Battle against Ulfric begins

*Big thanks to Charlie Puente-Duany for your continuous support*

The snow had began to fall once more covering up the pieces of earth which had revealed itself.

The whistling wind was all that could be heard as Ulfric and his people looked upon the village that was but a short distance away from them. Sitting in his tent with a wineskin at hand Ulfric watched as the scouts he had sent earlier return with information one that made him laugh in contempt and dash the small hope he had for a deserving battle.

"No defense arrangements and no signs what so ever that the people would actually meet us in the field, bah" Ulfric spoke with mist forming before himself. "They dare call themselves Skagosi even the gods damned free folk would put up a battle to their dying breaths."

Ulfric grabbed his club from his side, most people Skagossi preferred swords, axes and all sorts of bladed weapons but Ulfric always loved his club. There was just something about meeting a man in the field and breaking them with naught but his brute strength that was exhilarating.

"Grab your weapons I want this farce over as soon as possible before my balls freeze in this gods damned weather."

The people responded to their leader with a battle cry before charging for the village before themselves. The village was nothing more than a bunch of shabby hut hastily put up with an extremely feeble fence put up around it, with just two men for guards outside.

The two men seeing close to a hundred men charging straight for them wasted no time in turning around and running into the village. The Black Horn tribe already outnumbered the people by three to one and now with their cowardice Torghen seeing this turned to look at his father Ulfric who was following after the army in a leisurely pace.

'Maybe this truly is a farce' Torghen couldn't help but think. The men burst into the village ready to do battle screaming atop their lungs but they cane to a halt with their voice dying when they saw no one, confusion gipped the men as more and more of them poured into the village only to be met with an empty village.

Torghen who remained closer to the entrance watched the entire scene with confusion and an unsettling feeling, something wasn't right but he wasn't sure what. Torghen unconsciously tried to take a step forward but was held back by his father who grabbed on to his shoulder tightly as he screamed over the whistling winds for the men to get their shields up.

Some were quick to heed his words whilst others were a bit slow to do same, and the slower ones were met with a rain of arrows. Torghen finally understood the unsettling feeling he had when he stepped into this place, this whole thing was a setup.

"Fallback! Fallback!" his father screamed out as the rain of arrows grew more intent with each passing second. Turning to his father he saw three arrows had found their way through his armor and into his flesh but he didn't seem to feel as he led he and the men out of the village. They didn't retreat far though as they saw about thirty or so men running towards them from where the Black Horn Tribe.

It wasn't difficult to understand what had happened, this people had most probably slaughtered the ones they had left at camp and they had them in a pincer. Torghen turned to his father expecting t see a scowl on his face but what he saw was Ulfric letting out booming laughter with a wide grin upon his face.

His club laid upon his shoulder, with the arrows that stuck on to his body no more with small trails of blood flowing out of the holes formed on his body. "Yes this is it! This is a Skagossi battle! Men this is it, do not forget the old gods are watching, Charge!!" with those words his father leapt into the fray with his club at the ready.

It was a bloody clash as the two sides made contact, Ulfric leading his army slammed his club into the first person he saw the club actually went through the shield made of ironwood and into the man sending him to the ground coughing out blood.

But that was not the end oh no Ulfric had just began, as the battle around him grew even more intense so did his swings. None was able to take more than three strikes of his club as almost all of them were sent tumbling to the ground, Ulfric continued with his wide swings this one aiming to take a man's head of his body but the look of joy on his face turned into a questioning one as he felt a force of travel through his wrist to the rest of his body halting his attack.

Ulfric sent a punch straight for the fool who had dared to stop his strike but the fool actually blocked it, sure he was sent back a few steps but he was relatively unharmed causing him to stumble back but he refused to fall. Looking into those eyes filled with determination without a hint of fear Ulfric gained a strong interest.

Benjen who felt his hand trembling from that attack looked to the man before him, he had no doubt this was Ulfric, chieftain of the Black Horn Tribe and a man he could not leave to his own devices in this battle.