"Wake up, honey!"

Ryan felt his shoulder being gently shook, so he started to come out of a very blissful sleep. In fact, he couldn't remember ever feeling so good. He had a smile from ear to ear as he opened his eyes. But he was confused too, because he didn't know of anyone who called him "honey."

He lifted his head up from where he was lying down on a sofa, and he got the shock of his life: Kate, Erin, and Monica were all standing over him, smiling and looking at him expectantly.

He bolted up in a flash. His smile disappeared due to his total shock. It all started to come back to him, the wild and crazy events of the past two hours. He was convinced it had to have been a dream, the best dream he'd ever had. But then he looked around and confirmed the three buxom beauties were looking down at him, and they didn't seem upset.

Furthermore, he realized with a jolt that he was completely naked while they were fully dressed and cleaned up, and they didn't seem the slightest bit upset about that either. Even just glancing at them briefly, he was blinded by their beauty.

He covered up his privates and tried to shrink into the sofa, but there was nowhere to hide. Erin quipped, "NOW he doesn't want us to see his big cock."

Monica piled on, "He sure wasn't so shy when he had The Beast halfway down my throat!" The three girls all giggled gaily about that.

His mind was reeling, trying to catch up. He was grateful for the nap, since both his body and his mind needed to check out for a while, in order to process the extraordinary events of the greatest evening of his life. But it almost wasn't worth it because of the heart-stopping shock when waking up.

Kate knelt down in front of him and put a hand on his knee. "Your brain's still trying to rejoin us, isn't it, honey?"

He nodded. He noticed that Kate was dressed in a very elegant and expensive dress, just as the other two were. He also noticed that Kate's red dress was dramatically low-cut in front and she was leaning towards him even more dramatically, causing her massive G-cups to swell forward.

Somehow, despite everything, he also noticed in passing that it was the second time she'd called him "honey." He thought that was extremely odd.

He stared at her huge melons, exposed nearly to the nipple, like he was watching aliens casually stroll out of a flying saucer.

Seeing him look, she purred saucily, "See something you like?" Then, without any apparent hesitation or embarrassment, she slipped one shoulder strap off, and then the other. That let her dress slip down to her tummy. She used her upper arms to push her big orbs together, creating a long line of enticing cleavage.

"WHOA!" was all he could say.

Kate spoke in a husky, lusty voice. "Go ahead, touch them! I am your personal slut now, aren't I? One of them, at any rate." There seemed no doubt in her mind anymore about her new status. If she was still somewhat regretful or conflicted though, he couldn't tell.

He reached forward and touched, but he only brushed her left tit lightly. He just wanted to confirm they

were real and he wasn't still dreaming.

In the process of repositioning to reach out, he inadvertently revealed that his penis had just fully engorged.

Kate's eyes zoomed in on his rising tower of cock and clapped her hands like little kid who had just been showing an impressive magic trick. "Oooh! Is all of that for me?!"

Erin said in a weary voice, "Kate, please. Don't get started all over again. We JUST got cleaned up and dressed. Cover up your gigantic slutty tits before you give the poor boy a heart attack. Can't you see he's still waking up?"

Kate hesitated, and looked to him for guidance. He nodded, indicating he agreed with Erin.

Kate sat back and pulled her dress straps back in place, making herself publicly presentable again, if only by the narrowest of margins. She pouted, "Erin, you're no fun. We SHOULD have woken him up with a blowjob, like I suggested!"

Monica was grinning madly. She pointed out wryly, "SOMEBODY around here seems to have had a rather radical personality adjustment!"

Kate stood back up. She said defensively, "Yeah, well, FIVE mind-shattering orgasms in one evening will do that to a gal. FIVE! Do you know how impossible that is?! I never came five times in a single MONTH!"

Erin said, "We know, we know. We were here the whole time too, remember? At least I was. And I had some pretty great orgasms too. But we didn't spend the last half hour getting dressed and freshened up just so he could cum all over our faces again."

Kate bit her lip. Clearly, she considered that a very tempting idea.

Monica jovially grabbed Kate's arms with both hands and held her like she was trying to stop her from charging forward. "Whoa, Betsy! Hold your horses! Let the poor boy at least fully awake before you rape him with your mouth!"

Just then, he stared adoringly into Kate's eyes, and said dreamily, "Your face is so beautiful! You're just as beautiful like this as when you're covered in my cum!"

Kate's nostrils flares with arousal. She jerked foward, and would have rushed him had Monica not been holding him back. But then she controlled herself. She even took a step back to show she had restraint. She said to Monica as she stook herself free of her grip, "I'm not going to rape him. Sheesh! But can't I get a little bit excited?"

She smiled at him like someone deeply in love as she asked Monica, "Did you hear what he just said about my face?!"

Ryan was glad the girls were talking amongst themselves for the most because that gave him a chance to get properly oriented again. He remembered his plan to play the part of the confident dominant type. That was a role he was slipping into so easily that he wasn't even sure if it was acting anymore.

He casually and deliberately spread his legs open, showing off his stiff and insistent erection poking up. Then he stood up just as casually, as if he woke up in unfamiliar rooms all the time. He stretched his arms out. "That was a nice nap! Thanks for letting me sleep. How long was I out?"

Erin's eyes were locked on his boner, which was sticking straight out. The other two girls were transfixed by the sight too. Erin muttered, "Um... uh... about forty minutes." She spoke haltingly, since

she was distracted by his hard-on. "We were going to let you sleep more, but we're raring to go to the party. We can't push off dealing with Nancy forever, can we?"

"No, we can't," he agreed. "Where are my clothes, by the way?" Kate said, sadly, "You probably should put those on. Otherwise..."

Monica noted with glee, "Otherwise she's likely to ravish you, is what she's saying. And act fast before she drops to her knees and opens her mouth wide!"

Kate said crossly, "Hey! Don't tell me you're not thinking the exact same thing!"

Monica put her hands on her hips. "Maybe I am! But at least I have SOME restraint. We all agreed we'd behave when we woke him."

Seeing the two of them were about to start arguing, he said, "Ladies, please. Let's be efficient and get this thing done. The faster we do, the sooner we can come back up here and have some REAL fun!"

Monica raised her hands up high in a cheer. "Including fucking! Yeay! Please tell me there's gonna be fucking! Lots of fucking!"

Kate grinned wryly. "So much for restraint."

Erin said to Monica, "You really are a glutton for punishment. You spent the whole time he was napping griping to us about how much your face was sore from the extreme cocksucking you just endured, although it sounded more like gloating to me. You do realize that if your mouth is ten percent smaller, your pussy's going to be ten percent smaller too, don't you?"

Monica stuck her tongue out at her. "Hey, I'm a BIG little girl. I can handle it. In fact, I'm kind of counting on it! He's going to skewer me just like a shish-ka-bob!"

She turned to Ryan and struck a sexy pose, cocking a hip out with a hand on that hip. "Remember, I'm your sex slave until midnight. You need to take FULL advantage!"

Kate scoffed, "Give me a break! As if you're not going to eagerly bounce on his huge cock after midnight too!"

Monica shivered all over thinking about that bouncing. She cheekily replied, "Maybe he should fuck me before midnight and after too, and see which is better, to fuck me when I'm a slave or free!"

Erin couldn't hide her excitement when she commented, "Somehow, I know it's gonna be exactly the same: he's gonna drill and pound you until you pass out! And he's going to do to same to Kate and me too!"

He decided not to react to that kind of talk, since he was trying to keep the group focused. He was secretly very delighted with all the enthusaism though. He thought, I AM going to fuck them all! Why not? Unless my penis isn't up for it. But, damn, how could I not be inspired by THESE sexy foxes?!

They noticed his attitude and simmered down.

He hadn't been told where his clothes were, but he noticed them gathered together, folded up, and neatly stacked on a nearby chair. He went to the chair and started dressing. He noticed curiously that not only were the girls all fresh as daisies, with their hair combed and touches of make-up and perfume on them, but he was just as clean as they were. Before, he'd been very sweaty and cummy, but now it was like he'd just finished drying off from a shower. He could only figure that they had washed him down with a wet cloth while he was sleeping.

He looked back and forth between the three of them.

Seeing that he was giving them a thorough look-over, they stood at attention, and in a line, no less.

He whistled in appreciation. Their dresses were all similar, showing off lots of cleavage and lots of leg. They looked like they were about to depart to a fancy ballroom dance, with outfits designed to scandalize all the other dancers. The main difference was that Kate's dress was bright red, Monica's was royal blue, and Erin's was a deep green.

He commented with genuine enthusiasm, as his gaze roamed all over the three of them, "You ladies look ravishing tonight! Simply ravishing. I love the outfits. You look good enough to eat!"

The girls were pleased as punch to hear that. They beamed with pride.

Monica teased him, "That's big talk, but maybe you should back that up with your tongue!" She started to lift the hem of her short blue dress up, as if she was ready for him to eat her out then and there.

Erin chided Monica, "Behave!"

"Drat!" Monica let her dress drop back into place. She hadn't actually exposed her pussy, but it had been close.

Kate snarked, "See? It's not just me. We're all still super horny for him, aren't we? Even you, Erin. You act all, 'Hey, he doesn't affect me much,' but it's just a pose and I know it."

Ryan was busy putting his pants and dress shirt back on, just so he wouldn't be too tempted. "Ladies, please. No bickering."

He was going to get down to the business of discussing going to the party downstairs.

But before he could say more, Monica stepped forward. She had her hands pinned behind her back, looking both shy and eager at the same time. The pose emphasized her big breasts, which looked like they were about to burst free from her low-cut blue dress at any moment. "So, did you enjoy the blowjob I gave you?! Did I do a good job?!"

His eyes twinkled with delight as he recalled what she'd done to him before his nap. "Are you kidding me? You did a GREAT job! I'm sorry I didn't say anything afterwards, but that's because you basically made me pass out."

Monica's entire face lit up. She even rocked on her heels with delight, despite the fact that she was now wearing very high heels, just like the other two were. "Thanks!"

He said, "The question is, how do YOU feel afterwards? I could tell you were really suffering for a while. Are you okay? Did you enjoy it?"

Monica gesticulated with passion. "Did I enjoy it?! Oh my God! It was great! At first, it wasn't so good. I was enjoying it, especially the satisfaction of actually being able to do it! But I didn't see why Kate and Erin were obviously so thrilled with their blowjobs. But then... it just kept getting better and better! And when I started playing with myself, it got MUCH better! Suddenly, I GOT IT, you know? And then it got better still! But the BEST part was when I finally got you to cum. Such a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction! UGH! It totally blows away all other blowjobs! Once you've felt your lips sliding on The Beast, why bother with a normal cock?"

She looked back at Erin and then Kate. "By the way, thanks for the assist. I don't think I would have made it without you."

The three girls high-fived, like they were members of a sports team celebrating a victory.

Their blowjob camaradie caused him to shake his head in wonder. And Monica's bubbly enthusiasm over the blowjob was even more unexpected and thrilling. He asked her, "That's good to hear. But does

your jaw hurt? I feel bad that you were crying so much, but I didn't know what to do."

She held her jaw. "Oh yeah! Definitely! It hurt, big time. My face feels so well fucked, but in a GOOD way! You know what I mean? Maybe you don't as a man, but trust me, it's actually a good thing. And as for the tears, don't sweat it. That just shows what an extreme and INTENSE experience it is for me! I can't wait until I can take you deeper and deeper, like this!"

She had her head tilted back and a hand in front of her mouth, gesturing what she'd look like. "Of course, deep throating is out of the question, but I want to at least get deep enough to choke and gag on your cock! Then you'll REALLY see me cry!"

He stared at Monica like he couldn't comprehend her. He finally simply said, "WHOA!" Then he admitted, "Damn! I'm so horny!"

Erin wryly noted as she stared at the obscene bulge in his slacks, "We noticed." The lust was in her eyes when she asked him, "Are you sure you don't want to free The Beast?"

He was very, very tempted, but he said, "I'd better not." He adjusted his bulge, trying to make it look less obvious. (He didn't have much luck with that.)

Kate said to him, "I'm glad that you enjoyed Monica's blowjob so much. But I want to remind you that she's had experience with lots of lovers. I haven't. Tonight was my first time cocksucking in my life!

I'm going to get better, a lot better, I promise. Just you wait and see!"

He held his hands up defensively. "Whoa! I'm sure you will. But this isn't some kind of contest. We're all having fun, right? It's all good." He was secretly thrilled that Kate seemed so eager to please him, not to mention the fact that Monica had really enjoyed her oral experience, despite her difficult size troubles.

He wanted to play it cool and act hard to get, so he returned back to the ostensible topic at hand. "Now, what's the plan of attack as far as going down to the party?"

Erin explained, "We thought two of us should go downstairs while one of us keeps you company."

Monica eagerly chimed in, "And The Beast needs to be kept warm! Pick me for that!" She waved her hand like an eager student wanting to be called on.

Kate quickly retorted, "Hey, you JUST got to suck him off to completion, something I have yet to do!" He smiled at that, but looked to Erin expectantly.

Erin explained, "We couldn't decide who has to go and who gets to stay, so we figured we'd all dress up and let you decide."

"I see. Well, that's easy then. We should all go. Including me." The girls were shocked at that, very shocked.

Kate said, "YOU?! You can't go!" "Why not?"

She looked sheepish, but admitted, "You don't fit in. The people down there, they're ruthless. I know all too well, because I've been ruthless too. They'll see that you're different and they'll eat you alive. You won't like it, believe me. Especially if those are all the clothes you can wear." She looked him up and down with a sour face.

He replied, "Obviously they are. It's not like I have a spare outfit hidden in a hollow leg. I walked here from my dorm, and I don't want to go there and back right now. What's wrong with my clothes?"

Kate threw her head back and raised her hands in exasperation. "What's wrong?! Everything! For one thing, guys don't wear three-pieces suits to parties like this. But how much did that suit cost you anyway?"

He thought back. "Um... about four hundred dollars." Kate exclaimed, "FOUR hundred dollars?!"

He asked earnestly, "Is that too much?" Erin chuckled, and Monica did too.

Erin explained, "If it was four THOUSAND dollars, that would be more in her price range. I may be rich, and Monica is too, but Kate is filthy rich."

Kate waved a disgusted hand at Ryan's clothes. "We'll have to burn that, all of it. In fact, now that you're my man and I'm your personal slut, I'm going to have to buy you all new clothes. I've seen what you wear in Dr. Peterson's class, and I am NOT impressed. You look... plebeian." She looked like she'd just sucked on a lemon as she said that last word.

Monica chuckled. "Ryan, I'll bet you have noooo idea what you've gotten yourself into taking ownership of Kate."

He chuckled too. "Probably not." He thought, I've taken ownerhip of Kate! "Ownership!" She just said that word, and nobody blinked an eye! How fucking amazing is THAT?! I can't let my feelings show though. I'm only having this success because I'm taking Jack's great advice to heart.

Kate asked with a snobbish voice, "Where do you even LIVE?! Who are your parents? What do they do? Where are you from? I don't know the most basic things about you! As a freshman, you probably live in one of those ugly concrete dormitories. Please, please tell me that you don't!"

He saw no point in being anything but completely honest. "I do. In a tiny room one-fourth the size of yours. And I have to share it with a roommate."

"UGH!" Kate brushed her hair back, clearly displeased. "We're going to have to do something about that too! If you're my man, I can't have you embarrassing me!"

He had finished dressing, leaving his suit and jacket aside, at least for now. He said, "Those are some big issues you're bringing up. We'll deal with those later. First things first. Let's get back to talking about the party. I don't care if people look at me funny or even talk down at me. I don't let the opinions of people I don't even know bother me."

That was true, for the most part. Due to his unusual upbringing, especially his home schooling, he was an odd duck. But he'd never been tested much in very trying social situations either.

Erin spoke her thoughts out loud. "This is going to be fascinating! Very fascinating indeed! Kate, Ryan is going to try to control you and remold you through the power of his cock. And Ryan, Kate is going to try to control and remold you through the power of her money, charm, class, and other things. I have no idea what's going to happen, but I can't wait to watch the battle royale!"

He replied with surprising bravado, since his great sexual success with the three of them had sent his confidence soaring, "It's not going to go down like that, because I'm not easily swayed. However, to save the three of you from embarrassment, I'm open to suggestions for what to wear to the party. Any ideas?"

Kate had her hands on her hips. "Wait a minute. Why should you even go to the party in the first place? What's the point? I think we should discuss that before we do anything else."

He responded, "We will, but one thing at a time."

Kate huffed, "Well, I don't have anything you can wear, obviously. I've got tons of clothes here, but you don't want to dress like a girl. And your suit is NOT acceptable!"

Monica said, "I can't think of anything in my room either. What about you, Erin? Perhaps your boyfriend leaves some clothes in your room for when he stays the night?"

Ryan exploded in shock, "WHAT?! BOYFRIEND?! Erin, you have a freaking BOYFRIEND?!" The three girls were surprised by the passion of his outburst.

Erin looked down to the floor in embarrassment. "I... I do."

"Oh shit!" he exclaimed. "Hold the phone! Hold everything! This changes absolutely everything!"