Ryan finally started to push in.

His plan was to go slowly and gently. However, he didn't count on the fact that Jordan, Erin, and Monica were all eagerly assisting. Jordan in particular could sense him moving forward and helped him with a big push on his behind. As a result, he pushed right through Kate's hymen.

"Oh no!" he cried. "I'm so sorry!"

Kate winced, clenched her teeth, shut her eyes tightly, and moaned and groaned a fair amount. However, she managed to avoid screaming out loud. His unexpectedly fast penetration hurt, for sure. However, the spanking she'd just experienced had helped her cope with such moments, and she didn't want to discourage or slow him down by showing a lot of pain.

With his body on top of hers, just like he was doing push-ups on her, he was unable to see where their privates met. He was grateful, because he was fairly certain that she had to be bleeding. He resolved to stay like he was, with his cockhead only starting to enter her, in order to help her adjust.

A minute or more passed while Kate recovered, and got her heavy breathing more under control. She finally opened her eyes and spoke through her clenched teeth, "Thanks, but I'm okay! Really!"

"Really?" He looked at her with great concern. His face was directly over hers, and only about six inches away.

"Really! In fact..." Kate thought twice about what she was considering, and then decided to do it. Having him only partially starting to stretch me is kind of like being half-pregnant. I might as well get it over with. Jesus Christ! Soon, I'm going to have The Beast all the way in me! It's hurting me already, and he's barely gotten started. It's just TOO BIG! Girl, be brave! We can do this! It's a MUST! How can I be his favorite slut if I'm too tight for him to even fuck me?!

Unexpectedly, she reached around him with both hands, gripped his ass cheeks tightly, and suddenly tried to pull him deeper into her. Her plan was to get all of his cockhead in her, so she could rest for a short while after crossing that major milestone.

However, his cock was so thick that it wouldn't slide in that easily. In fact, he didn't move much at all - only a fraction of an inch.

So Kate urgently explained, "Everybody, help! Push! Push him in deeper! Especially you, Jordan! PUSH!"

Because Jordan was directly behind him and with her hands on his ass, she had much better leverage than Kate did. She responded by pushing with all her might. Kate helped, with her hands on his ass too. Monica and Erin each helped by putting a hand on his lower back (his ass was "occupied" by four hands already) and pushing hard too.

Ironically, the only one who didn't do much was Ryan, because he was concerned that they were trying to do too much too soon. Plus, he was staggered by the whole situation. However, with all of the others working as one, he finally unthinkingly pushed in some as well.

There was much more moaning and groaning and teeth clenching, especially on Kate's part, but on his part as well. Finally, it was done. There was a moment of euphoria as the thickest part of his cock knob passed through, causing the rest of his cockhead to rush in, plus another inch of his cock besides.

Kate screamed incoherently in exultation. "AAAIIIIEEE! AAAH! AAAIIII! YEAAAARRGH!" She was overcome by joy, which drowned out the pain, at least for the time being. Just knowing that Ryan

was starting to fuck her was an even greater joy than the considerable physical pleasure.

Ryan was alarmed, since he feared those were screams of pain. His eyes went wide, and he hastily tried to pull out.

But the three "helpers" noticed that, and even anticipated it, and they kept him in place. Erin exclaimed to him, "Don't! Relax! Give her a minute to adjust!"

He reluctantly froze in place. He felt a tremendous sense of relief as he watched Kate settle down.

However, Kate was still wide-eyed and astonished. OH DEAR LORD! HOLY FUCK! He's absolutely HUGE! He stretches me even more than with my mouth! Dammit, this is not pleasant at all. I'm in PAIN! But I have to hang in there. Hang in there! I've heard about this. The pain will wear off before long. I just have to hang on! I have to be a good slut. The best slut! It's a must!

Erin and Monica had the same idea at the same time: they let go of Ryan's shaft and redirected their attention, and their hands, to Kate's body. They stroked her here and there in a calming, caressing motion.

Erin cooed, "There, there. It's okay. You did it! You made it this far. Don't give up now!" Monica chimed in, "Yeah, don't give up. It's all downhill from here!"

Kate nodded grimly. Her head was swimming over the enormity of what had just happened. But she was still in such shock and pain that she could hardly think. It was as if she was parachuting out of an airplane - she was in no shape to have deep thoughts or an articulate discussion about her feelings. She simply told herself repeatedly the likes of, Hang in there! Don't give up! It'll get better!

Ryan, on the other hand, was in better shape to think, even though he was still right on the edge of orgasm. Oh God! I'm fucking KATE! I'm not into her that far, but it's enough to say I just took her virginity! FUCK! This is beyond incredible! Kate Middlefield, the total babe who makes Kate Upton look ugly and Christina Hendricks flat-chested!

But I need to be patient! Let her rest and adjust. This is good for me, because I can come down a bit from my crazy erotic high. By the time she's ready, I'll be calm enough to thrust without cumming. At least, that's the plan. Except that she's so damn TIGHT! It's such a fucking arousing squeeze! Gotta keep cool!

One minute passed and then another. Erin and Monica continued to coo at Kate while caressing whatever part of her was in reach, which generally meant her sides.

Jordan was still manning her position behind Ryan. However, she felt shy about playing with his ass, especially since she'd had such a strange adventure getting to where she was. It felt strange to touch his privates when they hadn't done the normal things first, such as hugging and kissing. So she just idly fondled his ass cheeks in a massage style while leaning forward and keeping her focus on what the others were doing, especially Kate.

Eventually, Kate recovered enough to look at Erin and say, "Could you... could you... clean up the blood? I hate blood. I don't want to see it."

Erin smiled encouragingly. "Sure thing."

Monica said, "Actually, I think I should do it, since I know where everything is kept." So she got up off the bed and went to get the needed supplies.

A few more minutes passed while Erin and Monica worked together to clean Kate's body, and Ryan's shaft, of all the blood they could see. They were careful to do it in such a way that he didn't have to pull

out of his hard-won depth, with his entire cockhead in Kate's pussy. This was an embarrassing moment for Kate, but in a bad way, not the usual sexy way, so she just kept her eyes closed and was grateful that the others didn't try to make any conversation.

Finally, with all the supplies out of sight and Erin and Monica back in their previous poses, Erin announced, "It's done. Everything's good now."

Kate smiled and opened her eyes. She stared at Erin and then at Monica. "Thanks. You're the best." Then she had an idea. "Who's holding his cock and balls? I can't see."

"Nobody," Erin replied. "There's not much left to hold."

"But there's still some," Kate insisted. "A good four inches, at least. Please, hold it and stroke it some more, both of you. That would mean a lot to me. I like that we're all united in this key moment, bound together by his cock."

Erin and Monica nodded in understanding. They immediately resumed fondling his privates, making sure to brush against Kate's stretched out pussy lips to reassure her they were there.

Then Kate looked up at Ryan.

He ran a hand gently across her face. "How are you feeling, my love?" He hadn't consciously meant to say "my love," but staring at her face from close up, he felt so emotionally overcome that it just slipped out.

Kate didn't visibly react to that at first, although she definitely noticed. "My love!" He just called me his love! Oh my God! That's HUGE! I can't believe how great this all is! She felt a joyous jolt of pleasure rush up and down her spine.

Before she addressed that, though, she felt the need to address his question. "I feel fine now. Really!" He still caressed her face in a tender manner. "Are you sure?"

"Sure, I'm sure. It hurt a lot at first. It hurt like hell! But the body has an amazing ability to adjust. It almost feels normal now. Although, once you start moving, it's probably going to really hurt some more. But I'll adjust to that too. Just, please... take it slow and easy with me, okay?"

He smiled and nodded. "Of course."

She nodded in return. Then she grew shy, and asked, "Ryan... honey... I know this is kind of too late to ask, since you're already halfway in me, but... before you start fucking me in earnest, please... please... tell me that you feel something for me. Something more than just a hot body, ready and willing to serve your pleasure. I am that, but... I want to be more! Good friends out of bed too, at the very least. I know that for all practical purposes I only met you tonight, but I already kind of have strong feelings for you, and they're growing all the time! I worry that you're just going to use me and toss me aside!"

He kept smiling and squeezed her hand. He was trying to focus on her face and ignore the pleasures coming from his tightly squeezed shaft, not to mention all the fingers sliding back and forth on it. "Don't worry. That's not going to happen. First off, everyone knows you're the most beautiful woman in this entire university. Even the other raving beauties in this room have to concede that. Am I right?"

Jordan, Erin, and Monica all nodded. They knew that was an undeniable fact.

He continued, "And now that you've discovered your sexual side, I'd be a fool to ever let you go. But that's not even the most important thing. You see... I have strong feelings for you too. Yes, I have my other sluts and that's not going to change, but I already can tell that something special is growing between us. Trust me, I plan on keeping all your holes sore and constantly leaking with my cum, probably for years and years to come. I am going to treat you like the personal slut you are, spanking

you, fucking you, controlling you, and all around using you for my sexual pleasure. But I also CARE about you! I really do! I also want this to be about more than just great sex. And I'm going to treat you like that because it makes me feel good, but just as important is that it makes YOU feel good. That's what you want, isn't it?"

She nodded. Then she added emphatically, "So much!" She felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders from hearing that he cared and he wasn't going to fuck and run.

However, his smile turned into a frown as he noticed tears start to leak from her eyes, even though her face also seemed to be glowing with delight. "You... you're crying! Why?! I thought you just said it didn't hurt?"

He ran a finger down each track of tears dripping down her cheeks, wiping them away. But that didn't help for long, because she suddenly burst into much more emotional sobbing. "It doesn't! Well, not much. But... but... I was thinking about what you just said, and it moved me, practically to tears. And then.. and then... I realized! A minute or so before that, you called me 'my love'! I don't even know if you realized it, but you did! And... and... that hit me like an arrow straight to my heart and it's making me cry, because I... I... I think... I love you!"

Her eyes opened almost comically wide as she realized what she'd just said. She was embarrassed to confess such an intimate thing, especially with three others listening. She also was stunned to realize that she really meant it.

He was stunned as well, to say the least. "Whaaaat?!" His cock seemed to pulse with a life of its own, even as it stayed buried in her tight slit, with Erin and Monica stroking the rest.

She shut her eyes tightly and blushed profusely. "Oh God!" She worried that he would disapprove, and that fear caused her to sob even more. At first, she had been crying tears of joy, but that was quickly turning into a mixture of joy and sadness or worry, because she feared rejection.

She thought, SHIT! I fucked up! I'm just his personal slut. And one of many, no less. Even if he has feelings for me, I'm not allowed to fall in love with him! That'll mess up everything! He may not even want to finish fucking me now! I'm sure he doesn't want some stupid, love-struck idiot bothering him with all of her lovey dovey feelings. Shit!

However, he didn't complain at all. He just gently caressed his hand on her face some more. He was trying to wipe away her tears, but that was a losing battle, given how hard she was crying. He spoke urgently but quietly. "Hey! Hey! Why all the crying? You're acting like saying you love me is a bad thing."

She wailed, "It is!" "Why?! I think it's great!"

"You do?!" She shyly opened her eyes and looked up at him. She dared to hope.

"I do. Actually, it's a big relief, because I'm kind of falling in love with you too." He didn't know if that was the smart thing to say, and he suspected Jack would disapprove, but he meant it and found that he couldn't avoid confessing it.

"You ARE?!" Her heart was already beating fast, and now it seemed like it would thump right out of her chest.

He smiled and nodded.

She was incredulous, not to mention nearly delirious. This was beyond all possibility in her mind. "But... but how?! That's not possible!"

He chuckled. "Sure it is! Why not? I can do what I want."

"Bu-bu-bu-but... but you're this great cocksman. You fuck many but love none. I can feel feminine fingers brushing against my pussy lips even as I speak. You have all kinds of personal sluts wherever you go!"

His heart soared with delight as this was starting to sink in. "Hey, like I said, I can do what I want. Yes, I do have other personal sluts, most especially Erin and Monica here, but I mean it when I say you're something extra special to me."

Her heart was starting to soar as well, but it didn't rise very high because she still couldn't believe it. "But, but... we hardly even know each other! Everything is happening so fast. A few hours ago, I thought you were a nobody! I was ready to say all kinds of mean things to you!"

He shrugged. He was amazed they were having this conversation as if his cockhead wasn't still sheathed inside her tight slit. Plus, the fingers wandering all over his cock and balls were too mind- boggling to even contemplate. "Yeah, but so what? What matters is how we feel now. Remember, I'd been watching you for weeks. Sure, I was struck by your beauty first and foremost. And I love that you're remarkably smart as well. But I feel like I can see beyond the surface. Not just your surface looks, but beyond your princess persona too. Underneath all that, I see someone beautiful on the inside too, someone with a heart of gold."

Her heart was really soaring now, but she still tried to hold herself back because it seemed too good to be true. "Me?! No, I've got a heart of coal. I'm a selfish, spoiled bitch. Everybody says so."

"Yeah, sure, on one level, but I see beyond that level. And I kind of like that you're 'Princess Kate', because princesses always need to get rescued, don't they? I want to sweep in and rescue you from your own worst tendencies. Sure, you're my personal slut, and that's not going to change. Like I said, I plan on fucking you like you're my personal property, and I'm not about to stop fucking my other sluts either. You're going to have to accept that."

Kate was burning with jealousy, but she gathered her resolve and spoke forcefully. "I do! It won't be easy, but I understand that's part of who you are. A well-hung stud like you craves to spread his seed."

"That's true. And I'll be pumping my seed into other women quite a lot. Especially Erin and Monica. I feel like I've made a special connection with both of them tonight too that's sexual, sure, but it could grow into something more."

Even though he was only intently staring into Kate's eyes, he was mindful of the others listening and didn't want to offend them. He didn't feel as strongly towards them as he did Kate, but he really did feel a special connection that was based on sex but was also growing into even more.

Erin and Monica were both relieved to hear that. Each of them sensed that this "personal slut" talk was much more than just talk. At the very least, they would be having lots of sex with Ryan from now on and none with any other man. It was only natural that they hoped their relationship with him could evolve into something meaningful, even though they knew they would have to share him and Kate was bound to stay his number one.

He concluded to Kate, "But there's no reason I can't sexually dominate you AND love you at the same time, is there?!"

She was so astonished that she forgot to breathe. She just stared up at him with wide eyes. Her tears had come to a sudden halt, but her face was still wet and her eyes were red. She whispered in awe, "Oh my God! No! NO! That's... that's... perfect, actually! That's exactly what I want!"

Without thinking, she began spasmodically clenching her pussy muscles. She wanted to be reminded

that he was snugly fitting into her already. The sheer pleasure that gave her was almost more than she could handle.

He beamed with true joy, even as he was forced to clench his teeth from the erotic tsunami caused by her squeezing. "Good! Because that's what I want too!"

It was a good thing she was lying face up in bed, because she was so emotionally overcome that she would have collapsed if she'd been standing or even sitting. I can't believe it! This IS perfect! I want him to dominate me and use me as one of his sexy sluts, but I want him to love me too! I want to serve him and his big cock more than I've ever wanted anything in my life! But now I can be his personal slut AND his sweetheart! It's the best of both worlds!

She suddenly exclaimed, "Ryan! Honey! I love you! I do! I was afraid to say it or admit it, even to myself. But I can feel it, so strong! I can feel it with every fiber of my being!"

He replied with complete sincerity, "I love you too!"

Both of them wanted to say more, much more. However, her face was only a few inches away from his, and he couldn't resist leaning in and kissing her on the lips, so he did.

With such powerful emotions surging through both of them, it was no surprise that their kiss was as hot as molten lava. They necked with wild abandon, channeling more passion into it than any kiss either of them had ever experienced before.

Kate had just stopped crying, but she was so overtaken by her feelings of love and desire that she resumed sobbing without restraint. However, before, that sobbing had been due to mixed emotions, whereas now it was nothing but tears of pure joy. She'd never felt so good in her entire life.

All through this discussion, the two of them had tried to ignore the fact that his cock was part-way into her pussy. Due to his sheer size and her virginal tightness, it wasn't something either of them could completely put out of their minds, but they had tried to put that on hold while very important words were said. As a result, they'd been careful not to move at all, with the exception of her series of spasmodic squeezings.

However, now that the kissing started, things changed. As they switched to physically expressing their newfound love for each other, it was natural for their entire bodies to get into it, including their private parts. In truth, both of them had been antsy to start fucking for a while. Enough time had passed for Kate's vagina to adjust in a significant way to his thick intrusion. She was raring to go for more, even though she knew that would bring more pain too, at least for a while. And he'd been even more eager, and had been merely waiting for a sign for her to take the next step.

Neither of them planned it, but as they both squirmed around to kiss with better and/or different angles, their hips began to move too. He began thrusting into her. It was sporadic and unplanned at first.

However, she showed her approval by humping back enthusiastically. In just a minute or two, he found himself thrusting in and out about an inch each way. It wasn't much, because it remained an extremely tight squeeze, but it was a start.

Meanwhile, Erin and Monica reluctantly let go of his privates, since they knew the fucking motion was about to get a lot more vigorous. They just sat and watched along with Jordan (although in Jordan's case she had wound up lying on his back). Each of them were trying to process what they'd just witnessed.

At first, Erin felt annoyed and jealous to hear Kate and Ryan express their love for each other. She thought, But of course he has to fall in love with her. What a cliché. She's the most beautiful girl around and the social "princess", so of course she gets all the breaks. What about me?! I'm not exactly

chopped liver. I may not be as beautiful as her, but I'm a close second. Why can't he fall in love with ME?!

But then, after some reflection, as she watched Ryan and Kate make out, she thought, But then again, it's probably for the best. Am I in love with him? No, I'm not. I'm definitely in LUST with him, to the point that I don't even mind the "personal slut" crap all that much. But love is an entirely different thing. I can easily see Kate falling for him. He's completely overturned her world and revealed sides of herself that she didn't even know she had. He's like her savior of sorts. Sure, they barely know each other, but there's such a thing as love at first sight. This is more like love at first suck and fuck, but it's the same basic idea. I believe something special has happened between them that goes beyond just carnal desire.

So it's petty of me to want him to love me when I don't love him. And this is good all around, because I'm certain that Kate isn't nearly as changed as she seems to be right now. She's having this sexual epiphany, sure, but she's still spoiled beyond belief. She's going to need a strong hand to get her onto a better path. The more the two bond together, the more effort he'll put into controlling her and bettering her, and the more she'll actually listen to him.

Besides, he said he thinks Monica and I are pretty special too. He made clear he's not going to stop fucking us, no matter what happens. So it's all good. The fact that Mon and I were holding and stroking his cock up until a minute ago IS highly meaningful, especially since we did it with Kate's approval and even insistence. We ARE kind of a team. I should feel happy for her, for them. And, you know what? I do!

Monica had very similar thoughts. She started out feeling jealous and resentful, but she made the same transition, for the exact same reasons. The only difference was that she expressed herself more passionately, due to the way she wore her emotions on her sleeve.

And she had one line of thinking that Erin didn't. After also concluding that the four of them were a team (with Jordan's role still unresolved) and that she should see this as a very good thing overall, she thought, The only problem is, I don't love him now, but what if that changes? I don't do things by half measures. If I end up spending a lot of time with him, I'm probably going to end up loving him or hating him. And it's a fact that having lots of sex with a person changes things. If he fucks me as well as I'm sure he's going to, and then he keeps on doing it, how can I NOT end up falling in love with him? There's all kinds of chemical and hormonal things that happen in the brain, I'm sure.

In fact, I can kind of feel it happening to me already. He was a total stranger to me mere hours ago, but I can sense growing feelings for him that go beyond lust for his big cock. Stronger feelings than how I felt about my last boyfriend, even! Ugh!

So, what then? I don't want to be second fiddle to Kate or anybody else! But how can I avoid that? Kate is pretty damn extraordinary. How can anybody not be second fiddle to her? It's like we're all in a movie but she's the star and we're the supporting characters. She's so sexy and physically perfect that it's ridiculous, and she's got a strong personality on top of that. Plus, she's taking to this personal slut thing like a duck to water.

But what can I do? I'm hooked. He says he's going to keep fucking Erin and me no matter how strong his feelings for Kate are. That's a big relief! As long as he's fucking me into oblivion, I don't think I'll be able to walk away. I guess I'll just have to take a wait-and-see attitude and hope for the best.

Actually, Erin was having similar feelings on some level. She realized that she could fall in love with him too. At the very least, she'd developed strong feelings for him already, especially after he'd spanked and then fucked her. She might even have started falling in love with him, at least a little bit. However, she was trying hard to deny that, and she certainly didn't want to consciously contemplate that tricky


Jordan, by contrast, was feeling mostly just puzzled. As she rested with her sizable tits pressing into Ryan's back, she thought, Things are getting curiouser and curiouser all the time. When was the last time a guy told a girl that he loved her while another naked girl was pressing into his back? And that's ME pressing into him! Add to that two other serious stunners sitting nude on either side.

I have no idea what's going on. I guess I should just be happy to be here. I wish I could have been involved from the start though, because I'm so confused about everything! It's strange enough to hear Princess Kate profess her love with obvious sincerity to someone she hardly knows. I thought she would never let her guard down enough to even feel love. But then there's all this "personal slut" stuff that keeps getting mentioned. Is that really on the level?! It sounds so hard to believe. He actually told her, "You're my personal slut, and that's not going to change. I plan on fucking you like you're my personal property, and I'm not about to stop fucking my other sluts either."

I still want to know more about what that really means and how serious they are about it. But I guess I don't need a lot explaining after all, since that pretty much says it. Jesus Christ! Why would Kate put up with that degrading situation, much less Erin and Monica too?! Sure, he's got a huge dick, but so do a lot of other guys. I've enjoyed big dicks before, even if I've never felt quite that thick. It's nice, but not enough to make me want to be somebody's "personal slut"! Give me a break!

And yet... I do want to try him on for size. I'm willing to put up with a lot of freaky and bizarre things tonight, because I'm thinking that if I hang in there, eventually he's going to want to fuck me too. I've got the looks. I may not be as appealing as Kate, but then again, who is? I AM a third floor Kappa, and that says a lot! I have almost the exact same dimensions at Monica, from head to toe. There's no way he's NOT going to want to fuck me. I'm sure that's why he's dragged me into all of this.

But... is it safe? I don't want to get sucked into this whole "personal slut" thing. I don't want to get carried away into some kind of crazy submissiveness due to sheer, overwhelming lust. What I need to do is talk to either Erin or Monica in private and try to fill in the missing pieces. Until that happens, I'll just keep on hanging on, literally! She squeezed her arms around Ryan's back.

While the other three girls were preoccupied with their thoughts, Ryan and Kate continued their passionate kissing, and increasingly, their fucking.

Kate continued to be emotionally staggered by their mutual declaration of love. That was completely unexpected. She hadn't realized she had fallen in love with him until she said those words out loud, but now that her feelings had been reciprocated and the whole situation was sinking in, she couldn't have been more euphoric.

On top of that, he was finally starting to rhythmically thrust with depth and power. Each time he pushed in, it seemed he penetrated a little deeper. He still hadn't gone past the thicker part of the middle of his shaft, but even going that deep meant there were a lot of very thick inches plowing into her. Since this was her very first fuck, pretty much everything happening felt beyond amazing.

She did feel a fair amount of pain, but it wasn't as bad as she'd feared. She had taken a long time resting with just his cockhead in her, and her vagina had adjusted to a startling degree. The pleasure far outweighed the pain already. The feeling of extreme fullness was strange, but she actually got off on it. If nothing else, it was a constant reminder that she was getting fucked by the biggest and the best. She hadn't climaxed yet, but she could sense her next orgasm was coming soon, and it was going to be a whopper.

Eventually, they broke their fervent French kissing, as their focus centered on the fucking instead (and they were having an increasingly difficult time breathing enough). She opened her eyes and stared up at

Ryan with joy in her still teary eyes. "Honey! Look at us! We're fucking now. You've taken my virginity!"

He opened his eyes and just smiled and nodded. He was trying not to speak, because he'd been on the verge of cumming for a long time, and now that they were fucking in earnest, it was becoming an even more intense struggle for him to hold off his orgasmic urge.

She exclaimed in wonder, "I've lost my cherry to the man I love! And it's true: I love you! So much!"

He continued to smile and nod. His face was straining with the effort of delaying his climax. His ass was humping up and down, a task made more difficult due to Jordan essentially lying on top of him. He was sweating profusely.

She felt like she'd completely opened her heart to him and given herself to him without reservation. But that left her in a vulnerable position, and even with what he'd told her, she wanted more reassurance.

She asked shyly, "Do you love me?"

He grunted affirmatively and nodded some more. "Please, if you do, say it! My love! My honey!"

He blurted out, "I love you!" Merely saying three words wasn't too tough, but he was thinking, Crap! This is all too arousing. I'm gonna cum soon, if this keeps up. It's all too arousing! Her pussy is so tight! So intense! UGH!

She beamed like a blazing bright light, and squeezed him tightly with her arms around his back. He loves me! Dear God! How could my life change so much in one night? My owner, my love, my master! I'm going to put my entire self in his hands. He's the key to my happiness!

The tears of joy were continuing to pour down her face. She was feeling very winded, but there was much she wanted to say, so she spoke between heavy breaths. "Say it again, please! I love to hear it so much. Honey, I don't care how many other girls you fuck. You're a big-cocked stud. That's what you do. I love being ONE OF your personal sluts! Even though it will hurt to share sometimes, it would be too much to have you all for my own. I'm gonna suck and titfuck your cock SO MUCH! Just you wait and see! But I love that you kind of own me AND you love me! It's the best of all possible worlds! You'll take me on romantic dates with a dozen roses and fancy clothes and all that stuff, won't you?"

He nodded. That sounded really good to him too. He'd never dated anybody before, and he wanted to enjoy all that too. One couldn't have sex all the time, after all.

Somehow, her face beamed even brighter. "Goody! Oh, God, I'm so happy! We'll go on dates together, like to a five-star restaurant and a movie. Only, at the dinner I'll secretly jack you off all through the meal, and in the movie theater I'll choke and gag on The Beast from the previews until the credits, because I'm one of your personal sluts, and that's what we do!"

He thought he'd had his urge to cum under control, if only just barely. But her words were the straw that broke the camel's back. He suddenly started cumming, without even having time to shout out a warning. All he managed was a belated, "UNGH!"

Kate's face went from beaming to alarmed as she felt his cum squirting deep inside her. The exact same thing happened as it did when he'd fucked Erin, which was that nobody had given any thought to birth control until the moment he started cumming, when it was too late.

She thought, OH NO! He's cumming IN me, which means no condom! And he didn't wear one for Erin either. But of course, that's his right! A total stud like him fucks his sluts bareback. UNGH! That's HOT! It's up to us not to get pregnant. But I could! He could be fucking a baby into me right now! Oh God! Oh God!

In fact, like Erin, Kate had been regularly using a birth control pill for a long time now. She hadn't had any plans to get fucked by any of her boyfriends, but it was a precautionary measure. In particular, due to her great beauty, she faced a serious chance of getting raped, and birth control was but one of many steps she'd taken to try to deal with that (including learning some basic self defense techniques). She had no desire to get pregnant until after her college years were over, and probably not until well after then, once she was married and secure in her future career.

But despite all that, the possibility that Ryan could knock her up with the sperm flooding into her was a great thrill. She'd been working herself up to a big climax for a while now, but she'd been holding out. She'd learned over the course of the evening that the longer she held out, the more intense the orgasm was when it eventually arrived. Furthermore, the long, arousing build-up was possibly even more enjoyable than the "main event". However, she knew that since he was cumming, it was smart to let go. And with the pregnancy thought on her mind, on top of her intense feelings about love, it was as easy as pie for her to let her orgasmic urge take over. She started cumming mere seconds after he did.

Ryan was over the moon about what was happening. I'm cumming into Kate! Princess Kate! I'm shooting my cum into the most beautiful and amazing girl in the world! I could be pumping a baby into her, as we speak! He experienced about ten seconds of pure bliss and total orgasmic ecstasy, first for the duration of his climax and then for a brief afterglow.

But as the seconds passed after his load was spent, unpleasant thoughts started to take over. First and foremost was his disappointment that he came so quickly. Dammit! I'm supposed to be a "great stud". Technically, it was in her for a long time, fifteen minutes at least, but nearly all of that was just waiting. Once we started to actually seriously kiss and fuck, I didn't last very long at all. Five minutes at most. Not even that, I'll bet. She's just too exciting! It took a titanic effort just to hold out that long. Some stud I am!

As if that wasn't bad enough, he had been too distracted during orgasm to worry about birth control issues, but that changed just afterwards. Oh, shit! I forgot to use a condom again! Hell, I don't even HAVE any condoms. How stupid is that?! I really COULD have pumped a baby into her just now! I mean, sure, it's an arousing idea, but what if I actually got her pregnant? My college career would be over practically before it's begun. Not smart. I'm thinking with my dick.

Luckily for him, Kate didn't notice the concern on his face, because her orgasm was so massive that, after a minute or two of wild screaming and thrashing, she passed out altogether!

He simply laid on top of her, sweating like a pig. Damn. And now she's passed out. I was going to see if I could just stay erect and keep on fucking her, but I guess that's not an option. Not that it mattered, since my dick is starting to go flaccid already anyway.

But, I swear, this is not done! I can't leave things like this! It looks like she had a pretty big climax, especially if it knocked her out. Still, I don't want her to think that I'm some kind of quick trigger guy who can't control myself. I need to do better. I'm down for the count right now, unfortunately. And when I get hard again, I've promised Monica to fuck her. I'm definitely looking forward to that!

But if I have anything left in me at all when that's over, I'm going to fuck Kate again. And properly, the way it should be. Heck, I only got about half of my dick in her. I want to pound her deep, all the way, until I'm completely bottomed out in her! Unfortunately, it was kind of a trial puncturing her hymen and all that followed. She was still in a lot of pain, I could tell. Hopefully, that's behind us now, and she's adjusted to my size. It was great, there's no doubt about that. But next time should be way better!

He continued to simply lie on top of Kate with his eyes closed, while Jordan rested on him. All that aside, the main thing is that she says she loves me! And I've realized I love her! What an unbelievable night this has been! I remember the nasty look in her eyes when I first walked in on her and Erin. And

now, this! She's in love with ME! How incredible is that?! And she worries that I'll leave her. Ha! I'm going to hang onto her for dear life, there's no doubt about that. Nobody could possibly top her.

I meant what I said about seeing a heart of gold somewhere inside her. Of course she's a spoiled princess type. How could she not be, with her looks? But that's not who she really is. That's what society basically made her be. Just like a super tall, athletic guy is almost certainly going to be pushed into becoming a basketball player, she's been pushed this way and that to fit a stereotyped role. I wouldn't be surprised if not even she knows who the "real" Kate is yet. It'll be a great thrill for the two of us to find out, together!

I do know that the real Kate loves sex, and she loves being sexually dominated and humiliated. That's awesome! But that's not all. I'll bet she's smarter than me, for starters. We could be great for each other, in AND out of bed.

He gently kissed Kate's neck, because his mouth happened to be close to it. He subtly ran his hands up her sides while being careful not to wake her. God, what a woman! This is too great to be believed. I've never even been in love before, and now, this! I only hope I'll be able to rise to the challenge and keep her loving me. I'm kind of tempted to drop all the "personal slut" stuff and treat her in a more equitable manner, but to be honest, I think that's pivotal to why she's so into me.

It's hard to tell though. I wish I had someone I could turn to for advice. Kind of like Jack before I realized he was pranking me. Unfortunately, I'm all on my own.