Arthor of Skagos

David awoke to what seemed to be singing, focusing on the sound David realized it was a lullaby of sorts although in a strange language he did not recognize.

His blurry vision finally focused allowing him to see the source of the song, looking down at him was a giant face staring at him with deep brown eyes, her face had markings made by face paint. David had no idea who this giant woman was but in her eyes he saw the reflection of what was but babe.

"What the fuck?"


It had been a few years since Arthor had been born in this new world. Arthor being the name his new father had given him, yes you read that right Arthor had experienced what most of you had probably dreamt of at least once. He had been reincarnated.

Arthor, now seven years old or as the people of this world called it seven name days, had gotten a basic understanding of his surroundings. He was born to a family of famers, his father was a towering man who was probably 6ft7 with a full beard and braids which went down to his shoulders with his build that gave one the impression he could punch through solid rock alongside his piercing grey eyes left one with quite the impression.

His mother was quite a giant of a woman as well standing at a height of 6ft6, With long dirty blonde hair reaching down to her back. Arthor was not going to lie and say his mother was a beautiful woman but she was not bad to look at.

Arthor had an older sibling with two younger ones with they all being boys. The village they lived in if one could even call it that, was in a mountainous area which was sparsely populated by trees with a valley where they all planted their corps.

Arthor let out a grunt as he brought up his shield to block a fierce axe strike from his elder brother. *bang* *bang* the sound of the axe digging into the wooden shield grew louder and sharper with each strike.

"Argh!!!" The eldest brother let out a cry as he raised the axe above his head with both his arms ready to bring it down on Arthor who dropped at this exact moment and pulled out his feet from under him causing to fall heavily on his back. The boy was not given time to regain his bearings as Arthor had accumulated enough force into his axe by rotating himself, the axe was then swung straight at the boy who barely managed to roll away in time.

The axe proceeded to collide with the hard earth causing a loud clang which resounded in the ears of all the spectators. Arthor looked down at his axe which was now chipped before looking to his older brother Benjen, who had managed to make it to his feet.

The two stared each other down as the cold Skagossan wind ruffled their clothes and caused their braids to fly in the wind. A few seconds passed before the two suddenly broke into wide grins, they both let out shouts as they charged at each other once more.

Arthor dropped his axe and charged at Benjen with naught but his shield. Benjen's eyes showed visible confusion at his brother's actions but did not hesitate to meet his brother's charge. As the two drew ever so close, the spectators began to cheer loudly Arthor flung his shield at Benjen who sent his axe into the wooden shield which such vigor, it got caught up.

As Benjen hastily tried to free his weapon Arthor leapt over and put him in a choke hold before pulling out a knife which he put to his throat. Benjen hurriedly tapped his brothers arm signaling to him that he had given up, with that Arthor let him go allowing for them both to make it back to his feet. " I was not expecting that"

Benjen was first to speak as he stared at his younger brother with his interest clear in his eyes, "that was the whole point" Arthor grinned as he patted his brother on the back.

"Good job, both of you" Arthor's father walked towards them, Harwood had a proud look on his face as he looked down at both his sons. "Benjen you need to anticipate enemies movement or else things like this will happen once again, as for you Arthor I see you continue to improve as always."

Harwood's booming voice made it to the two boys who stood before their father, Benjen's face gained a look of acknowledgement meanwhile the grin on Arthor's face grew even larger. On Skagos every man and woman knew how to do battle as they were trained form when they were children.

Arthor's training had began when he was only five, at that time he was till learning the language as well as accepting the fact that he was born somewhere in Westeros. Yeah you read that right, although he still was not exactly sure where exactly. He knew he was in the north if his mother's tales where anything to go by, but where in the north exactly he had no clue, considering the fact that he didn't remember a place called Skagos from the show then again he had only watched the show twice.

Although the language, which was the old tongue by the way caused him to have suspicions as to whether or not he was beyond the wall.

"Training for today is over" Harwood boomed over to the spectators who immediately began to leave, "Come on then you're mother is waiting for us" Harwood turned to speak to his sons before walking of leaving them to pick up the weapons they had used and follow after him.

""Arthor! Benjen!"" Two young voices called out to the two as they finished picking their loot. Turning to look they saw two young boys running for them, the two managed to pick up one of the boys each which caused them to laugh.

The two boys both had short brown hair and wore coarse leather clothes with fur coats atop of them. "Did you see that Lothor, told you Benjen could never beat me" Arthor put his brother down before rubbing his head.

"Oh please that was but a cheap trick" Benjen spoke as he placed their youngest brother Ronnel back on the ground, "In a contest of strength you are no match for me."

"give me a few more years and I will beat you even in that for I am Arthor and I shall be the strongest warrior" "yeah right" Benjen scoffed punching Arthor in the shoulder before leading Ronnel and Lothor who had burst out laughing at their brother's declaration.

Arthor who was behind them gave a small grin at the scene before following after them, in his last life he was aloe but in this life he had family.