be a professional model or even a movie star, everybody says so. And I've had plenty serious offers of both!
EVERYBODY says I'm an extraordinary beauty, the most desirable girl on campus. Hell, if I had a dime for every time people told me in the last year that I'm hotter than my namesake Kate Upton... well, I can't say I'd be rich since my family's already fucking loaded, but it would be a good pile of money!
So, that being the case, I have some leverage here. Yes, there's only one Ryan... um... Hell, I don't know his last name! How embarrassing is that?! I've sucked his cock, and I don't even know the most basic facts about him. What a slut I am! He's turned me into a wanton, shameless SLUT!
Ugh! Anyway, there's only one him, and there's only one Kate Middlefield. We belong together. The best of the best! Only he can rock my world, I have no doubt of that. I'll need to confirm with Erin and Monica, but just from the looks on their faces I can tell he's something absolutely extraordinary.
Gaawwwd! Just thinking about him is making me too horny! She started to bring a hand to her breasts, but stopped in part due to the cum there, but also because she wanted to keep a cool head during her deliberations.
Nevertheless, he's simply not boyfriend material. My parents have plans for me, big plans. I can be a CEO, governor, or senator someday. Whatever I want! "Princess Kate" gets everything her heart desires. But! BUT! That's only true if I maintain my reputation! I'm a member of the upper crust. I'm not always thrilled about that, but it's a fact. I can't date just anybody. My parents would have a hissy
fit, for starters. One look at that shabby suit Ryan was wearing earlier proves he's not one of us.
It's a shame, because I could see myself having a lot of fun with him. Hell, I might even fall in love with him, if I let my feelings flow. At the very least, I'm sure he knows I'm smart and he respects my intelligence. We've already had some great, freewheeling discussion in Dr. Peterson's class. I wouldn't have to pretend to be a dumb blonde with him. GOD, wouldn't that be great, getting to date someone and getting to have a serious, intelligent conversation with him instead of just playing the hard-to-get cocktease? I'm so fucking TIRED of that. And not only that, but the mere fact that he's in Dr. Peterson's class shows he shares at least some of my interests. We could have great sex, and then, cuddling afterwards, we could talk about deep and meaningful things! I could be his personal slut in bed and his intellectual equal out of it!
Wait! Did I just say that? Scratch that! I don't want to be his personal slut, period. I don't care how sexy and exciting it would be. For one thing, nobody has the right to spank ME, not even him! So there!
Besides, it sounds like I'm trying to talk myself into having him for my boyfriend. I need to talk myself OUT of that. I mean, I need to convince him not to push for that. Look, I know I kind of secretly hate being "Princess Kate," but it is what it is. It's too late the change the trajectory of my life. I could be a lot happier in that role if Ryan was secretly fucking the hell out of me on a regular basis! A HELL of a lot happier! I could have my cake and eat it too. It's just that he needs to understand that.
How do I convince him to drop this "personal slut" talk and agree to be my secret boy toy? That's the challenge. Hell, I don't even mind sharing him with Erin and Monica. It's annoying and humiliating as all get out having to share him with them, but I have to admit there's some kind of intangible benefit too. For one thing, having them around makes everything that much more arousing. We get each other worked up and it kind of spirals out of control in a super sexy way. Besides, it's fun to share the experience with them. I feel like we're actually bonding and becoming better friends than ever before. It's really great, to be honest, and that alone makes up for the sharp jealous pangs I feel. Plus, as long as he has them too, he can't demand to be my boyfriend, can he? Ha!
Then of course there are his OTHER girls. Ugh! I wonder how many of them there are. A guy like him, he probably gets his cock sucked four or five times a day, from a different girl each time! Well, maybe not, but it's possible. He certainly seems to have an incredible stamina and libido!
She moaned out loud with frustration, and tilted her head back against the wall. Mr. Ryan Whatever- You-Last-Name-Is, I kind of hate you! You just strolled into my life and turned my world upside down! I'll bet you do this to all your busty sluts. All you have to do is get them to suck your cock just once, and they're hooked for good! Just like me! What am I going to do?!
Meanwhile, Monica relished having Ryan and his enormous cock all to herself. She continued to act as if she'd never touched his privates before, because she was in awe.
She hefted his balls up and down while continuing to stroke his dick back to full size. "Wow! These are big, big balls! There must be a gallon of cum in here!" (Clearly that wasn't true, but she liked to exaggerate.) "What's the story? Did a genie grant you your wish of giving you the cock and balls of a giant?"
He chuckled at that while keeping his eyes closed. He was starting to stir from nearly falling asleep, thanks mostly to Monica's vigorous fondling. "Nope. Just lucky, I'll guess!"
"I'll say! Santa Madre de Dios!" "What does that mean?"
"Oh, sorry. That's 'Holy Mother of God,' because I'm continuing to fondle your balls in sheer disbelief.
I've had some boyfriends who were well-endowed, but you're like two of them put together! Do you mind if I lick you some?"
He had been trying his best to play the role of the hard to get dominant master type. But he was still sleepy and out of it, so he let out his real feelings. "Are you kidding me?! Hell yes!" He opened his eyes and sat up straight so he could see what she was doing.
Noticing he was looking down at her, she took the hand on his balls and caressed the underside of one of her big melons, lifting it up and then letting it fall, setting off a tit-quake. Then she did the same to the other one, setting off another tit-quake that even caused the two round knockers to bonk together several times.
All the while, she kept jacking him off with her other hand while giving him her best "come hither" narrow gaze. Her dark brown eyes flashed with fire and desire. Needless to say, his cock was fully engorged by now.
"WOW!" he exclaimed in response to her little titty show. He was still somewhat drowsy and thus forgetting to guard his enthusiasm.
She grinned knowingly. "You like that, do you?" Monica asked, "Do you like to titfuck your other girls?"
"Oh, yeah!" Of course, he had no other girls and he'd never experienced a titfuck before. However, he had no doubt whatsoever that if he did he would titfuck them all the time. Like most guys his age, he loved big tits. He leaned further forward to get a better view of Monica's dangling rack through the gap between his legs. He even spread his legs wide, like they'd been before when both Kate and Erin were between him, to reduce the obstruction.
Monica smiled at his repositioning. "It looks like someone here loves big titties! ¡Tetas grandes!"
He smiled widely, easily understanding that phrase. "Yes, I love tetas grandes! May I ask... how big yours are? And... are they real?"
She still was bowling him over with bedroom eyes, even as she drew her face closer and closer to his cockhead. She started blowing on it, right where her fingers were rubbing his sweet spot. "Yes, you may. I'm your sex slave for the evening, remember?"
"Oh yeah!" He was waking up fast. In fact, he was feeling much better after his mini-nap. He had really needed to check out for a while, not just to give his penis a break, but to give himself a mental break.
His brain had been blown over and over again with incredible developments, and he could only take so much.
Monica added, "Besides, I get asked if they're fake all the time because they LOOK fake, don't they? They sit up and round high on my chest. But believe me, they're all real. Here, feel. That's the best way to check."
She let go of his boner altogether, confident it would say stiff and throbbing with arousal for a while. She sat up much higher on her knees so her chest was above his crotch. Then she pushed her breasts towards each other from the sides. They mashed together tightly, creating a deep line of cleavage, yet they were so firm they still retained their roundness for the most part.
He reached out in wonder like a kid just given ownership of a candy store. Sure, he'd touched her tits earlier, but this was different since he was able to focus his entire attention on them. "WOW!" he exclaimed as he made contact with one hand and then the other. "WOW!"
"You said that already," she teased him with a friendly smile. Now that he was starting to eagerly
fondle her, mostly from below to test their weight and size, she was able to let go. That in turn allowed her to resume fondling his cock and balls with both hands, which she did.
Then she said, "By the way, I forgot to answer your other question. I wear a 32E bra. How does that compare to your other girls? And in fact, while we're at it, just how many other girls are there?!"
He was alert enough now to reply in line with his overall plan. "Sorry. Like I said before, I can't share that. I do love my girls busty though! They've gotta be busty!"
She smiled at his enthusiasm, even while she was frustrated with his lack of specifics. "I'll bet. But what's all this 'personal slut' talk? Not to mention the spanking talk? Like your claim that you're going to spank Kate later tonight. Is that just something said to arouse, or do you really mean it, or a little of both?"
He was grateful for that reminder. He'd been so carried away with his erotic euphoria that he'd forgotten all about it. However, he kept that to himself and was careful to stick with his false narrative, even though Kate wasn't here. "Oh, I definitely mean it. I guess that's the perk of having a penis like mine.
The girls kinda stand in line to give it a ride. And I do plan to spank Kate tonight. When you have a lot of girls you need to spank them from time to time to keep them in line. But I value quality over quantity. That's why I sought out Kate and decided she should be my next personal slut."
"So you basically strolled in here and claimed her, just like you said you would? Just like that?" "Yep!"
Monica couldn't help but be impressed. She didn't want to be anyone's "personal slut," not even his, but she liked the idea of him taking control of Kate. Her personality had been highly unpleasant, yet Monica had sensed there actually was a very nice person buried under the spoiled princess persona.
Ryan might end up being a very good influence on her, using his sexual power over her to change non- sexually too. He certainly couldn't make things any worse.
She exclaimed, honestly, "That's really hot!" Then, unexpectedly, she grasped the sides of her big tits again and leaned forward.
He pulled his hands off her nipples in confusion.
He was glad he did, because she trapped his boner between her perfectly round and very brown E-cups! Then she squeezed.
He grunted, with his eyes bugging out, "UH! ARRK! UNT!" He'd been buzzing with great arousal already, but now he practically flew into the air with joy because he realized he was starting to experience his very first titfuck.
She continued to stare up at him with a smoldering narrow gaze. She didn't have to fake anything, because she was as turned-on as he was. She purred with an extra-sultry voice, "I suppose that, since I'm your sex slave for the evening, you're going to fuck my tits with your crazy huge cock!"
His confidence soared. "As a matter of fact, I am! Except that you're going to do the work. Slave, start to fuck!"
She immediately began sliding one tit up while sliding the other one down, alternating them up and down in a steady rhythm. (She didn't have to worry about lubrication, since his shaft was drenched in Kate's saliva and his pre-cum.) "Oooh! The big bad master is going to fuck the SHIT out of his horny little slave, starting with her tits! Isn't that right?"
"That's right!"
She had no interest in being under his thumb on a long-term basis, but she certainly enjoyed a good
role-play. And she was somewhat sexually submissive, though still a feisty hellion, so she was familiar with master and slave type role-play fun. That was a big reason why she'd been so quick to agree to be his sex slave for the evening. Mostly though, she just wanted to get fucked by his big cock, and she hoped this kind of temptation helped ensure he wouldn't forget her when he undoubtedly wanted to fuck Kate and Erin too.
A minute or two passed while the two of them enjoyed her titfucking motions.
However, she was eager to get her tongue involved too. So she reduced her sliding to just an inch or two up and down each time, then craned her head down. That put her tongue in contact with the top of his cockhead, and started to lick.
He was continuing to lean forward, thrilled at everything he saw and felt. He'd been keeping his hands to himself, but then he reached out with one hand and began caressing her face in a surprisingly tender manner.
She liked that a lot. She purred, "So... big bad master, I'll bet you're not going to stop with just a titfuck, are you? I'll bet you're going to fuck my mouth, whether I want it or not!"
Clearly, she wanted it, a lot. Even as she said that, she was lavishly lapping in swirls around his cockhead, and giving him a limited titfuck too. But she got off on the idea that she was being forced. It was part of the role-play fun.
He understood all that too, but he also was getting off on the idea that she was a slave doing all this against her will. He boldly proclaimed, "Yes I am! I'm gonna fuck your mouth so hard and long that my cum will dribble out of your nose and ears!"
She giggled at the absurdity of that, temporarily losing her role. But she quickly got back into it. "Oh, big bad master! That sounds so NASTY and NAUGHTY! I guess I'll just have to suck my very best then, like a good slave, until you fill my tummy with a lake of your yummy sperm!"
He grunted loudly at that. His mini-nap had allowed his penis to nearly fully recover from the close call Kate had given him with her cocksucking just prior to the Nancy interruption. However, Monica was so arousing and inspiring that he was already having to fight his orgasmic urge again. Once thing he particularly loved was that while Kate and Erin had kept their eyes closed nearly the whole time while working on him, Monica was endlessly staring into his eyes with a devastating sultry "come hither" stare. She had very sexy and exotic eyes, even though the irises were so dark brown they almost looked black.
Monica was starting to get a little more ambitious with her mouth. She began licking further down, even reaching the ridge of his crown at times. At the same time, she continued the titfuck, but with increased pressure.
He was flying high, relishing every moment. Already he was convinced that titfucks were even better than handjobs, and possibly as good as blowjobs. That was especially true with Monica's added tongue action.
Plus, Monica's sex talk took things to an even higher level. She very much had fucking on her mind, even though she was definitely loving the licking and titfucking too. She spoke with a sultry and husky voice that positive oozed with lust. "And I suppose you fuck all your sex slaves."
"I do!"
"So that means you're going to fuck me!" she squealed with pretend distress. "Oh, big bad master! You're so baaaad! And you're definitely BIG!" She let his boner fall free from her cleavage so she could lick her way all the way down to the base of his shaft, and then back again, to emphasize how very big
he was. She had such fun doing it that she did it again.
Trapping his soaked boner between her huge, dark jugs again, she resumed her titfucking motions, as well as licking around his cockhead. "Are you going to bust my cherry tonight? Is that what you're going to do? Are you going to take my virginity and make me a woman?"
He practically roared with desire. He hadn't thought she was a virgin.
She stared up at him with a pretend angry gaze, even as she lavishly lapped in circles around his cockhead. "I warn you! If you do that, I'm probably going to belong to you forever! I promised my mamacita back in Oaxaca that the first man to fuck me would also be the last! Soon, you'll not only own my body, you'll own my heart and my soul! And my CUNT! So take responsibility, you brute! I hope you fuck my tight little cunt every single day!"
He was huffing and puffing and gasping and groaning because her words were so arousing. His urge to cum was starting to turn into a desperate crisis.
She'd worked herself up with her inspired talk as much as she'd affected him. She needed to do more to his cock, much more, so he'd cum on her face and even down her throat. She kept her titfuck going, but even more vigorously than before. At the same time, she began sliding some of the tip of his cockhead into his mouth. First, it was an inch or so. Then she pulled back. But she went right back at it, taking two inches this time.
It was a struggle. Not only was just the top third of his cockhead thicker than most knobs at their widest point, but she had to crane further and further down while keeping the titfucking going. She doubted she would be able to get his entire cockhead in her mouth while titfucking him at the same time. But that was her goal now. In her cock-lust frenzy, she'd forgotten the promise she'd made to Kate not to suck him.
She kept struggling with her task, trying to take more and more of his cockhead in with each pass, but she wasn't making much progress. She was starting to think she would just have to give up on the titfucking aspect altogether, enabling her to take him much deeper.
However, she didn't get a chance, because right then there was a voice from on a couple of feet above and behind her. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?"