Songs by the fire

With their conversation done Arthor and his group were led out of the long house and allowed to stay in the village as Joseth deliberated with his council on Arthor's words.

Considering their conversation was done Arthor knew that there was nothing he could do know but wait for Joseth to give his response and hence allowed for his small group to split up to take in the village, of course Lothor was given a stern warning so he did not let his impulses take over before Ronell was assigned to watch over him to be doubly sure.

Arthor on the other hand ended up being alone with Freya as they made their way through the village. The village did not differ much from the other villages he had seen with long houses littering the land, and men and women going about their day to day lives.

Of course they many eyes that traced their every movement did not go unnoticed however Arthor and Freya payed them no heed as they continued to explore. coming upon what was most definitely a market where fish and a whole slew of other goods were made available.

Arthor and Freya silently observed the people engage in trade, Arthor half expected to see some currency being used once he realized what this place essentially was. Since his birth in this world Arthor had yet to see the world's currency being used, sure in the wars he had been in, Arthor had picked up a coin or two but people in Skagos didn't really trade with that.

With how harsh their conditions were, the people traded in substantial goods they could actually use; food, furs and weapons. They saw lugging around pieces of metal to be nothing more than a waste, after all who could determine that you would find someone willing to trade for it.

Of course the lords did perform trades with money, or so he had been told alongside some fishing villages who performed trades with the travelers and merchants who bothered to sail this far north. Hence Arthor had got his hopes up, considering this was a fishing village a well, but to see they performed barter trade like the rest was honestly a tad disappointing.

Coming out his thoughts, Arthor noticed Freya who stood by his side with a melancholic expression of her own. "Are you okay?" Arthor asked as he tapped her on her shoulder, his actions alongside his words jolted her awake. "what?" Freya turned to Arthor with the confusion clear in her eyes as her thoughts returned to the present, clearly not having heard a word Arthor had said to her.

"I asked are you okay? you looked a bit... lost" Arthor's voice softened as concern filled his features. "Yeah I'm... I'm, it's just this all looks familiar to me" at her words Arthor gave her a look that told her to go on, seeing the look Freya let out a sigh which was more of a huff before continuing.

"My village, the one in the true north was similar to this one. A fishing village, we weren't close to the sea but there was a river. Looking at this, all this I kind of miss it is all, nothing to worry about."

Arthor remained silent unsure of the words to say, he placed his hands on her shoulder and gave a small squeeze. A smile formed on Freya's on face as she rested her hands upon his for a moment, "come on then you land lubber, lets go see the boats. I bet you have never seen one before".

The rest of the day passed on uneventfully as the members of Arthor's small group continued to explore the small fishing village.

As night approached the group found themselves seated around a fire as the villagers engaged in merry making singing song as they danced the night away. "I take it you've the charms our little village has to offer" the sound of Joseth's voice came as he sat down beside Arthor.

"Aye, it is a lovely place. That I cannot deny, although I'm curious what this is about", Arthor kept his focus on the villages dancing and singing taking note of the smiles that adorned each face. Joseth moved his eyes away from Arthor and focused on the merry making before him as well.

"It's a tradition one that has been in this village before my grandfather was a boy, If you ask me what is about or why we have it, I could not tell you. Only the priestess could" Hearing Joseth's words Arthor looked at him from the side of his eye before focusing back on the singing and dancing.

"But we do it, once every moon's turn. We gather around this big old fire and sing songs and dance, ale?" once he was done Joseth offered Arthor a rams horn filled with ale which Arthor gladly took. "So what have you decided?"

"No, no. Business can be discussed on the morrow, so why don't you join the merriment yourself you are guests after all. Or perhaps you would grace us with a song?"

Arthor responded to that with a snort before taking a swing of ale as the two sat in silence. Listening as the songs of the villagers filled the silent night.