As the world stands on the brink of destruction, a terrorist organization steals a deadly virus, triggering a race against time. To combat the threat, Pandora Corp sends in their top agents to track down the terrorists and retrieve the virus.
But when the terrorists accidentally release the virus on the Novaya Zemlya Archipelago, the situation spirals out of control. With death and devastation spreading rapidly, the night turns into a bloodbath.
Amidst the chaos, Hope - a brilliant scientist and the lone survivor of a tragedy at Pandora's secret research facility - holds the key to the truth behind the madness. As she grapples with the dark hidden agenda of Pandora Corp, Hope must race to uncover the truth and prevent a global catastrophe.
A LITTLE PIECE OF HOPE is a Biology based SCIFI.
hello , i think this is the first time i read a novel with the genre of Sci-fi so idk how to judge it , but still i found it interesting ... thank u for ur efforts ... Btw i think it may better if u change the Synopsis to something catchy and simpler ....