『Lost Souls』

"...? Welcome, well aren't you a cute little lost creature?" A divine figure spoke.

"Where... am I?"

The place they were at had nothing but pure white in every direction. The person who was speaking to the divine figure was standing on an invisible floor that seemingly ripples at each step. It seems this figure had no shape nor form.

"Fujiyama Kaori, 18, had no close friends to speak of, nor any confidants. The responsible Student Council President of Futsuno High School, but is a massive geek at home. Her family is always away at work so she spends most of her time alone and fending for herself." The divine figure said.


"Living alone and being responsible had always not bothered you. Although that may be true, you have always wanted a friend that could get along with your unique... hobbies. I am afraid that this is the first time I've heard of this "Otome" game that you are so fond of."

"That's... how...?"

It seems that the figure that was talking to Kaori was some sort of divine being that could peek at a person's life similar to a god.

"Why am I here? Did I die?" Kaori said, oddly calm about the situation.

"No, not necessarily, my subordinate Elize has handpicked you to be one of our cross-world samples. Since the world you're in was recently discovered by us, we decided it would be best to send those with a great aptitude to our world."

"Great aptitude?"

"The world you were in had little to no soul. Although that is true, there were still people who had strong souls and high aptitudes that if they were to be nurtured in our world of Zenia, they'd be able to become a strong figure in the future."

Kaori could not understand half of what is said but she knew that she had some sort of talent for her to be taken away.

"So we're going with that setting huh...?" Kaori thought to herself

"What about the people back in my world? Won't they notice I'm gone?"

"Elize will take care of that but for now, you don't have to worry about that. It's not like you have any attachments back in your old world." The figure said knowingly.

"I see... that's right." Kaori sighed.

The figure explained that she was one of the direct subordinates of the goddess that governs the world of Zenia and that she will transport Kaori directly to Lizea kingdom, inside a castle. She also further explained that Kaori can visit any of the divine figure's temples if she wanted to contact her.

"-With that said, anything else you wanted to ask before I send you off?"

"I... are you able to see what my life would be like if I had not been transported?" Kaori asked out of curiosity.

"I can, to a certain extent. Let me see... your life would be... oh my. It seems that you would have died for someone."

"...?" Kaori said, genuinely confused.

"Naoki Ozawa, it seems that after being friends for a while, you would have ended up dating, and quite a passionate romance at that. You shared lots of your hobbies together, and he even went out and confessed to you in public. You'd be together every night and would always go on dates. Although unfortunately, he died trying to save you... but you were too stubborn and you died with him." The figure said melancholically.

It was faint but the goddess' subordinate had mournfully laughed. It had always spoken in a mature calm voice but it seems that even a divine figure would be affected by stories like that.

"That's... I..." Similar to the goddess, Kaori had mixed feelings about it.

"I see, it seems I shouldn't have said it. I apologize."

"No, it's fine. I just don't know how to react after hearing that." She said, her face full of melancholy.

As Kaori said that, she thought back to the guy he had just spoken to back at the train station. She could not help but wonder if what she was told to was true and also if it was true, how was she supposed to react if that was not possible anymore.

"I see, I will now begin transporting you." The figure said, chanting something cryptic.

"Will he... will Ozawa-kun be on the other side?" She said, her body glowing.

"That's... I'm afraid that's not possible." The figure said regretfully.


"I know, you have been... for a long time now but..."


"I... I've always...!" Kaori began sobbing.

"May you find again..."

"...always felt so-!"

"...what it is that you ought to seek." The figure said softly, sending her on her way.


"...and may your soul be filled again."


"I hit it!" A man said cheerfully, jumping out of celebration.

In the middle of a huge plain, someone was celebrating. That's right, it was Naoki and he had just hit a normal-sized Furball, and on his first shot to boot. He had decided to stop by and hunt some Furballs since he wanted to gain some practice.

"Muehehehe, I can't be stopped now." Naoki laughed demonically, staring at the dead creature that used to oppress him.

It seems that the previous misses and sufferings he had experienced had made Naoki insane. After a few moments of him celebrating maniacally, he took a deep breath...

"Now I will test this out..."


"Whoa-!" Naoki stumbled while trying to dash forward.

He was trying to channel his Dedicated Soul Node which he named [Blitz]. He indeed was able to dash but it was his first time doing so and resulted in him losing balance.

"Ho-ho, quite the interesting young lad." A person said.

"...Eh?" Naoki said, looking back.

"Did you know young lad that you can use that Soul Node for other things?" The person said, picking up a rock.

Naoki had not noticed the person's presence at all, not until they spoke. It was an old man with white robes but contrary to his age, he stood firmly and appeared to be strong.

"...Like this." The old man said, casually throwing a rock at sound-breaking speed.


"That's!" Naoki exclaimed, flabbergasted by the crater that the fist-sized rock made.

"I can see that you have great talent lad, try using that [Blitz] of yours and channel it on a rock."

"How...?" Naoki asked, picking up a rock.

Naoki was shocked, he didn't know how the old man knew but Naoki surmised he was strong enough to peek at his memories. He did as the old man said and imagined shining the dedicated soul node into his hand and unto the rock.

"One, two..!" Naoki threw as hard as he can, staggering as a shockwave was made in his throw.


"That's... quite far." Naoki stared at the distant rock.

While it wasn't nearly as fast and powerful as the old man, no one back on Earth would have been able to throw a rock that far and fast in the distance.

"Mhm, I was right about you, you indeed have great potential. If someday you decide it is convenient, you may visit me." He said satisfied.

"Thank you, where might that b-... Eh?"


Naoki had looked back to ask the old man but it seems that he had disappeared without making a single sound.

"I see, thank you for teaching me." Naoki bowed.

Although Naoki knew the old guy was a powerful person, he couldn't understand why he would come to him given that he wasn't nearly as important or powerful. He had pondered how the elderly man had developed such strength despite the "curse"—but he was unable to draw any conclusions because there appeared to be many things he did not know.

"For now, let's continue heading to the city." Naoki sighed, picking up his things.

While it was named the Town of Avery, it was more of a city as it was fairly large. He was just a few dozen minutes away from Avery, but he could already see the city walls in the distance. He continued walking while wondering about the old man's identity.


"Such a massive town..." Naoki said in awe as he approached the city gates.

"Stop! You must be new around here. Go get your pass in the guardhouse over there." A guard said.

The guard appeared to be holding a spear and wearing sturdy and neat armor. She had confidently pointed Naoki where to go as if this was a very common occurrence.


"Also, please don't flirt with the Soul Seeker, you'll get in trouble." She said while sighing as if she had seen it often.

Naoki was unable to follow, and so just went into the fancy, larger-than-normal guardhouse. He was soon greeted with...

"I see, I get it." Naoki nodded to himself.

"Oh my, aren't you interesting? Here you go." A particularly beautiful figure smiled, handing Naoki something.

In front of Naoki was a beautiful lady. She had porcelain skin and long crimson hair with a figure that complimented it well; what's more, is that she had worn a traditional oriental outfit which justified calling her an "Elegant Beauty".

"That easy?" Naoki confused, receiving the pass.

"You're quite the odd one, while you had not committed any crimes and are good-natured in essence, I am blurred from reading more of your soul. Do you perhaps come from a Lineage of Soul Concealment?" The fair lady asked curiously.


"I see. Best of luck then and welcome to Avery."

Naoki could sense that the lady had not believed him even if it was true—but she ultimately decided to not pry any further. Naoki then exited...


"Heh... this is the first time that I didn't notice a single soul fluctuation when someone entered. It seems that he wasn't affected by me at all..." The lady said while looking at the closed door, a mix of emotions on her face.


"You can go." The guard said.

"I see."

After checking through his items, the guard let Naoki in. While walking for several minutes, Naoki noticed something.

"Hmm? Are they preparing for a festival or something?"

"Oh, young man~! you have gone to the city without even knowing~? It's the annual Crystallite Soul Reunion tomorrow~." A person approached him, staring at him intensely.

"Oh... uh... I see."

Naoki was surprised by the sudden appearance of the person; but even moreso by the fact that it was a muscular man wearing... unique clothes. It's not like he had something against those people, but it was still a surreal sight for him to see a middle-aged man wearing female clothing.

"Hmm~ you look lost, shall I show you around~♡? " They said, seemingly about to pounce on Naoki.

"!!!" Naoki dashed away.

"Oh my~"

After running away with his full might with the assistance of his [Blitz] node, he had finally reached the central grounds which were full of stalls and people. It seems that it was some sort of festival.

"Hah... hah... now I got to find where Andrew-san is." Naoki panted, sitting at the edge of a fountain.

"Are you okay, onii-san?" A child approached him, tugging his sleeve.

"Hmm? What is it young child of this world?"

"Hehe, you talk funny onii-san" The child giggled.

Naoki had a hard time communicating with children since he didn't really interact with them that much. He does have cousins but all of them were pretty much older than him.

"Uhm... do you know where they handle monster's materials and sell herbs? The owner should be named Andrew..." Naoki asked, a bit embarrassed that he had to ask a child.

"Oh! Uncle Andrew! I often go visit and play there! Follow me!"

It seems that the child knew Andrew and from the child's tone, it seems they were a great person.

"I have to say... it's full of gorgeous women everywhere and barely a few guys in sight." Naoki thought, realizing the reality of this world.

The people were mostly commoners but it seemed that some wore colored, elaborate robes to indicate that they belong to some group. Naoki noticed that everyone stared at these people whenever they pass by and always give way.

"Hah... I'll worry about that later." He said as he followed the child.


"Hmm... who is this flora?" A hoarse-voiced man asked.

"This is Onii-san! He looked like he was being bullied so I helped him."

"...?" Naoki confused, looking at the child beside him.

"I see, you had it rough didn't you? Damn those nobles." The man said in an angry tone.

"Ah no, I actually came looking for Andrew, Robert's brother."

"Sworn brother, that's me." The man pointed to himself

It seems that the man who had a similar physique to what Naoki would describe as "Dwarves" was Andrew. It seems that Andrew and Robert had dealt with various things to call each other "Sworn Brothers" even if they were not related by blood.

"Are you a dwarf...?" Naoki asked while giving him the letter.

"Half, my father was human."

"Hmm... I see, I understand your situation." Andrew said, after reading the contents.

"Here you go, my shop's Soulsphere." Andrew threw something at Naoki.

"This is?"

"Just feel it with your soul and you'll be able to find my shop anytime."

"I see, that's convenient."

Andrew continued to explain for an hour, he told Naoki the places that he needed for his needs and taught him everything there is to know—from disassembling and skinning monster materials to various types of herbs and how to collect them. Naoki was still confused about how the rough-looking dwarf was helping him—but he knew that Robert had something to do with it.

"-Finally, stay away from the nobles and factions. They can decide your life anytime, even with the Crystallite Soul Reunion Festival happening."

"I've been meaning to ask—what is the festival all about?"

"Today is the 73rd annual Crystallite Soul Reunion festival, it lasts for three nights and marks the founding of Avery City."

"This massive city has only 73 years of history?"

"Hmm? I do not know how it is back in your world but cities can be easily built with the help of our souls. Which is why most kingdoms often make new ones—lest they go extinct."

It seems that kingdoms usually go extinct after at least a century if they don't grow strong—but it wasn't because of wars or conflicts, it seems that it had to do with how the world works. The goddess had imposed that kingdoms would not do any large-scale battles. Instead, kingdoms fight for land through representatives and fight with their top strongest soul cultivators.

"There will be a special tournament on the 3rd night, The current city lord had won the tournament for 10 years in a row which is why she was appointed directly by the royal court to be the lord of Avery," Andrew said with respect, contrary to his hate for nobles.

"Is that why this kingdom is gathering the Strays? to help them fight wars?"

"Indeed. Although you are a special case—so I don't plan on selling you out. Instead, I think you'll be able to improve my business." Andrew said grinning.

It seems that Andrew was interested in Naoki's potential. Apparently, Robert had already told Andrew everything about Naoki.

"I see... so that's why." Naoki grinned wryly.


"That sly geezer! He just wanted someone to collect materials for him!"

On the outskirts of Avery, a man sat on the ground next to piles of dead corpses. It seems they were Furballs of varying sizes and are ready to be skinned and dismantled.

"I have to say... this bow is already useless to me," Naoki said, throwing an arrow toward a furball in the distance.

As Naoki did that, the arrow flew at an astonishing speed, even faster than normally drawing a bow, and hit the Furball on the side. It seems that Naoki was using his dedicated soul node on the arrows.

"-And 50! Now... comes the hard part." Naoki grimaced as he looked back at the piles of corpses behind him.

Naoki knew that there were more than just Furballs in this world and asked Andrew about them. It seems that there will be other monsters in forests and domains—but most monsters can be found in the Sky Tower.

"I don't know why but... I feel inclined to visit it." Naoki said, looking at the majestic spiral tower in the distance.

As Naoki continued to dismantle the Furballs, he began using the tools that were given to him. While Naoki made a sloppy job at first and wasted some materials—he began getting the hang of it.


"This should be enough... I should begin absorbing these soul fragments." Naoki said while preparing to head back.

Naoki was informed beforehand that regular males can absorb as much as 10 pebble-sized soul fragments, which the normal-sized Furballs have. Andrew warned that while Naoki was a stray with great potential, it will strain Naoki's soul if he absorbs too much.

"I should determine first where my limit is..." Naoki said, absorbing the first fragment.

He began seeing the memories and emotions of each, occasionally disturbing his mental state. He decided to take a break for every 3 soul fragments since it was burdening his mind. As he absorbed the soul fragments, something inside his soul began to crack. That's right...

"My first soul node!" Naoki said excitedly.

"Urgh... I feel nauseous though."

As Naoki's Soul Node shone brilliantly, he could feel his soul becoming much stronger and his body invigorated, It was as if he had been enlightened and cleansed. Naoki decided to stop at the 24th soul fragment and while he could still bear a few more, he wasn't taking that risk.

"The rest will be wasted though... what a waste."


"That'll be 5 white coins."


"Thanks, Come back again."

As Naoki reached the city, he tried to buy the local delicacies from one of the food stalls. It seems that Furball skewers were quite popular.

"I still don't know what to feel about eating what I just skinned earlier..."

"Halt! Her liege's younger sister will pass through here!" A guard shouted, prompting the residents to move aside.


Everyone gave way and was looking at the noble lady in question and her entourage. It was heavily guarded with them protecting a mounted carriage. A mount that Naoki had not seen before.

"That's..." Naoki seemingly met the lady's gaze.


"I see. Her soul is... damaged and unstable."

Naoki did not know what had happened but in that split second, he had felt the lady's soul. Naoki did not know how or if everyone could tell, but he knew that she was in pain.

As Naoki watched the group heading to the city castle, he wondered what that was all about. Unable to form a conclusion, he headed back as the few rays of the sunset hit the town once more.