As it so happened, Ryan didn't get a chance to have any more Tiffany-style encounters, because he found Kate and Erin about a minute or two later. By chance, it turned out they had just moved to the same game room he'd been ruminating in. It looked like they were using it for privacy away from all the noise and people in the same way he did, because they were standing very close to each other, locked in a quiet and intense conversation.

Seeing that he hadn't been recognized, he quietly approached them from one side so he could find out what they were talking about. He figured the odds were very good it had something to do with him.

They were so focused on looking straight ahead at each other that they were completely oblivious about his presence. It helped that many of the games were making humming or buzzing noises or playing songs, even when they weren't being used, creating a lot of background noise.

Kate was saying, "My bedroom is best! He totally can sleep there, at least three or four nights a week. Maybe more! If he wants, you can join us there sometimes. Remember, it's up to him."

Erin replied, "That's not realistic, and you know it. If Ryan starts sleeping in your bed most every night, we won't just have Nancy and the other third floor girls to deal with; everyone in the sorority will know! And it won't stop there. You can't keep thirty Kappa girls from talking. Juicy gossip like our president sleeping with some totally unknown freshman will spread like wildfire all up and down sorority row!"

Kate was pouty, as well as nearly breathless with desire. "So what? Let it spread. What do I care? Can you just imagine?! Getting DRILLED by The Beast every night?! And then getting to wake him up with a sloppy blowjob every morning? My jaw aches in the best way from just thinking about it!" She smiled from ear to ear.

Erin griped, "Hey! What about me? Monica and me?"

Kate spoke with a preening pride. "I'm sure he'll want to fuck you two a lot as well, in every orifice. With his great libido, I'm sure each one of us will be sucking him every day, probably in twos or threes more often than not. Do you remember what he said not long after he came to me and started to claim us?"


"He usually cums four, five, or six times a day, sometimes seven or eight!" Erin was amazed. "Oh my God! You're right!"

Kate preened, subtly thrusting her enormous rack forward, "But clearly, he likes me the best! He sought me out specifically, and you and Monica just happened to luck in on things. So it's only natural that he sleeps in MY bed in MY room! That's MUCH superior to his dinky little plebian dorm room, I'm sure."

Erin complained, "But then everybody is going to think you're his girlfriend. What about your plan you were telling me earlier to keep him as your secret 'boy toy' on the side, and continue to date your usual preppie boys?"

"Well, things have changed. I said that before it really sank in that I'm one of his personal sluts. Obviously, my body belongs to him now. So, just as obviously, those other dates of mine have to stop. Can you imagine how harshly he'd spank my ass if I kissed another guy?! No way am I going to do that! Besides, why would I want to? Those guys are total losers to me now. My heart belongs to my honey, along with my tits, my cunt, my ass, and my cocksucking lips! All of me!" She straightened up

with even more obvious pride.

Then a new thought hit her. "Oooh! Can you imagine what it would be like if he were to fuck your ass?! Or my ass?!"

Erin pushed a hand against Kate's shoulder. "Don't even talk about that! You just made my ass cheeks clench up in fear from the very idea! There's no way! With HIS size?! No way! That's the one time I'd wish The Beast was a little smaller."

Kate asked anxiously, "Oh, shit! What if he insists?! Have you ever been fucked there? In the ass, I mean?"

"No! And you haven't either. Let's get back to the topic at hand. If you start openly going out with Ryan, then your precious princess reputation will be ruined!"

Kate practically spat, "Let it be ruined! Good riddance, I say!"

"You say that now, but do you really mean it? I think not. You loooove being the spoiled rich diva princess. You hate it, but you love it too!"

Kate just bit her lip. She couldn't deny that.

Erin added, "Besides, Nancy might even be able to depose you and take your place as president. Do you want that? You might even lose your special room and have to get a regular one on the second floor. And what about your parents? What'll they think when they find out? You know they would NEVER approve of Ryan. I still don't know much about him, but I know enough to understand he would never qualify in their eyes."

Kate knew Erin had brought up some legitimate, difficult issues. But she said defiantly, "Well, maybe if my mom got fucked by a seriously huge cock, she'd start to see things in a different light!"

Erin complained, "Kaaaaate! That's not helping! I'm trying to help you with some serious problems here!"

Kate sighed. "Crap! You're so right that I both love and hate my life. I tell myself I can't wait to change, but I never do. Change is hard!"

Erin said, "That's why Ryan is good for you. What if he FORCES you to change? For instance, what if when you're pissy and bitchy to us Kappa girls on a given day, he gets told about that and then no bobbing on The Beast for you the next day?"

Kate bit her lip with worry. "Oh shit. Please don't tell him about that suggestion. That could be TOO effective!"

They both laughed at that.

But there was a serious undertone too. Clearly, Kate really didn't want Erin to tell him about that suggestion. She tried to change the subject by asking, "What is it about his cock that's just so... I dunno... addictive? Do you feel it too, the pull?"

"Of course! But heck if I know! Maybe I need to suck on it again later tonight. Then I'll give you a full report."

The gorgeous girls shared another laugh.

Ryan had only intended to listen briefly, just enough to deduce what they were talking about. But he was so fascinated that he couldn't stop himself from listening some more. He was still to the side of both of them, just within hearing range. He realized it would be embarrassing for everyone involved if they knew he'd been listening for a while. So he quietly slunk back until he got to the door of the game


Then he made a noisy show out of "coming in" again. He banged the door open, and then said, "Hello, ladies!"

Kate and Erin turned in surprise. Their reaction clearly showed that they had been completely fooled and thought he'd just walked in right then.

The same four people - two couples each - who had been in the game room when he was there a short time ago were still there now. Each couple was absorbed with the video game they were playing. One guy briefly looked up when he heard the door bang, but lost interest as soon as he realized it wasn't anybody he knew. The other three didn't even look.

He was unexpectedly delighted to see both Kate and Erin straighten up stiffly and try to look their best for him. What was even more arousing and delightful for him was that Kate immediately started blushing again.

He had to stop and take a moment to admire them. Fuck me! Just look at them! So sexy in those dresses, and yet I know they look even sexier naked! I get so fucking horny knowing they're not wearing bras or panties! I didn't even ask them to do that. They did it on their own, for me. Monica did too!

He walked up to them, but stood just out of reach. "Kate, what are you blushing about?"

She quickly thought about that, and realized, "I don't know!" Then as she thought some more, she realized, "It's just that... when I see you I'm reminded of all the crazy and utterly humiliating things that happened to me tonight, and then I get embarrassed all over again!"

"Good!" He stepped forward. But, mindful of Kate's boast that she was his favorite, he wanted to make a point of kissing Erin first. So he did.

He took Erin in his arms and whispered, "You're so beautiful to me!" Her face lit up with delight.

Within seconds, he and Erin were happily necking. With a mind to the way Monica had flashed her bare ass at him outside in the moonlight, he even brought both hands to Erin's ass, flipped her short skirt up, and began fondling her ass cheeks. Just as he'd hoped and expected, she wasn't wearing any panties.

Kate was scandalized, due to the fact that there were four other people in the room. One of them was a Kappa junior named Amelia whom she knew fairly well. Kate tapped Ryan's shoulder and hissed, "Not here! We're not alone!"

He was well aware of that fact, of course. And he would have been prudent, except that given what he'd overheard of Kate and Erin talking to each other, it sounded like his relationship with Kate would soon be well known within the sorority anyway. Plus, he was convinced the four others in the room were totally absorbed with their video games and highly unlikely to pay any attention in any case. However, as the necking continued, he realized that probably only his relationship with Kate would become known, if things happened in the months to come as he hoped they would. Thus, it was still wise to keep his relationships with Erin and Monica a secret, so the three of them wouldn't get slut-shamed.

With that in mind, he stopped kissing Erin and switched to making out with Kate instead. He was going to do that anyway, but he was a little quicker about moving over.

When Kate saw him break free of Erin and set his eyes on her, she started to say, "But... Bu-bu-but..." But she was so totally horny for him now that, even with her fear of being seen by the others, she was reaching for him with her lips parted and her tongue ready well before his face reached hers.

Mindful of what he'd spontaneously said to Erin, he whispered to Kate, "You're so beautiful to me too!"

She seemed over the moon to hear that. She practically attacked him with her lips. He and Kate shared a sizzling kiss, just like the one he'd just shared with Erin, but maybe even hotter.

However, Kate was so worried about the others in the room that she tried her very hardest to control herself otherwise. She longed to rub his stiff boner through his slacks, or even reach inside his slacks to stroke it directly. And that was doubly so when she felt his bulge press against her dress-covered upper thigh and she realized that he was fully erect. But she behaved herself. She even resisted fondling his ass, and simply kept her arms wrapped around the middle of her back.

Ryan didn't feel such need to be restrained though, now that he knew she was leaning towards giving up her secret boy toy idea and letting the rest of her sorority know that she belonged to him. He considered the secret boy toy idea a complete non-starter anyway, because he wasn't about to allow her to continue to date other guys. With the power he had over her now, he didn't have to.

So, once he was comfortably embracing Kate, with his tongue engaged in a fierce battle with hers, he casually slid his hands down, flipped the back of her dress up, and began fondling her bare ass cheeks.

It was exactly the same as what he'd just done to Erin, except there were a couple of key differences.

One was that it was much easier for Ryan to embarrass Kate than embarrass Erin, and he was helped by the fact Kate was already feeling embarrassed before the kissing and fondling began.

The second was that Erin was expecting him to play with Kate's bare ass before he even started to kiss her, since he'd just done the same to her. Knowing now that Kate got off on sexy humiliation, Erin whispered to her, 'Uh-oh! Kate, your bare butt is showing! What if the others see? Isn't that Amelia over there? I think she's looking this way!"

Amelia, the girl in the room who was in the KKG sorority, was most definitely not looking Kate's way, and didn't even have a direct view if she wanted to. But with Ryan's face blocking Kate's view, Kate didn't know that. Feeling panicky, she tried to pull her dress down her back side. But Kate's dress was so short to begin with that with Ryan deliberately positioning his arms and hands in such a way to make it impossible for her to tug her dress all the way back down, there wasn't much she could do.

Kate's arousal soared and soared. Soon, her pussy was gushing and her body was trembling with need. Oh God! Not only will my secret relationship with Ryan come out, but everyone will know that I'm really a shameless slut! My reputation will be ruined. But I'm too hot and horny to stop him!

Ryan had anticipated this sort of thing would happen. He broke the kiss, and said to Erin, "Kate is feeling embarrassed. She needs our help. I've got an idea. Let's move over here." He nodded towards a spot just a few feet behind them where a row of video game arcade machines came to an end. That left a little corner where they could stand without being seen by the four others in the room.

Kate panted, quietly, "Thank you!" She heaved a great sigh of relief, setting her great melons wobbling in her low-cut red dress.

She immediately shuffled back to that spot, with Ryan moving with her with his hands still on her bare ass, like they were a porno version of competitors in a "three-leg" race.

Of course, it would have been far easier for Ryan to simply stop fondling her, but Kate was so very aroused that that option didn't even occur to her.

Erin was secretly disappointed that Ryan was being relatively lenient with Kate. She was getting a big kick out of seeing Kate get so horny and humiliated, even though something similar often happened to her as well when Ryan turned his attention on her.

But she'd underestimated him, because he just wanted to take things to the next level without any serious chance of getting caught. Once Kate was literally backed into a corner, with one shoulder pressed against the side of a Dig Dug video game machine on one side and her other shoulder pressed against a wall, he took one of her hands and slipped it into the front of his slacks.

She looked down at her hand in sheer disbelief, even as her fingers curled around his erection and she started to rub his sweet spot. She whispered, "Please! No! I beg you! Not here!"

Erin smirked and smiled, delighted to see he wasn't cutting Kate any slack after all.

He ignored Kate's plea and continued to fondle her ass cheeks, which were even more exposed than before. She had to hump her lower body towards him to prevent her bare skin from touching the wall or the machine.

Giving her almost no time to recover, he said, "Okay, it's time to talk. I assume you managed to talk to Nancy?"

Erin, seeing that the cherry red faced Kate was trembling and biting her lip and in no condition to talk, replied, "We did."

"Good. So how did it go?" He brought a hand from Kate's ass to her tremendous rack, and he started playing with one of her erect nipples through her dress.

Erin thought, I love this guy! I don't mean "love" love; I mean he's so damn entertaining! She quickly replied, "It went about as well as we could expect. We gave her the whole cock and bull story about how we were watching a loud porn video..." Her voice trailed off, because Ryan's body jerked spasmodically. "What?"

He jerked like that because when she happened to use the words "cock and bull," he remembered Monica's lusty reaction to that exact same phrase back in the tree house. And that brought back all kinds of highly stimulating memories, including the view through the mirror of Monica's kneeling, nude, brown-skinned body as she sucked on his cock. He very nearly climaxed unexpectedly. But luckily for him, Kate was just getting warmed up with jacking him off.

He shook his head, trying to shake off his horny urge. He said, "Uh, nothing. Just enjoying my personal slut. Please continue."

Erin went on, "Yeah, so, we gave her that story and she seemed to buy it. She seemed very interested in the idea that the prudish Kate would actually watch a porn film, and she tried to get her goat by asking her all kinds of questions about it."

Ryan slipped a strap off Kate's left shoulder, causing her dress to sag enough on that side to fully reveal her massive round left tit. He immediately began fondling and caressing her there. "Is that true, Kate? Are you 'prudish'? Would you say that's accurate?" Her pulled her erect nipple towards him slightly.

She looked down at her hands on him and his hands on her. Then she stared intently into his eyes and hotly whispered, "I WAS! Until tonight, you fucking asshole! You ruined me for normal sex! I'm getting hooked on your special treatment and I hate it! Look at what you're doing to me now!"

He was all smiles, knowing full well that she didn't really hate it. "What, you mean this?" He pulled her other strap off. With that, her dress slipped nearly down to her hips. He immediately began fondling her great melons with both hands.

Kate aggressively wiggled her ass, which allowed her dress to fall back down behind. But that was small consolation, because she was far more worried about the others in the room noticing her bare knockers, complete with Ryan's hands caressing them. She couldn't even rest her ass against the machine or the wall, for fear that her dress could get dirty.

She asked him with desperation, "When will my humiliation ever end?"

He smiled as he responded, "That's an easy one. Never! Literally never! It's my new goal to try to humiliate you every single day!"

"Oh God!" She was panting hard. "Every single day?!" My life will never be the same! This can't be happening! I've never even given a real blowjob until tonight, but it seems I'm gonna spend more time kneeling and bobbing from now on than anything else! AAAARGH! Why does that make me even more aroused?! It's no fair! She was fighting the urge to cum just from those words and thoughts. Then she remembered she wasn't allowed to cum without his permission, and that both humiliated and aroused her still more.

Erin was jubiliant. Did I say I love this guy? Because I love this guy! Nothing arouses me more than seeing him humiliate her in a sexy way like this! Well, okay... I can think of a few things, including getting to directly humiliate and fondle her myself. Almost nothing, then!

After mastering the urge to cum on the spot, barely, Kate whimpered, "Why are you doing this to me?!"

"Because I can! You're my personal slut, remember? This is how my sluts get treated," he replied in a no-nonsense tone. "I know you're a very good student, much better than most people think, just from the way you speak in Dr. Peterson's class. No matter how much time I spend playing with your ripe body, I still expect you to get excellent grades. In fact, I demand it! But your top priority from now on is serving my cock."

She looked down at her hands, and it was hands now, because she had brought her second hand forward to help jack him off. She'd even unzipped his fly to better get at the full length of his shaft.

She whimpered again. This isn't happening! Somebody tell me this is just a nightmare! Or a really fucking arousing wet dream! My "top priority from now on is serving his cock?!" He's going to make me cum from words alone. Just hearing him say that makes me want to serve it that much more!

Sensing Ryan was done talking for now, Erin continued, "It was a good thing we got our story straight, because Nancy asked all kinds of detailed questions, such as the title of the film and what kinds of scenes were in it."

He replied absentmindedly, since he was more focused on playing with Kate's enormous jugs at the moment, "Oh yeah? And what was the title?"

Erin snickered. "'Lesbian Spank Inferno.'" He laughed. "You're kidding me!"

Kate shut her eyes tightly, as if she was hoping that would take her far from this humiliating situation. She remembered the painful moment when Erin had said that. She'd blushed profusely then too, just like she was doing now.

Erin replied, "No, I'm not! The plan was to go with the bland title 'A Doctor's Visit.' The idea was to explain that it was one of those soft-core types developed for women. The plot would be a patient falling in love with her young, handsome, and very well-hung doctor. Lots of blurry lens shots and passionate kissing - just the kind of porno the old Kate would watch if she ever watched one, which would be HIGHLY unlikely. But at the last second I kind of got inspired and came up with that title instead."

Kate gave Erin the evil eye. "I could fucking kill you! That was so mean!"

Erin chuckled. "Yeah, but you have to admit it was pretty funny. You should have seen the look on your face!" She continued with Ryan, "Anyway, in case you run into Nancy and she asks you, I went on to

explain how it had some great sex scenes, lesbian and otherwise, as well as all kinds of fucking, sucking, and licking, with some men involved too. So it wasn't all lesbian or all spanking."

Kate growled at Erin while she continued to pump and rub on Ryan's cock. "I hate you! I hate you so much! Now she's going to totally think I'm lesbian, or at least bisexual!"

Erin hoped she didn't have to respond to that, since she was hoping very much that Kate actually would soon discover she enjoyed having sex with girls too.

Ryan said to Kate, "Now, you don't really hate Erin, do you?"

Kate sighed in frustration. It was clear she didn't hate Erin at all. In fact, they were bonding more and more in a very weird way.

He continued, "But anyway, Erin, it's not like Nancy can question me, because she's not even supposed to know I exist."

"Oh yeah." Erin was so transfixed watching all the tit fondling and cock stroking that she'd forgotten that. She also was slightly distracted from periodically keeping guard on the other four people in the room. But so far, the others were glued to their machines like video game addicts, so she didn't look their way that often.

He asked Erin, "So... what else? Are we safe to scream our heads off tonight, at least?"

"I think so," Erin replied cautiously. "The party was going on all around us while we were talking to her, and she seemed pretty into it. I noticed there was this one guy she was talking to a lot, and they seemed to be into each other. So hopefully she won't be returning to her room until late. But that still leaves things up in the air with her after tonight."

"True. But let's tackle one thing at a time." He was occasionally licking Kate's neck or jaw line as the conversation went on. She was tilting her head back to make that easier for him to do. "Erin, did you break up with your boyfriend yet? What's his name, Chip?"

Erin winced at that painful topic. "Unfortunately, no. He is here and I talked to him briefly, but we wanted to take care of the Nancy thing first, and we ended up talking to her for a while. Kate has kind of a 'frenemies' relationship with her: on the surface, they couldn't be friendlier to each other. But just below the surface, they're looking for ways to stab the other in the back. So we had to put in some pretend friend time."

He nodded absentmindedly. "I see." He brought a hand down Kate's body and flipped the bottom front of her dress up.

Kate whispered in disbelief, "No! Please! Not there!"

Ignoring her, he started running a finger up and down her wet pussy lips. He was about to push two fingers into her for the first time.

But Erin was watching closely, and when she saw him reposition his hand, she urgently whispered, "NO! Don't do that!"

That hand of his froze, even as his other hand idly pinched Kate's right nipple. "What? Why?" Erin asked Kate quietly, "Can I tell him? I have to tell him!"

Kate slumped down in defeat. She looked truly ready to die of shame now. But she nodded slightly.

Erin whispered even quieter than before, "Ryan, you can't put your fingers in like that because... because... she still has her hymen intact!"

He stopped all his movement altogether and withdrew his hands from Kate's body. Wait! That means she's still.. a virgin?! Impossible!

He stared back and forth between Kate and Erin. "You're kidding me! Right? Is this a joke? Oh, I get it. It must be midnight already. This is an April Fool's joke, isn't it?"

Erin continued to whispered, "No, it's not midnight yet, and it's not a joke. She really is a virgin! Try pushing your fingers in just a little bit and you'll see. But be careful!"

Kate was in denial mode. Her hands had stopped jacking him off and withdrawn from his body too. Her eyes were shut painfully tight as she was trying to shrink deeper into the corner, dirty walls be damned. But, of course, there was no escape.

Curiosity got the best of Ryan and he did tentatively and carefully push a little into Kate's vagina. But he couldn't go far because he indeed discovered that there was a hymen there for real. He whispered, "Well, I'll be damned!"

He could tell Kate was feeling extremely humiliated now, but it was the emotionally painful kind of humiliation she hated, not the sexy kind of humiliation she was coming to secretly love. He definitely didn't want her to feel like that. So he spoke tenderly to her while letting her keep her eyes closed. "Kate, don't worry. I don't think any less of you. You've been in a fucked up situation, and everything you thought you knew about sex was wrong. You know, it wasn't that long ago when I was a virgin too."

Kate opened her eyes in stunned disbelief. "You?!" She fully believed that he was an unstoppable super stud.

True, he was well on his way to becoming more like that, but that all had transpired in just this one evening. He was painfully aware of the fact he was still a virgin too. He didn't want to ruin his new studly reputation but he did want to make Kate feel better, so he came up with a creative lie. "Me. Think about it. Those high school girls I was with, they were terrified of the size of my penis. They were willing to suck me and stroke me and everything else, but they were afraid to get fucked by me. And I'm not a monster. Believe it or not, I can actually be a nice guy most of the time. So when they said 'no,' I went along with that. It was only in the last year that I had sex for the first time, and then things admittedly changed drastically after that. So, overall, I'm not that different from you."

Kate whined piteously, "But you HAVE had sex! And I'm sure you've had TONS of it in the last year. And you're a freshman and I'm a junior! I should have had sex years ago!"

He replied, "Maybe so. But most people, when they're virgins, that's because they can't find anyone who wants to have sex with them. That's clearly not the case with you. You could snap your fingers and ANY guy would crawl on burning coals to have sex with you! Even the gay ones!"

She tried to chuckle at that, but she was too miserable. "True, but that just shows what a total fucking stupid idiot I was! How could I deny all sexual pleasure to myself just to keep my boyfriends desperate to please me to get even a tiny taste of my body? How selfish and cruel was that?! I was such a BITCH! And I still am, I'm sure! It's just masked tonight by all this crazy lust!"

He replied calmly, "That last problem you mentioned, we're going to take care of that. It's my firm belief that there isn't a problem that can't be solved with lots of fucking, spanking, and blowjobs! Soon, you'll be sweet as an angel, and happier than you've ever been in your life. When you're selfish you get what you want in the short term, but you lose out in a big way in the long term. We're gonna break that vicious cycle."

She looked at him in renewed wonder. She was starting to think that actually might work, as crazy as it

sounded. Gaawwwd! Such a stud, and wise too!

He continued, "As for the rest, look on the plus side: I'm going to take your cherry tonight. Furthermore, the only cock you're going to know is MY cock! You can boast to Monica and Erin and all my other lovers that your cunt belongs to me and me alone!"

Kate's expression slowly changed, from mournful, to hopeful, to outright lusty, then even to proud. Her entire mood perked up dramatically. She smiled, "That's true. That's true! It really is true, isn't it?"

Erin was trying to cheer her up too. "Besides, what good are those other puny cocks? Those are like the cheap knock-off brands. You'll get the real deal and nothing else! You're going to look back and thank your lucky stars you managed to save your purity for your man!"

Kate was so inspired that she threw her arms around Ryan's back. That changes everything! I'm GLAD I'm still a virgin! My cunt will stay PURE, for his cock alone! "Oh, honey!" She squeezed him tight.

He wondered again where the heck "honey" came from, but he didn't mind that nickname at all. He thought it was very endearing, and a good sign that she was starting to develop strong feelings for him.

Her heart was soaring. What if his cock is the only cock that'll EVER go into my cunt?! Or my mouth, or even my hands? Or my tits? My asshole, even?! Oh Gaawwwd! I love it! She belatedly remembered she had touched the penises of some boyfriends. That makes me his VIRGIN slut, except for the few handjobs I've given. But those hardly count, since I didn't really put any effort into them. I'll bet none of his other sluts can claim that!

The Kate of two hours ago would have found it utterly inconceivable to know how drastically her opinion of Ryan would change in that short period of time. But to Kate now, two hours ago felt more like two years ago. She hated that old Kate, even though she knew her bad attitudes and habits were still a very big part of her.

He further encouraged her, "Erin's right. Plus, we're going to make up for lost time. I'm going to fuck you tonight and keep fucking you constantly. You'll practically be living on my cock! You'll bounce and grind so much that you'll feel dizzy and confused those rare times when you're not impaled on me and just standing still!"

Her hope was soaring. "Really?! Do you really mean that?!" So much fucking! Yes, please! Even when I go to class, I'll have his cum dribbling out of me!

"Well, pretty much. Maybe a BIT of an exaggeration there." He grinned, and she grinned back. "You'll see." Sensing he'd turned her mood around, he gave her another searing French kiss, just to make sure.

Then he stepped back, disengaging from her completely. He quickly tucked his erection away and zipped his slacks up. He glanced around the room now that he was out of the corner, and confirmed that the four others were totally absorbed in their video games and couldn't have cared less about what anyone else was doing.

Kate whispered urgently, "What are you doing?! I need to get back to your cock!" She reached for his crotch.

He shook his head. "Not now. There's been something I've been meaning to tell you. Monica is in a certain bathroom, and she's been waiting for you." He went on to explain which bathroom that was.

As he did that, he tried to guess in his mind just how long Monica had been waiting there. Although things had been extremely eventful for him, he decided not that much time had actually passed. He hoped that it had only been fifteen minutes, maybe twenty.

He said, "You two need to go see her there, right now! I've kept her waiting too long. She has

something important to show you."

Erin asked, curiously, "Show us? You mean tell us?"

"No, I mean show you. Although I'm sure she'll have interesting things to tell you two as well. Ask her about the tree house, and don't let her dodge the issue until she tells you the full story. She'll know exactly what I mean. But Erin, don't take too long! You need to break up with Chip, remember? In fact, why don't you go do that first? If it doesn't take that long, then join Kate and Monica in the bathroom. They'll be there for a while, I imagine."

Erin was growing more confused all the time. "But why meet her there? And what's this about a tree house?"

Kate, meanwhile, seemed focused entirely on Ryan's crotch. She was licking her lips repeatedly. He hasn't even fucked me yet, and I already know it's going to be the best thing EVER! I hope getting his cock into my cunt is as much of an ordeal as getting it into my mouth!

He actually took a couple of steps back, because he was concerned she was raring to launch herself at him.

Then he decided to just start walking away altogether. "Don't ask, just go."

"Wait!" Erin said, waving a hand at him. "What are you going to do?! Where will you be?" "I'm just going to mingle. Don't worry about me. I'll come by that bathroom by and by, okay?

Otherwise, we'll find each other in a matter of minutes anyway, I'm sure. And I'm not going to talk to Jack if I can help it at all, so don't worry about that."

Erin nodded.

Kate wrapped her arms around Erin and squeezed tight. She was emotionally overwhelmed from the roller coaster ride she'd just been on and needed a good hug.

Then she realized, My dress is still pulled down to my waist! OH SHIT! In a panic, she freed her arms and then pulled her dress back up. She looked around and realized the other four were still lost in their own video game worlds. With that crisis averted, she went back to hugging Erin.

Erin stroked Kate's blonde hair comfortingly while chuckling at that close call. She whispered, "Some people miss out on all the interesting stuff, don't they? If only the two guys in this room right now knew what they just missed! How much do you think they'd pay to see your bare breasts?"

Kate proudly whispered back, "They're not going to get to see my tits, not at any price! The only man who ever gets to see me naked is Ryan!"

"Damn straight!"

Kate sighed with satisfaction. Everything seemed well in her world for seemingly the first time ever, despite her near constant humiliation all evening (or maybe partly because of that, although she couldn't admit that to herself). She was practically glowing as she fantasized about Ryan taking her virginity in the very, very near future.