The war for high cheiftain pt1

Men and women were busy as they moved to bolster their defenses.

They all knew that with each passing moment, their enemies drew closer and their defenses where one of the few things if not the only thing they could rely on if they wanted to live.

"Hurry it up the lot of you, my nan could move logs faster than you! Gods watch here soul". Lagertha screamed out her orders to the men who quickly moved with their log reinforcing their new wall. The new wall had began construction with the express orders of Arthor two days ago.

Since the order was given everyone was in constant motion, gathering the required materials, hauling it over and then building the walls and the many armaments'. The only reason why the people had yet to fall to exhaustion was the efficient change of shifts as well as their Skagossi physiology, something that became more and more apparent when the Free folk could not keep up with their pace.

"Harwood" Lagertha called out to her one armed friend who walked up to her decked in armor with his battle axe at hand. "Word from our scouts, the enemies are approaching", Lagertha's frown deepened at that as she curled her arms into a fist.

"How many?"

"According to the scouts, the entire fighting force of the strong arm tribe is marching towards with over 150 unicorn riders in their numbers." Lagertha grit her teeth hearing the numbers, through her grit teeth she let out a question. "Where is the enemy coming from?"

"They are employing no tricks, they intend to march straight to us", at those words the two turned their attention to the wall that stood before them. "Lagertha-" "It's not ready" Lagertha cut Harwood off, "It will fend some off but it won't hold up against the Strong arms entire might".

"Ha ha ha, doesn't matter anyway we've never relied much on walls anyway" Harwood let out a chuckle, Lagertha instantly burst out laughing in response "Indeed".

"But I have a feeling the chief ain't gonna do that considering the fact he had us build this wall and all"Lagertha glanced to the wall and back at Harwood.

"Aye, says to ready the archers"

"On it, oh and Harwood the gods are not ready to see yer face just yet. So you best not die".

"Same to you , you old hag"

Seeing Harwood leave she turned back to the others, "aight you heard him, leave those tools be and ready your weapons war is upon us" Lagertha screamed at the top of her lungs causing those around her to quickly drop their tools.

Running to grab their bows and arrows they made to the top of the wall and prepared themselves for the incoming enemies.


It was barely half an hour when the enemies numbers could be seen. The Strong arm chief was visible to everyone in his armor of bronze, riding atop a unicorn.

With his arm raised high, his army came to a halt. The winds were all that could be heard and even then their sounds were barely a whisper as though even they dared not speak.

The Strong arm chief observed the walls before him, flimsy at its best. With less than five charges this wall would fall.

Aware of his near fire circumstances, as well as the fact that he had no time whatsoever let his hand fall causing the men surrounding him to charge forward with reckless abandon with four unicorn riders riding out with them.

The chief remained seated on his Unicorn observing everything. As the men passed a certain point the snow and earth beneath their feet, gave way causing them all to fall into pitfals.

Some of the men had run to certain places where more pitfall traps thinned out their numbers. "Draw!" her cry carried into the ears of all archers of the wall who immediately knocked the arrows and held their weapons at hand.

Lagertha knew that the pitfals could not hold these men back, it was always meant to be a one time surprise attack. "Hold!" Lagertha screamed as the Strong arm tribe rushed in once more this time with their Chief who gave her look that promised pain.

Lagertha simply scoffed and shouted, "loose!" The arrows let loose casting a great shadow as they ascended and then promptly descended upon the Strong arm tribe.