He stood up and started to walk towards the girls. He was feeling frustrated, because he was eager to get involved again but he didn't want to interrupt them when they had finally just started to touch and fondle each other. They had to overcome a lot of social taboo, but the story was simply too hot and they couldn't help themselves.

Before long, he hopped up onto the bed and smiled. "How's it going, ladies?"

The three girls took their hands off each other in what seemed to be a mere fraction of a second. They all started blushing (or blushed more, in Kate's case - her face seemed permanently red this evening).

He put a hand on Erin's shoulder and another on Kate's, since he'd chosen to sit between them. "Don't stop on my account."

Unfortunately, now that he was there, they couldn't easily resume running their hands all over each other. They'd done that, and much more, downstairs in the bathroom, but it was different knowing that he could be watching from across the room. It was ten times more difficult with him sitting on the bed with them.

Sensing their mood, he said, "Oh well. There were be plenty of time for that in the days and months to come. I think it's time to get these pesky spankings out of the way so we can finally get to the fucking. Erin? Kate? Do either of you volunteer to go first?"

Kate and Erin looked at each other with great worry. Even though they had clearly seen how much Monica had enjoyed her spanking earlier, they didn't know if they would feel the same, or even if it would be the same kind of spanking.

Seeing the indecision, he announced, "Okay, I'm making a command decision. Erin, I'm going to spank you first. Let's see... Let's do it over there, on that chair." He pointed to an easy chair a few feet away from the bed. "Across the lap, of course."

Erin sighed to herself. Ugh! I would protest this except for the fact that I'm so damn horny. I've got to admit that he's pretty clever. He got us so worked up from what happened in the hallway, and then hearing about the super hot tree house incident, that he knows we'll agree to just about anything! Plus, I just had my hands on Kate AND Monia, with both of them naked. I would crawl across broken glass to be in that situation, and he's the one who makes it happen!

He pushed the easy chair until it was just a couple of feet from the bed, and facing it at a skewed angle instead of straight on. He sat down, and Erin laid across him. He'd angled the chair in a certain way so that Erin would have a good view of what was happening on the bed. She would still have to turn her head some, but not much.

Kate shyly covered her huge breasts, and asked uncertainly, "What are we supposed to do in the meantime? Just watch?"

He caressed Erin's fantastic bare ass as he replied, "You can do that, sure. But my offer from earlier still stands: if you can make another girl cum, you can have your spanking punishment reduced or eliminated."

Kate complained, "That's downright diabolical! You know I'm not even bisexual in the slightest! But you also promised an extra harsh spanking for me. I'm caught between a rock and a hard place!"

He immediately joked, "Or, you could say you're caught between a cock and a hard ass."

The three girls had to laugh at that. That included Erin, despite the fact that her fear was spiking as her

spanking drew near.

Kate searched her feelings, then muttered quietly, "I can't!"

He said to Kate with a shrug, "Your choice. But given everything you've done with Monica tonight already, if I were you, I'd try to do a little more with her right now. Anyway, don't mind me. I promise not to look... much."

He decided to really avoid looking, at least until Kate was past another point of no return. He knew he wouldn't have any trouble with Monica participating. Indeed, one glance at her showed she was chomping at the bit to get her hands on Kate's flawless body again.

He looked down at Erin. "Are you doing okay? Ready for the spanking to begin?"

Erin thought, As if I'll ever be ready or okay for this. How humiliating! Here I am, a full-grown woman, and he's going to spank me across his lap like I'm a little girl! It's fun when he humiliates Kate in a sexy way, but not when it's me! Ugh. I don't know if pretending to be one of his personal sluts is going to be worth it, not if he spanks me all the time.

But then she turned her head and looked at Kate and Monica again. The two of them had obviously decided to try to lessen their spanking punishment. They already were trying to warm up by French kissing some. Then again... Jesus! How could I NOT be a part of this?! Hell, I really WOULD walk on broken glass just to be intimate with Kate, never mind getting to enjoy Monica and a super huge cock as well. So yeah, compared to that I can put up with a lot of spankings. I'm not happy about it though!

Erin gritted her teeth and said, "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. Do your worst!" She realized how that could be interpreted, and quickly added, "Scratch that! You know what I mean. Go ahead."

He chuckled at her slip up. With everything finally set, he started smacking her ass. But he remembered his goal wasn't really to punish her. In fact, at the moment he couldn't even recall a single valid reason to spank her at all. His real motive was to get her to cum while also submitting further to his authority.

So, to that end, he didn't actually smack her ass that hard. And he was very vigorous with playing with her voluptuous body. From the get-go, he pushed two fingers deep into her cunt and started fingerbanging her nearly non-stop. He'd read about the G-spot in erotic stories, but so far he'd never tried to find one in real life. However, he remembered from those stories how it was supposed to be a rough bump on the "top" of her inner pussy wall. Sure enough, his fingers found such a bump straight away, and he began making a point of rubbing her there.

She didn't say anything about it, but he could tell before long that he was getting a good reaction from his G-spot exploration. In addition, he used his other hand to fondle her elsewhere, at least when that hand wasn't needed to smack her ass cheeks. He often diddled her clit with one hand while fingerbanging her all the way to her G-spot with the other.

If that wasn't enough, his ace in the hole was how he'd arranged for Kate and Monica to put on a good lesbian show practically right in Erin's face. Kate was hesitant and deeply blushing about what she was taking part in, but her great embarrassment just aroused everyone even more, including herself. By contrast, Monica only pretended any reluctance, and didn't even bother to do much pretending.

Ryan wisely refrained from saying much. He'd started to understand Kate and Monica, and was beginning to have a good feel on how to push their buttons. But he knew that he didn't understand Erin like that yet. He couldn't treat her the same way as Kate and get the same results. Furthermore, he figured any talking would only distract her from watching Kate and Monica.

If the "porn logic" he was using could be said to have any guiding principle, it probably was "lust always wins." That was proving to be the case again, on several fronts which all reinforced each other.

One was that Kate was watching Ryan spank and fondle Erin, and that made her think about the fact that she was going to get spanked next, while also generally reminding her that Ryan had managed to totally sexually dominate herself and her two gorgeous friends in just a couple of hours. She could easily picture herself having another epic orgasm or two while her naked body thrashed around on his lap in response to the way his hand kept on smacking her ass cheeks with great force. That made her so hot and horny that she channeled that energy into fondling and kissing Monica. She was determined to get Monica to cum in order to reduce her spanking punishment to something that was more fun than painful, so she was going all out. Putting aside all her objections and restrictions, she even stuck her finger into another girl's pussy for the first time.

Kate was so carried away by sheer lust that she didn't even stop to think about what a pivotal moment it was in her life to cross this new boundary. In fact, at the time her mind was mostly preoccupied by cocksucking fantasies.

Monica, in turn, was greatly inspired by what Kate was doing to her, causing her to kiss and fondle back with greater passion. She didn't care much about getting Kate to cum in order to reduce her spanking punishment, since she'd come to realize that she'd very much enjoyed being spanked by Ryan. But she was extremely intent on getting Kate to cum to help Kate get over her girl-on-girl phobia and be more open to repeat performances. Furthermore, every time she heard Ryan smack Erin's ass, it was like she was being hit by another jolt of pleasure too.

One snag was that she had to be careful what she did to Kate's pussy for fear of busting Kate's hymen a little too early. She tended to avoid Kate's pussy lips much of the time, even on the outside, for fear that she would get carried away and forget. Had it not been for that, she knew she could have gotten Kate to cum much more easily. However, she had great success diddling with Kate's clitoris.

Erin was quickly discovering that she was positively enjoying getting spanked by Ryan, probably just as much as Monica had enjoyed it. The key was that he had no interest in using it as a tool for punishment, or even his own sexual gratification. It was all about getting Erin to cum loudly and cum often. Sure, he was having a great time and his cock stayed as stiff as possible. Simply running his hands all over Erin's flawless, curvaceous body was a constant thrill for him. But his boner wasn't even being touched, and he knew there were even more arousing things he could do if he wanted to be completely selfish about it.

Luckily for the girls, he took great pleasure in making them sexually aroused. Every erotic pant or moan from Erin's lips was like music to his ears, and feeling her sexy nude body writhe and wiggle on his lap was even better. Then, after about ten smacks, when he got Erin to cum for the first time from being spanked (plus extensively fondled), it really was just as good for him as if he'd had an orgasm himself. He knew that was an important breakthrough as far as her accepting his sexual authority over her.

It all worked like a positive feedback loop for everyone in the room. The more aroused one of them got, the more aroused the others tended to get as well. Before long, Erin had another orgasm, and then another. Ryan hadn't been spanking her that hard at all. But as she grew increasingly aroused, he began spanking her ass harder and harder. That took her to an even higher level, and made her orgasms more frequent and more intense.

Before long, it was like one endless orgasm for Erin. Already, getting spanked was more enjoyable for her than any previous sexual encounter when she'd actually been fucked.

With Kate and Monica, it was a slightly different story. Ryan had noticed already that it was a real challenge to get Kate to cum at all, but once she did, and if the conditions were right, her orgasms could be spectacular. She wasn't quite there yet, but Monica was working hard to push her over the

edge. Monica could have cum on her own at any time, but she didn't want to, for fear that would distract and delay her from getting Kate to cum. So she was holding back with all her might.

Finally, the event Ryan had been waiting for happened: Kate started to cum. That in turn allowed Monica to give in and cum too. Happily, Monica was still being extra careful about Kate's hymen and just diddled Kate's clit to heighten the intensity of their shared orgasmic peak. Kate had fully given in to her "lesbian lust," and she was freely fingerbanging Monica with two fingers.

Erin had been watching Kate and Monica get it on more often than not, except when her own orgasms left her too distracted. One reason Ryan's spanking efforts were having such a great effect on her was because she was seeing one of her greatest sexual fantasies come true right in front of her eyes. It was an exciting sight in and of itself, but what really thrilled her was the realization that if Kate was willing to do all that with Monica, then certainly she would do it with her too. When she saw Kate and Monica were starting to cum, she let go with her biggest orgasm yet.

Ryan took Erin still higher by smacking her ass even harder than before while her body was still in the throes of orgasm, twitching and writhing spasmodically across his lap. He eagerly reached underneath her torso to fondle her huge tits with one hand while pumping his fingers in and out of her burning hot cunt with three fingers of his other hand.

Strangely, when the orgasms petered out, nobody was any more tired than before. Perhaps it was the anticipation of what would come next which kept everyone humming with energy.

Kate did feel ashamed of what she'd done with Monica, and she took her hands away. She brought one hand up to her face and stared in amazement at Monica's cum dripping down her fingers. Oh. My. God! I just fingered another girl to orgasm! With my fingers! But I'm no lesbian. What came over me?! I'm too horny to think, or even breathe! It's no fair! How can I resist, with everything happening at once?! Oh, Ryan, what have you done to me?!

But Monica wasn't ashamed or shy in the slightest. She exclaimed, "Thank you! Kate, you were great!" She fervently kissed Kate's lips and resumed playing with Kate's incredible G-cups.

Kate felt sexually satiated after her very big orgasm, but she was still extremely arousable. She found herself kissing back, even though her face reddened from knowing the other two were watching. Crap! Does the total humiliation ever end?! I give up. It's all too arousing. I should just give in. Ryan truly broke me! I AM his personal slut, maybe forever! And I don't care!

Erin got up but immediately sat on Ryan's lap instead. She wrapped an arm around him and pulled him in for a kiss, even as she began jacking his boner off with her other hand. Her feelings for him had shifted in a significant way, thanks to that spanking. The two of them shared a long, passionate kiss, full of very heartfelt emotion.

Erin found herself thinking, Good God! It's like... it's like... I'm falling for him! Yeah, I still think this personal slut stuff is bullshit, but he would make a dream boyfriend. If he spanks me like that, imagine how much better it'll be when he fucks me! I can't wait!

Eventually, Kate broke her kissing with Monica to exclaim, "Erin! My God, girl! Just how many times did you cum while he spanked you?!"

Erin broke her own kissing to proudly reply, "I don't know. Five? Six? I lost count. It was a lot! And the last one was HUUUUGE!" She momentarily took her hands off Ryan's cum-soaked boner to hold her arms out wide to emphasize how huge it was.

Kate spoke incredulously while she watched Erin resume her cock stroking. "Wow! Five was how many times I came with Ryan all night! And then twice more down in the bathroom, and once more

with Monica just now. That's EIGHT times in one evening!" Her eyes bugged out as she let that realization sink in to her own mind. "Do you have any idea how impossible that is for me? That's totally impossible!"

Monica purred while staring into Kate's eyes from inches away, "Obviously not, since it just happened to you. And that doesn't even count how many MORE times you're going to cum once he starts to spank you!" She playfully slapped at Kate's ass, but it was more of a light slap on Kate's hip since Kate was sitting on her ass on the bed.

Kate was in awe. "My God! He IS going to spank me! And that's coming up next! And then he's going to FUCK me! I honestly don't know if my body will be able to handle it. Erin, tell me, have you changed your mind? What do you think about getting spanked now?!"

Erin started to slide down Ryan's body. But it was a very strategic slide, since her goal was to wind up kneeling between his legs. "Let's put it this way. Ryan, I kind of hate you now."

"You do?!" He was startled and upset, especially since they'd just been sharing some very passionate kisses. He'd been walking a high wire all evening long, doing audacious things and pretending to be someone he wasn't. He worried it was starting to crumble down on him.

Erin settled down on her knees between his legs and resumed jacking him off. "Yes, because you've made me love spankings now! If it's always like that, I'm totally going to have to be bad all the time, just to make sure you keep spanking me!"

He breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that she wasn't really mad at him. Not only was she smiling up at him in a very sultry manner, but she started licking his cockhead while stroking the rest of his shaft, and fondling his balls for good measure.

He stared down at her. Holy crap! Just look at her, nestled between my thighs! What a perfect ten BABE! I swear, she's just one tiny notch less gorgeous than Kate, probably the second most wanted woman in this entire university, and she's licking my dick like she adores it! He said, "If that's how it's going to be, no problem. I'll give you spankings as rewards instead."

"UGH!" Erin grunted. "What?" he asked.

"I'm kind of joking about hating you, but I'm kind of not. You were wailing on my ass pretty hard there at the end, and I was... loving it! I can't deny it. It was fucking awesome!" She paused to swirl her tongue around his cockhead a couple of times, reveling in the fact that the others were almost certainly watching. She purred loudly and lustily, getting a thrill out of making them jealous.

Then she resumed talking while she licked, "But I don't want to be the kind of girl who gets off on being spanked. It's weird! I don't want to be your personal slut either. That's ten times weirder. But after everything you've done to me tonight, how could I not want to do it all over again, exactly the same?! I have this strange craving to please you, since you make me feel so good!"

With that, her talk came to a sudden end, because she craned her mouth wide open and engulfed all of Ryan's cockhead.

He grasped at her head with both hands and held on tight. "Oh God! No! Not again!"

Kate moaned and groaned like she was in Erin's place and teetering on the edge of another great climax. A-ha! Erin can't resist him either! I'm not to blame, because nobody can!

As the seconds passed, Kate gawked and gawked, like she couldn't believe her eyes. This was yet another mind-blowing moment for her. She'd lost count of how many of those she'd had this evening.

Amongst other things, she was astounded at how quickly Erin had engulfed his entire cockhead. She finally exclaimed, "Erin just started sucking him! Just like that!" She snapped her fingers. "Like it's easy!"

Monica caressed Kate's great melons in a comforting manner. "I know, I know. I saw it too. I can relate, 'cos that's what I want to do this very moment. Doesn't it make you hot?"

Kate wailed lustily, "Everything makes me hot!"

Monica and Kate shared another French kiss because they were so very worked up, their faces were practically touching already, and they had to let all their passions out.

Meanwhile, Erin started to suck. Ryan's erection hadn't gotten any smaller, but considering all of her orgasms during the spanking, as well as the pleasure of being spanked itself AND the way he'd obviously deliberately arranged for her to watch the "Kate-and-Monica show," she had an almost delirious need to repay him with a great blowjob. She was going all out, despite her considerable discomfort and even pain due to his extreme thickness.

She found herself thinking, What is it about this thing, this Beast? It's twice the size of any cock I've sucked before. That should make it a chore, a barely physically possible ordeal. And it is. But I love it! Sucking normal cocks are a chore. This is a blast! It's like I NEED to do this, and I can't stop! And it's not just about repaying him for the spanking. This is FUN!

After a minute of glorious cocksucking, there was a knock on the door.

Kate broke her kiss with Monica and whispered in fear, "Except that!" That was a reference to her last comment, nearly forgotten after so much great kissing.

Erin's lips froze in place, but she was so keen on cocksucking that she wasn't going to pull off until she knew if this was a real danger or not. She knew that if she did, it truly would be an ordeal to get her lips stretched around his shaft again.

There was more knocking on the door. It was louder and more insistent this time. Yet nobody moved in response.

Kate whispered to Monica while still embracing her, "It's your room! They'll probably notice your light is on, if they haven't already. You should say something!"

Monica was so out of it, carried away exploring the glories of Kate's perfect body, that she'd forgotten she was in her own room. But she quickly recovered, and shouted towards the door, "Who is it?"

The voice replied, "It's me! Jo Ann. I'm just rounding up the lost sheep. Are you okay? People are wondering why you're not at the party."

Erin was greatly relieved. Her entire body was reeling from the shock of the interruption, but she resumed her talented cocksucking, figuring that there was no way Monica was going to open the door to expose what she was doing in such a compromising position.

Monica got up while Jo Ann was talking and started walking towards the door, butt naked. She loudly replied, "I'm fine! I was down there for a while earlier. It's just that, uh..." - she scrambled for an excuse

- "I drank too much. I'm kind of resting for a while."

"Oh, I see," Jo Ann replied through the door. "Well, do you know where Kate or Erin are? I was knocking on their doors too, and there's no sign of them. I was kind of deputized to come up here and find out where everyone had gone to."

Monica came up with another excuse. "They're here with me, actually." Since neither Kate nor Erin were known to drink much, like she did, she said, "They're both feeling under the weather. So we're

kind of commiserating together."

Jo Ann said, "Oh, that sucks." She wasn't speaking as loudly, now that she could hear Monica was closer.

Monica couldn't help but quip, "Yeah, it really sucks, especially for Erin. It's been sucky for her, big time. She's been on her knees all evening and worshipping the... well, you get the picture." She smirked, figuring correctly that Jo Ann would assume her phrased "worshipping the porcelain god," a popular college idiom for throwing up into a toilet.

Erin heard every word, and was spurred on by Monica's double entendres. She began bobbing back and forth with even more vigor. I can't believe she just said that! What fucking cheek! I love it! She was tempted to laugh out loud, even with her mouth crammed full of cock. Watch out, Ryan! Are you ready to have your cock worshipped? 'Cos that's what I'm gonna do now!

Within seconds, Ryan found himself clutching at Erin's head with both hands, trying to get her to ease up on him. But his clutching had little effect. She went all out with her tongue, lips, and fingers. Her only restraint was that she was careful not to make too much noise.

A clueless Jo Ann said through the door, "I thought I might have heard Kate's voice in there. Is that why she screamed, 'Everything makes me hot?'"

Kate hadn't moved from the bed. She yelled, "That was me! And yes, I've got a fever!" Jo Ann said, "That's too bad. What about you, Erin? Do you have a fever too?"

Monica was at her front door. But she could look across her room to see that Monica was still kneeling between Ryan's legs. The view of her mouth was blocked due to one of those legs, but Monica correctly figured that Erin still had her lips tightly sealed around Ryan's shaft. So she said, "Yes, she's got a fever too. She's in quite a state. In fact, at this very moment she's on her knees with her mouth open wide."

Jo Ann exclaimed, "That sounds awful!"

Kate had a hard time not snickering or even guffawing out loud.

Even Ryan grinned. The fact that he was listening and understanding the double meanings was an accomplishment considering how distracting and arousing Erin's all-out oral attack was.

Luckily, Monica was careful to hide her own amusement. "I'm kind of playing the nurse to both of them."

Jo Ann asked, "While you're drunk? And you're not worried about it being contagious? You're like Mother Teresa or something."

That amused Erin even more. As she lustily slurped and bobbed up and down Ryan's shaft, she thought, Yeah, let's see Mother Teresa do THIS! HA! I swear, this is the most fun, ever! I hope Jo Ann stays at the door forever!

Monica decided she was pushing her luck and tried to play it straight. "I was hanging out with them already, so I figure either I've got it or I don't. It seems to just be a stomach ache for the both of them, so I'm not too concerned. Still, it's better to be safe than sorry. That's why I'm not opening the door. I don't want you to worry about getting it."

"Thanks for that. If there's anything I can do, let me know."

"Spread the word that we'll be skipping the rest of the party. We're just chilling out here, watching romantic comedies. I think we're all going to go to bed early."

"I can do that. I hope you all get better. Especially you, Erin, you poor thing. See ya!" "See ya!" Monica rolled her eyes, relieved the conversation was over.

She hustled back to where the other three were.

Ryan had been holding back, but as soon as he as he felt it was safe, he quietly chuckled some. He continued to hold Erin's bobbing head as he whispered, "Who's Jo Ann?"

Monica sat down on his thigh while being careful not to get in the way of Erin's cocksucking. She hugged Ryan and tilted her head up, ready to make out with him. She whispered, "She's a Kappa girl. Lives on the second floor. She's nice enough, as you can guess from her coming up and asking about us."

Sensing Monica there, Erin looked up to make eye contact, and then held a hand up for a high-five. She also muttered, "You go, girl!"

It was nearly unintelligible due to Erin's tight lip-lock, not to mention her sliding lips and busy tongue work, but Monica understood from the context.

Monica slapped Erin's sticky hand and then cuddled her naked body into Ryan's and gave him a long French kiss.

He broke the kiss eventually to ask, "How did she get up to the third floor, assuming the door in the stairway was locked?"

Monica said, "Oh, some Kappas on the second floor have a copy of the key to go to this floor." She licked her way along his jawline. She was hot to trot, and frustrated that his erection was fully occupied, so she was biding her time until she could neck with him some more.

"How many?"

She planted small kisses across his face as she answered. "Not many. Just a few of our closer friends. Technically we're not supposed to make copies of the keys, but if you've got a friend who keeps coming to visit, it's just easier to give a key that'll unlock the door every time."

He was surprised to hear that. Had he known that before, he might not have gotten the girls naked in the hallway. This greatly complicated his understanding of trying to keep their sexual activities secret from everyone else.

Kate got off the bed and walked to Ryan's chair, since that was where the action was. "Even so, that was a close call!" She was whispering too. Like the others, she was being extra careful about making noise now.

Monica said, "It was! Kate, how lucky was it that you shouted out that everything was making you hot instead of 'Gaawwwd, I want to suck cock,' or 'Ryan, I need you to spank me and fuck me?'"

Kate couldn't help but laugh as she wrapped her arms around both Ryan and Monica. "Yeah! That wouldn't have been good!"

Ryan was more worried than amused. "Or what if she'd come by a couple of minutes earlier, while most of us were screaming in orgasm?"

Kate winced. "Yikes! That would have been bad too!" Then she leaned in and rubbed noses with Monica. "You're soooo bad! All that talk about Erin sucking and 'worshipping' on her knees. Risky!"

Monica's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Totally worth it, though! Wasn't that fun?"

Kate said, "I should be mad at you." But it was clear she wasn't, especially since she and Monica

wound up French kissing each other, just inches from Ryan's mouth.

Ryan was flying high, mostly due to Erin's excellent cocksucking. She'd taken off right where she'd left off earlier, and even taken it up a notch or two, thanks to the inspiration of Monica's dangerous wordplay. As before, tears of struggle were leaking down her cheeks. But that didn't stop her from using her tongue and her lips to full effect, while fondling and stroking with both hands too. She really was going all out, and she hadn't let up with her "worshipping" in the slightest since Jo Ann had left.

Given all that, it was a remarkable thing he could speak at all. He said in a blissed out voice, "We've gotta do something about people overhearing us. What does Jo Ann look like? Is she beautiful?"

Monica replied proudly, "Of course she is. She's a Kappa girl. All Kappa girls are beautiful." "Is she busty?"

Monica frowned as she sensed where this was going. But she answered honestly. "Er... yes... Again, she's a Kappa, and we kind of have a bra-stretching reputation." She couldn't resist dragging her hard nipples up and down his chest to emphasize her point.

"Well then, maybe I should fuck her. If that'll help keep her quiet." He smirked with delight at his new life, particularly luxuriating in Erin's enthusiastic and loud oral attentions. Now that Jo Ann was gone, she seemed to be making an extra effort to have her slurping and moaning fill the room.

Kate had been licking his neck and up to his ear, but she pulled back slightly and huffed with annoyance, "You can't just fuck your problems away. What are you going to do, fuck every single girl in the sorority?!"

He smiled from ear to ear. "Hey, there's an idea!" He was surgng with so much sexual confidence that that actually sounded possible.

Kate threw up her hands in frustration. "Arrrgh! What am I going to do with you?!" But the fantasy of him doing that made her really hot. Actually, at this point just about anything, including merely breathing, made her really hot. She was particularly frustrated that Erin was having a great time sucking him off and Monica was cuddling into him, still eager to kiss, while she was on the outside, barely able to do more than hug him.

She suddenly pushed on his leg, the one Monica wasn't sitting on, trying to widen his sitting position. "Open up and let me in! I need to help! I need The Beast!"

Ryan was enjoying Erin's oral work, and the idea of Kate joining in sounded even better. But that wasn't part of his plan. He figured there would be plenty of time for that kind of thing later. He was painfully aware of the fact that he was still secretly a virgin. It was time to fix that.

He said, "Sounds good, but I've got another idea. Erin, please, pull off. It's time that I fuck you."