1 village for 4 pt2

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**

Arthor stood his body bathed red, his weapon drenched in the blood of his enemies. His gaze focused as his army raised up the new angels he had created upon stakes.

They had ravaged their way through the villages with his enemies blinded by the bait he had left behind.

The silence that engulfed his tent as well as the looks his council had given him when he told them of his idea.

His idea was a simple yet effective one but that did little to hide just how cruel the entire thing was, the looks the people present had given him when he spoke of it was one he was sure he would never forget. Even the ones who had always had unwavering fate in him, had conflicted looks.

Arthor did not blame them however, for he knew the looks were justified. There he was, suggesting that people who believed him, people who entrusted their lives to him be lead to a slaughter.

The voices of opposition rose one after the other, getting louder each second. His family as well as Lagertha did not join the voices but they made no move to defend him. He silently listened to their arguments for a while before silencing them.

He made clear their situation he made it known just how dire of a situation they were in. Reality struck them hard causing them to keep mum, although no more words left their mouths the expression on their faces made their stances all too clear.

At that moment Arthor knew no words would ever convince them, but he did not care for he was high chief. It was his job to make the tough calls, to make sure his people were okay. There were always going to be decisions that made him unpopular amongst his people but if those decisions saved more lives, then let the gods be damned.

Arthor however made a concession, making sure no child was selected and the others were people who volunteered. He had plans to force the selection if there were no volunteers but fortunately... or rather to his horror there were people who volunteered. People were willing to die on his order, with that realization he visibly tensed as his shoulders felt heavy.

This was the last of the four villages they had planned to raid, their victories were swift due to a variety of factors... mainly two; the fact that these villages were caught completely unawares and secondly because the army was consumed by rage.

Rage at the fact that they had to sacrifice the lives of their own clansmen to achieve these victories. Arthor said nothing as he felt the same as them if not worse, he was brought of his musings by the steps making for him turning around he saw Ronell walking alongside Benjen.

"Benjen, Ronell" Arthor acknowledged the presence of his siblings, "They've left our lands, and now they are marching here" Ronell informed him.

"hmm, that's a bit earlier than expected" Arthor made his thoughts known as he furrowed his brows.

"That's because they started their march back before we were done, if not for the... special state our people are in we would have still been on the third village when they arrived."

"It would seem they realized that they were baited", Arthor's response to Benjen's words caused his expression to get even heavier. Arthor took notice of this and understood, he moved forward, resting his hand atop of Benjen's shoulder, words swirled around in his mind but Arthor held his tongue for he himself knew not what to say.

The two stood in silence before Arthor diverted his attention to his younger brother, "what of the surrounding tribes".

"Many people were fleeing in the direction of the Crowl lands others have armed themselves and are preparing to march and many others have already began to prepare their surrender."

"All those still willing to fight are rushing here" Benjen spoke realizing the significance of what was about to happen.

"We are about to have the battle of our lives, if we win no other tribe will rise against us. I would have fulfilled my oath."

"We have sizable numbers that is true, and we brought most of that number with us. But we still left a few behind a few men to protect the tribe once all our enemies come together we will be surrounded and most probably out numbered." Benjen brought to light the glaring issue.

"Benjen go and tell the others we have only tonight, tomorrow we fight for our lives." Benjen gave a nod before rushing off to the others, "Ronell, how are things with Freya and Sigorn".

"They arrived not too long ago and are about to meet the leaders of the Freefolk" Hearing Ronell's response Arthor could not stop himself from uttering a prayer, "Old gods help us".