
Snow had began to fall on the land of Skagos dying the black stones that littered the mountain paths white.

Most trees had fully lost their leaves leaving the bare wood, allowing for the harsh unforgiven to flow freely and unhindered. The howls of the wind resounded as though laughing at the four who attempted to traverse the lands.

Benjen stood before his brothers bearing the brunt of the unforgiven winds, ice had began to form in his hair. Ronell rode on his back burying his face into his brothers back in an attempt to hide from the harsh winds.

Lothor stood by Arthor holding on his brother's hand tightly, he struggled with each step as the long journey as well as the unrelenting wind and snow had began to have a toll on him.

Arthor who was by his side noticed all this before turning away to examine his surroundings in search of something. After a minute he began to shout over the howling wind, "BENJEN! THERE IS A CAVE JUST UP AHEAD WE NEED TO HEAD THERE AND WAIT OUT THE STORM!"

The howling of the wind got louder almost as though it wanted to drown out the sound of Arthor's voice. A few seconds had passed and Arthor worrying his brother had not heard what he had said parted his lips ready to shout once more when the wind carried his brothers voice over, "ALRIGHT!".

The four soon arrived before the cave and made their way in, after making their way further in, they could finally hear each other.

*huff* huff* Arthor let out a panted breath when he heard a thud, looking to his side he saw Lothor who had been holding on to him had fallen on his bum with an axe.

Seeing he was okay, Arthor brought his attention towards Benjen who had by now taken Ronell of his back and placed him on the ground.

"We should camp here, we've been walking since yesterday as well as throughout the night till now. I'm pretty sure they won't be able to find us and those two are tired" Arthor motioned to Lothor and Ronell when he said the last bit.

"I see," Saying so Benjen dropped the weapons they had picked up on the way. He proceeded to pick up an axe before heading out, "If we are planning to camp here we need fire wood or we'll freeze."

Arthor gave him a nod before proceeding to set up the cave leaving Lothor and Ronell to rest as he did so.


Benjen returned sometime later with a bundle of firewood as well as two rabbits. Benjen preparing the flame as the other three skinned the rabbits, with everything ready the four sat before the flame and ate in silence.

"So... what do we do now?" Lothor asked after taking another bite, both Arthor and Benjen remained silent while Lothor and Ronell watched them with curiosity.

"We'll move in further south and attempt to join another tribe, and if that fails we will head for the lands under Crowl rule".

His words caused the others to stare at him in disbelief, and rightly so. The situation on Skagos was one where even though the lands were divided amongst the Lord's on paper the actual division was something else entirely.

The Lord's with the limited men under their rule as well as limited resources only focused on the towns as well as the villages close to them. As for the ones farther from their hold the Lord's had decided to let them be, causing the current situation.

Every tribe had come to a tacit understanding where they didn't intrude on the Lord's territory and the Lord's didn't interfere with them, so retreating there would allow for them to be safe this winter but...

"No" Arthor spoke up, "what?" "I said no, we retreat this winter then what, we return during the summer to do what join another tribe or come together with the other cowards who run."

"If we bow once, we will most definitely bow again and I refuse to bow to those self entitled Lord's as they are not worthy."

"Then what would you have us do huh Arthor, would you rather we starve. I made an oath!"

"And so did I!"

"And I can not fufill said oath of I lower my head to an unfit Lord. Do you not want vengeance as well, do you not want the people who destroyed our home to pay?"

Benjen remained silent at that clenching his fist shifting his eyes and staring into the fire. "I say we fight back, we can make it through this winter as our ancestors have done countless times, and once this winter is over we strike back at the bastards".

Benjen observed his brothers face and saw an expression he hadn't seen before, Arthor had always been calm in fact too calm if you asked Benjen.

It was always as though he was observing something that didn't involve him. Even when he was in a battle he always looked as though he was spectator rather than a participant.

But at this moment the air his brother gave him, told him but one thing nothing he said would change his brother's mind.

"hehe, alright let's do it."