Once they were out in the hallway, Ryan tried to move their talking to something non-sexual to help him get out of his very aroused mood before they reached the party in just a couple of minutes. He quietly asked Erin, "Is your boyfriend really named 'Chip'? That seems like such an upper class cliché."

Erin grinned at him. "Yes, he is. And yes, he's exactly as you imagine. His daddy owns a yacht. A big one."

"Of course." Ryan sighed. Coming from a middle class background, he sensed he was going to have to deal with a continual class divide between himself and the rich sorority girls. He had no doubt the incredible sex would make it all worthwhile though.

"Of course," she replied. But then, just as all four of them were gathered in the hallway, she spied Nancy's door, and whispered, "Shhhh! You three go ahead. I'll knock on her door, just to test if she's there. We need to split up anyway. I'll see you downstairs in a while."

The others nodded. Then they walked down the short hallway and started down the stairs.

Kate immediately clung to him and deliberately slowed his walk considerably. She spoke quietly to him, with Monica on his other side. "Since we've got a couple of minutes before we reach the party and have to split up, I have some questions I'm DYING to ask you!"

"Such as?"

Even though her face was still red from embarrassment, she seemed to have put the issue of his other lovers aside, at least for now. "Who ARE you?! I still know so very little about you. Let's start with the basics. Where do you come from? What are your parents like?"

He frowned as he said, "I'm not going to try to guild the lily here. There's not much about me that's likely to impress the likes of you except for my penis size and sex skills. I'm just an ordinary Joe from a regular middle class background. As for my parents, there's not much to report about them except that they got converted into a pretty hard-core Christian church a few years back and became die-hard Bible thumpers. Because of that, I was home schooled by them from the start of junior high school until coming here. Thank God they live far away, because they certainly wouldn't approve of my sexual lifestyle."

He thought to himself with chagrin, The one that started just two hours ago!

The three of them walked down the stairs very slowly, with the girls wanting to give him a chance to talk. Monica asked him, "How did you manage to have your own stable of personal sluts while you were being home schooled? That must have been difficult."

He was relieved to see from her tone and her face that she wasn't doubtful of his story, merely curious. That was a lucky thing for him because although he was trying to be as honest as possible about his home schooling and such, he was lying through his teeth about having any previous sexual experience. "You have to keep in mind that I didn't claim my first personal sluts overnight. Luckily for me, although my parents home schooled me, they did it mostly in a hands off fashion. They had me read books, watch videos, write essays, do homework, and so on, which all are things I could do by myself. They had to work five days a week like normal people do, so I was left on my own most of the time."

All of that about his home schooling was true, but then he lied, "I went to the places kids my age hang out without my parents knowing it, and made sure to prominently show off my bulge. Naturally, the girls were very interested and they pretty much seduced me. It was hard keeping things secret from my

parents, but it helped that they didn't even know enough to suspect. They think I'm just as 'devoted to God' as they are, which means sex for procreation only."

The only true part of that was his parents' prudish attitude towards sex. Ironically, the more devout they got the less he believed, until finally he was just putting up a front of having faith in God to make them happy.

The three of them were walking slower and slower, nearly coming to a complete halt. The girls wanted to hear the rest of his story.

Just as they reached the second floor, he looked back up the stairs and noticed that Erin was just a couple of feet behind them and listening.

Seeing that she had been noticed, she said, "Don't mind me. Nancy wasn't there, and you all are 'walking' slower than snails. Please keep going, Ryan. I caught most of it."

He said, "There's not much more to say. As my sexual experience grew along with my penis size, I wound up with the very most beautiful girls in school. They were so enthusiastic that I eventually realized I didn't need to limit myself to just one girlfriend or even typical romantic relationships.

Sometimes I feel kind of like a jerk about it, but the sexual pleasure is so great that I can't help myself."

Monica said, "To be honest, I can't really blame you. Well, I'd blame you because I love to bitch" - she smirked impishly at him - "but if I were in your shoes I'd probably do the same thing. I love sex so much, I know that if I had a big cock I'd fuck the shit out of every beautiful girl I could!"

The other two girls laughed at that, but they could see her point.

Kate was still clinging to Ryan's arm as she asked him, "Could you PLEASE tell us how many other personal sluts you have already?! I'm dying to know!"

He realized he needed to tone down his vague, grandiose claims, because it wouldn't be hard for them to do a little investigating and find out he probably didn't have any girls at all. So he said, "To be honest, you caught me at a weird time. Moving far from home, I had to pretty much leave my sluts behind. It's not fair to keep them hanging all year, although I'll fuck them if I can when I'm home for the holidays. Moving here, I thought I'd give myself a month to settle in and get the lay of land before pretty much rebuilding my stable from scratch. Kate, since I had you in one of my classes and you're as hot as you are, I decided to start with you."

Kate stopped, since they were already on the stairs between the second and first floors and nearly to the party. They had to speak up to be heard over the loud music and general commotion, even with the closed door at the bottom of the stairs blocking out most of the noise. She said, "Hold your horses! Stop right there! You have the best now - me! Why settle for less? If you want variety, you've got Erin and Monica too. We all live within a few feet of each other, which means it'll be easy for you to fuck the three of us at once whenever you heart or cock desires. So just stop right there at three! I promise you, we'll keep you completely satisfied! Won't we, girls?"

Erin and Monica nodded. They both were thinking about working out better deals with him, perhaps where they could retain more freedom and dignity. But they knew they were hooked on him, and they knew it was obvious to everyone.

In truth, that was much better than his best possible scenario when he'd started the evening. He'd thought that if he got very, very lucky, and even with Jack's help, Kate might consent to date him. But the very fact that he'd won these three hourglass-shaped bombshells so quickly and easily made him think he might do even better and take another lover or two on top of that. It was worth a try at any rate, since they seemed unlikely to get upset with him fucking other girls, given what had just

transpired upstairs.

He said, "Well, that's something to think about. But now isn't the time to discuss this. Somebody might come by at any moment. Let's split up now."

He thought they would immediately split up. However, Monica said to Kate and Erin, "While you two go look for Nancy, why don't I stick with him for a while? I'll introduce him to some of my friends.

That way, he'll get a warmer reception."

However, Ryan said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine on my own. It's best if I'm not closely linked to any of you, for now." He meant that. Although his parents were far too religiously obsessed, they had been very loving and supportive, giving him an almost unshakable confidence. Now, with the events of the evening fresh in mind, he felt completely invincible. He wanted to test out his new cocky persona on others, especially tempting girls, and see how it went over.

He added, "Besides, it's not like I don't know anybody. I can't wait to talk to Jack from SAE. He's the one who let me in and helped me approach you, Kate."

Kate stared at him with shock and alarm. "Jack?! You mean Jack, the jock in Dr. Peterson's class?! That Jack?!"

"That's the one. Isn't he a nice guy? I hear he's a long time friend of yours."

Kate's devastatingly beautiful face was replaced by a mask of fury. She could barely control herself. "No, he's NOT a nice guy! Don't you see what happened?!"


"He tricked you! He only knows you from class! He doesn't know that you're secretly a well-hung super stud with your own stable of busty beauties back home! You didn't tell him any of that, did you?"

Ryan started to get a sinking feeling. "No, I didn't tell him any of that. I've been keeping a low profile." "A-HA! I knew it! He IS tricking you!" Kate looked around to confirm again that they were alone.

Even though the coast was clear, she lowered her voice and tried harder to control her anger for fear others might overhear them. "He's no friend of mine! He may seem like a nice guy on the surface, but he's an asshole and a trickster! He thinks you're just a normal, nobody, nerdy loser! He's assuming I'm a vicious bitch and I'll make sure to reject you in the most public and humiliating way!"

Monica was convinced. She started swearing at Jack in Spanish, forgetting the others couldn't understand. "¡El muy perro! ¡Hijo de mil padres! ¡Montón de mierda! ¡Esto significa la guerra!" ("That dirty dog! Son of a thousand fathers! Pile of shit! This means war!")

Ryan didn't know what Monica was saying, but he knew he never wanted to get on her bad side.

He continued to stare at Kate in disbelief. "Oh... SHIT! But... but... it can't be!" The plus side to Ryan not having much contact with kids his age was that he hadn't been battered down by rejection and disappointment. But the negative side was that he didn't understand just how mean kids could be, and he was far too trusting. Even now, he still clung to the hope that Kate was wrong.

Kate spoke decisively, with fire in her eyes and smoke practically steaming out of her ears, "I'm NOT wrong! I know it! I feel it in my gut! Tell me: did he tell you to go up to my room, or to meet me in the middle of the party?"

Ryan explained honestly, "Going up to your room was my idea. I wanted to act right away, and I didn't bother to mention that to him. But he didn't want me to meet you in the middle of the crowd. He pointed out this one room to the side where you and I could talk in private."

Kate grabbed his shoulders and shook him. "Don't you see?! Don't you see?! He was setting a TRAP! I'm sure he's got that room wired for sound, and probably set up to record video too! Then he could record your humiliation and share it with his scummy friends! And the worst part is that I would have played my part to a 'T'! Back then, I was mean! I was evil, bitchy, and vindictive! I would have taken pleasure making fun of you!"

She suddenly wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him tightly. "I'm so sorry! So, so sorry!" It looked like she was ready to burst into tears.

However, he tried to push her away as he looked around frantically. "Not here! We're, like, twenty feet from the party! If somebody comes through that door, they'll see!"

Erin put a hand on Kate's shoulder. "He's right! Control yourself, Kate! We're too exposed! If somebody sees you with him, what'll they think?"

Kate wailed, "I don't care! People should know! I want everybody to know that I'm his MRRPH!"

She didn't get to say more, because Erin could guess what she was about to say, and quickly and firmly covered her mouth.

Seeing this was a crisis situation, Monica stepped into Kate's view and said, "Erin's right! Kate, don't you want to get back at Jack? ¡El muy inocente! ¡Sucio y rastrero malnacido!" ("The fool! That dirty and despicable swine!")

In her passion, she didn't realize she'd lapsed into Spanish. Luckily, she continued in English, "You need the element of surprise! Don't let him find out what's really going on yet. Then you can turn the tables on him!"

Kate had been on the verge of sobbing, but that changed her mood on a dime. She felt terrible at the part she'd almost paid in humiliating Ryan, but her desire for revenge was stronger than wanting to feel sorry for herself right now. She forced herself to pull away and then look away. She took a couple of steps back from Ryan on the step she was standing on and tried to compose herself.

She slapped a hand on her forehead and shut her eyes tight. "I'm so ashamed! To think about what a terrible person I used to be!"

Ryan was reeling, because it was sinking in that she had to be right and Jack had been playing a cruel trick on him. But some of Kate's words seemed almost comical. He pointed out, "But that was only TWO hours ago. It's not like you're a different person."

She suddenly spun around and stared at him with her eyes blazing with emotion. "But I AM! Can't you see? I'm totally different now! You changed me! Oh, sure, I'm still that spoiled vicious bitch I hear people whispering about. I can't completely change THAT fast. That's in me, and you're going to have a lot of trouble with me, for sure. You'll probably need to spank me constantly! But at least now I have the DESIRE to change! And the willpower to change! The truth is, I was hating my life, but I was too addicted to power and privilege to do anything about it. I was stuck in a rut! And then you came along and showed me a taste of what I was missing, how I was on the wrong track!"

She continued with a quieter yet even more passionate voice, and with a few tears leaking from her eyes, "I know this sounds bizarre, even to me, but sex with you has changed everything! You forced me to devote myself to YOUR pleasure, instead of just my own! And you know what happened? I had the best time of my life, not to mention the greatest orgasms EVER! They say 'It's better to give than to receive,' but I always thought that was just something losers say to each other to make themselves feel a little better when the more powerful always rip them off. But it turns out it's TRUE! The more I focus on licking and stroking your cock, and even sucking it and loving it, the better I feel! ME! That's a total

mind blower!"

Erin was extremely heartened to hear all that, as it confirmed she had been on the right track. Kate sexually submitting to Ryan could be the best possible thing that could happen to her. Only somebody with a strong and dominant personality like Ryan, plus the tools of his big cock and his threat of spankings, could hope to keep in line a strong-willed and spoiled girl like Kate.

Monica was similarly inspired. "¡Así se hace, chica! ¡Con ese espíritu!" ("You GO, girl! That's the spirit!") She was so worked up that she didn't even realize she was speaking in Spanish.

Seeing the confused look on the others' faces, she sheepishly explained in brief, "Um, I was just saying, 'good for you!'"

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Erin couldn't resist making a joke. "Kate, you're like The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, except with lots of sex and spanking and blowjobs."

Kate decided to take that seriously. She thought back to that Dr. Seuss cartoon she used to watch most every Christmas season. "You know what? You're probably right. His heart grew three sizes that day, and I kind of feel that happening to me right now. Ryan, I CARE for you! I'm not used to caring for anybody, but I like it! It makes me feel all warm and tingly and happy!"

She suddenly stepped forward and hugged him tightly again, no longer worrying about who else might see. "I might even be falling in love with you! Maybe it's just my pussy talking, maybe it's my raging hormones talking, my desire to get fucked by THE BEAST! Hell, I know that's a big part of it. But I don't care! My feelings are real! That's why I feel so bad at what I almost did to you, and I'm so PISSED at Jack!"

With that, she pulled away from Ryan. She turned to stare at the closed door at the bottom of the stairs, knowing Jack had to be in the crowded party beyond. She shook a fist and stared at that door with pure hate. "I will get my revenge! OUR revenge!"

Monica shook a fist in sympathy, feeling nearly as hot blooded and vicious as Kate was. She thought,

Ese cabrito de Jack, el muy chupapollas, maricón, pichafloja, pedazo de estiércol, pinche bastardo...

¡Lo vamos a HUNDIR!

("That asshole Jack, that cocksucker, queer, impotent, piece of shit, despicable bastard, we're going to SINK HIM!")

Kate turned back to Ryan, her anger suddenly replaced by a friendly smile. "Don't worry, honey. I almost did a terrible thing to you, but I didn't. As your personal slut, I feel it's my duty to not only sexually serve you, but to protect you." Her anger returned as she clenched her teeth and narrowed her gaze. "I'm going to make Jack rue the day he ever tried to mess with MY man!"

Monica was all fired up. "I pity Jack, the fool! He has no idea who he's messing with!" She shook her fist some more.

However, Erin grabbed Kate's shoulder and shook it. She'd never seen Kate like this, not even close, and she worried Kate would go way overboard. She wanted to cool her down, not fire her even up even more like Monica was doing. "Hold on! Just what are you thinking? You don't want to do something that could get you in trouble, or even Ryan in trouble. Think it through first!"

Kate turned to Erin and smiled. She reluctantly dropped her fist. "Don't worry. Revenge IS a dish best served cold. I'm not going to do anything rash. The four of us will talk it over and agree on a plan first, after gathering more evidence. Agreed?"

Erin breathed a big sigh of relief. "Agreed!"

Monica said to Kate, "Agreed too. But I gotta add that you're one scary bitch! I thought I could be feisty and hot-tempered, but you take the cake! Remind me to never get on your bad side!"

Kate was all smiles again. "That was the old me. There was nobody to keep me in check, and I can see now I need somebody to keep my in check. My parents, God knows I love them, but they spoiled me far too much. Monica, if I ever get too bitchy with you, just tell Ryan. He'll spank all the bitchy right out of me and then force me to suck his cock!"

Monica chuckled, "Sounds good. Except you can't force the willing!"

Kate looked down at Ryan's crotch and then back into his eyes. "I need you so bad, this very minute! I want you to take me, right here and now! Take my virginity! Make me your slut! All the way, in every way, for good!"

She stepped towards him like she was going to consume him whole.

He was so overwhelmed by the intensity of her desire for him that he stepped back.

Both Monica and Erin stepped in between, keeping the two apart. Erin said, "Whoa, babe! Remember where you are?! We're in a fucking stairway, twenty feet from the party!"

Kate looked down at the door and then all around. She deflated and calmed down. "Oh yeah. Fuck!"

Erin laughed, now that crisis had been averted, at least for the time being. "Ryan, I don't know how you do it, but you've certainly got yourself a keeper! Somehow, I think she's going to put all your previous personal sluts to shame."

Kate exclaimed with great frustration, "Don't even say that! The 'PS' words, I mean. They make me too fucking horny!"

Ryan thought, WOW! I don't know how I do it either! This night is getting stranger and stranger, but I love it! I can't wait until I fuck her! I'm definitely going to fuck her first, as soon as we can get back to her room! (In his excitement, he forgot they were supposed to go back to Monica's room instead.)

Erin made eye contact with Kate again. "Tone it down before you up and rape the poor guy! Focus on Jack and his treachery."

Monica had been trying to hold back, but she enthusiastically added, "Yeah, let's find him and rip his balls off!" Seeing Erin give her an unhappy look, she reluctantly added, "Metaphorically speaking, I mean."

Erin looked to Ryan. "Tell me. You mentioned how he said you should proposition Kate in that one room. Did he give you any more specific advice on what you should do?"

Ryan realized he needed to be careful, so as not to reveal that he was completely sexually naive "way back then." But in this case, he decided honesty was best. "Yes, he did. He said I should be bold and just whip out my penis and show it to her."

Erin asked, "And did he have ANY idea that you have an extraordinarily large and especially extraordinarily THICK penis?"

"No, he didn't. We never talked about that kind of thing at all. I think you're right, Kate. He was setting me up to take a big fall."

Kate slammed a fist into her open palm. "MOTHERFUCKER! That little SHIT! He needs to PAY!" She was seething.

Monica tried to get Kate's attention. "Look at me! Look at me!" Once Kate looked, she continued, "From one hot tempered girl to another, let me tell you something. I've learned to control my temper,

well, most of the time. You're no good when you're like this. You've gotta calm down! The LAST thing you should do is go find Jack and talk to him. Avoid him at all costs! Calm down first, or you'll lose the element of surprise!"

Kate stared towards the door to the party again. She struggled to contain her emotions, and then said, "You're right. You're right. I'll... I'll be good. It's just that when I think about how easily things could have worked out differently, I get so mad!"

Ryan said to her, "Look at it this way. Sure, his motives were bad, but he actually did us a big favor. In trying to totally humiliate me, he urged me to be bold and literally go 'balls-out'. And it worked! We got lucky. I'm not totally sexually unstoppable, you know. If things had gone a little bit differently, you could have turned me down flat. Thinking back, had Erin not happened to be there, I probably would have fallen on my face. So yeah, let's be mad at him, but not TOO mad."

Kate was still seething. Her face was red, as it had been nearly all evening, but from anger instead of sexy humiliation this time. "That's big of you to say that, and I guess you have a point, but I'm too steaming mad to cut him much slack! And don't even tell me you might not have succeeded!"

She poked his chest playfully, but also forcefully. "That's too scary for me to even contemplate. I realize now I was near the end of my rope, deeply unhappy with myself. Then you came along and saved me! It's not just the sexual pleasure. There is that, definitely, but it's so much more! I'm realizing that you're my opportunity to get out of the dead end I was heading towards. I don't have the willpower to break my spoiled brat habits by myself, but I can with you guiding me and keeping me in line! I know this sounds crazy, but I think the path to me becoming a better person lies with you fucking me, spanking me, and making me suck your cock a lot!"

While she was talking, her mood seemed to shift from "extremely pissed" back to "extremely horny." She looked like she was on the verge of dropping to her knees then and there, and in fact that's exactly what she was thinking. But the sounds of the party through the door reminded her this wasn't the time or the place. Frustrated, she bit her lip and turned away, causing her huge tits to sway inside her dress.

Erin pulled Kate further away, and gave her a supportive hug. At the same time, she said to Ryan and Monica, "You two, go ahead on your own. I'll try to calm Kate down before she either fucks you in front of everybody, or murders Jack in front of everybody, or both!"

Ryan chuckled a bit nervously. "Thanks!" He stepped towards Kate and put a hand on her shoulder, while she was still being embraced by Erin with her back turned. "Kate, thanks for sharing all that with me. I feel honored and humbled by your strong feelings for me. I'm making you my personal slut, there's no doubt about that. And let's face it, that's a sex slave by another name."

She suddenly turned in place in Erin's arms so she could make eye contact with him.

He boldly continued, "From now on, I expect you to spend many hours naked and kneeling, sucking on my cock. Your jaw will probably feel permanently sore, and your pussy will too!"

Far from being upset at that, she brought a hand up to her face and rubbed it adoringly. "My jaw still hurts now from before, and it's wonderful!"

"Good. That said, my feelings for you are growing stronger all the time. I didn't realize it since I never really knew you as a person, but it's clear to me now that you had a lot of problems in your life and you were deeply unhappy, despite appearing to be the perfect, smiling princess on the outside. Hopefully with Erin and Monica helping to guide me, I'm going to do everything I can to make you the better person you long to be and deserve to be, someone who is more caring and considerate, and less selfish and vain. And if we happen to fall in love along the way, so much the better! How does that sound?"

Tears started to pool in Kate's eyes as she was overcome by emotion again. "Wonderful!" Had she not been in Erin's firm grip, she would certainly have rushed to Ryan and done very naughty things to his body. After a moment's hesitation, she asked, "If we do fall in love, will I still be one of your personal sluts? Will you still spank me and control me and fuck me, and especially make me suck your cock all the time?"

He smiled widely. "But of course!"

She positively glowed and beamed with joy. "Thank God for that!" But she suddenly turned stern, or at least tried to. "Go! Go now! Quick, before I say all kinds of mushy stuff to you!"

He laughed. "Okay, I'm going. And it's a good thing, 'cos I feel like saying mushy stuff back!"

With that, he took Monica's hand and resumed walking down the stairs. They left Kate and Erin hugging tightly.

As Ryan and Monica reached the bottom of the stairs, but just before they opened the door to the party, Erin shouted to them, "Oh, hey! Ryan, when you go in there, try not to speak to you-know-who!"

"Right!" He thought that over, and then asked, "But what if he seeks me out? I'm sure he will if he sees me."

"Just be vauge and non-committal. Or, better yet, tell him you haven't even spoken to Kate yet." "Oh, good idea. Thanks!"

He looked back to Monica, ready to push through the door into the party.

However, Monica quietly said to him, "¡Hijo de puta! ¡Eres un afortunado hijo de puta!" "What does that mean?"

"Oh, sorry. That means, 'Son of a bitch. You're one lucky son of a bitch.' Because I think she's fallen in love with you already!"

He stroked his chin as he contemplated that. His stomach was doing back flips with excitement, and his boner was threatening to split his slacks wide open, but he was doing his best to keep his face looking relatively unfazed again. He was very good at that. "Hmmm. You really think so?"

"I do!"

"Good. Because I think I'm falling in love with her." It made him feel really happy to say that and realize he meant it. "And that'll be interesting, because I've never really been in love before."

Monica laughed. "'Interesting?' That's the understatement of year. You're a weird guy, you know that?"

He was all smiles as he pushed through the door and walked into the party with Monica by his side. "Maybe I am."