
With the enemy forced back Arthor knew it was only a matter of time before they returned. Not only for vengeance for their comrades, but due to the defeat hurting the pride of Lord Crowl.

And there was little one could do that a Lord would consider worse than to hurt the pride of said Lord. Having known that Arthor second phase called for a small group to make their way into Crowl territory and stir up some trouble there.

With the enemy in their home, Lord Crowl was sure to keep the sights of his army focused inward so as to flush out the threat in his lands. The group who would be braving the lands would have to rely on the same tactics they had used to drive the enemy out of their territory. 

However the situation would not be the same as the gap between their numbers would be widened even further, and unlike before the enemy would be more familiar with the terrain than themselves. Hence this force would need to perform some recruitment of their own.

Every winter people would migrate to the Crowl Lands, due to a variety of reasons. But whatever reasons they were there was something that was extremely common amongst these people, they had little to no loyalty to the Lord Crowl. So if the group was able to enlist the help of this people and draw them to their cause, they would solve a variety of problems plaguing them.

First being the lack of numbers, second being the lack of familiarity with the terrain and finally their sore need of resources. With the importance of the mission, Arthor decided the one leading this mission had to be someone he could trust to not just lead and do battle, but manage relations.

Said requirements led to Lothor not making the list of candidates. In the end Benjen was chosen. Benjen was someone whose combat skills none dared to doubt, and unlike Lothor who many would say was Benjen's equal or according to some his better. Benjen had a cool head and was able to analyze his situation to minimize unnecessary risks.

Aside that he had a group of men loyal to him, who seemed to look up to him. With many of them hoping to belike him one day, with all of these achievements. Arthor chose to select Benjen to lead said mission, promising him to quickly gather the people needed so as to come help him.

The plan seemed to be a success as even after a week he seemed to be no sign of the Crowl men coming down upon them with righteous fury. With a small smile Arthor ordered his people to spread out where as Arthor and his group headed for a village which was said to be located North west of the Island.

With knowledge obtained from a few who had actually visited the village before Arthor obtained the location and set out. Their journey was thankfully an uneventful one with the village coming into view after a day's journey.

Spakr was the first to lay eyes on the village, before relating the information to Ronell who in turn related it to the rest of the group. Making their way through the trees they arrived on the path leading to the fishing village.

"That's far enough" A shout made its way to the ears of the group as the heard the sound of bows being drawn. Hearing this Arthor rose both his hands to show he was no threat and spoke out to the man who had stepped out of the wooden wall surrounding the fishing village.

"We come in peace, I am-" 

"Arthor son of Harwood, high chief of the Woodlands, the Wing Maker. We know who you are, I doubt there is any on this land who has not heard your name. We have no quarrel with you, leave for you are not welcomed here" The man spoke again the venom in his voice clear to everyone present.

"Wait, I am not here to fight you. As you said earlier there is no quarrel between us, as you can see I did not bring a large number with me. There is a grave matter at hand which we must discuss, I merely ask for bread and salt that is all I ask."

The two remained silent as they observed one another, after another tensed minute had passed, the man gave a hand signal. With his hand signal Arthor's group heard the arrows which had been notched at them be put down, with the man signaling for them to come closer.

With a sigh of relief Arthor led his small group toward the village, as he drew closer Arthor gave a silent prayer hoping the discussion that was to happen would move smoothly. Benjen was now in enemy territory and was waiting for them, he could not afford to disappoint his brother.