『Semi-Annual Faction Recruitment Tournament (Part 2)』

"Candice, what do you think?"

"My—her ice form is good, she'll be a great addition to our Azure Moon."

"That guy, why is he only running? He has lots of quivers but I cannot see his bow."

The leaders were discussing amongst themselves. Meanwhile, the lord of Avery has remained silent, observing the fight calmly. While it was called a tournament—it was just multiple one-versus-one matches. They just needed to demonstrate their abilities after all.

"Is that all your good for? Fleeing!?" Naoki's opponent taunted.

"What's wrong? Can't even catch the guy you looked down upon?" Naoki snickered.


"Fine! I'm going to take this seriously!" She charged, forming an ice sword.

As she swung her sword at Naoki, he [Blitz] backward—much to his enemy's surprise.


"Opening!" Naoki exclaimed, throwing one arrow.


"This is bad!"

Naoki was shocked as well, his arrows were significantly faster than before—to the point that his opponent had barely any time to defend herself.

"Guh...!" She groaned.

Her rushed makeshift ice barrier had shattered to pieces, knocking her back.


"What was that!?"

"I didn't even see his attack!"

One by one, the crowd cried out in astonishment—this guy is strong, they thought.

"Oh...? You've brought back an interesting one, Caroline." Alexandra thought.

"Could he be a noble?" A leader inquired.

"That's impossible, there's only a handful of male nobles in Avery and all of them are in the Royal Academy of Lizea, Anize." Another leader replied.

"Then... how?"

All of them were confused, except the lord of Avery—which was informed beforehand of Naoki's identity by her younger sister, Astria. Of course, Naoki did not know that.

"That's right-!"

"-Alex! I heard your younger sister got married?"

"Word travels fast, I guess nothing escapes you huh? Leader of the Verdant Zephyrs, Alicia. That's right, It really took me by surprise." Alexandra chuckled softly.

"That's not true! I am just fond of gossip about love."

"Oh...? Tell us more about it."

The others chimed in as well, it seems that no matter the world—women were still fond of discussing things about love and gossip.

"Tch! Let's see you run away from this!" Marie formed ice crystals and aimed them at Naoki.


Naoki had parried the ice shards with arrows of his own—he had occasionally missed, which is why he had dodged the rest.

It seems that Naoki could [Blitz] much more frequently than before.

"I got you!" Naoki retaliated.

"I'm not falling for that again!"

She readied her Ice shield, confident about her defense.


"...No way. Two at once!?"

She staggered—an arrow hit her arm.

It seems that Naoki had sent two arrows in succession—immediately breaking her ice shield without giving her time to repair and fortify it. This was Naoki's best move—which he had practiced on furballs earlier.



Before she knew it, Naoki was just a meter away from her—his fist, imbued with all his strength.


Naoki hit her right in the stomach, which created a shockwave that flew her back against the wall.





The audience cheered, this was beyond their expectations. After all, it was decades ago since the last man defeated a woman cultivator in the tournament.


"I want him." The leader of Thunder Dominion said.

"No, I think he'll be more fit with us—since he doesn't practice any elements." The Head of Iron Forge argued.

"Heh... to think he beat that ice practitioner—and her form and control over ice were excellent too."

"I won't allow it. Recently, I've heard reports that your faction members have been rampant and undisciplined around the city, I'm worried that he might not have the best environment if he joins your factions." Alicia commented.


Alexandra coughed, which caught all the faction leader's attention. She stood from her seat—and jumped from the viewing deck.

"You, you're Naoki Ozawa, right? Or should I call you brother-in-law?" A daring smile formed on her lips.

"...? Ah, I see." Naoki realized what had happened.

"Don't worry, I won't get in the way. I am highly indebted to you for treating my sister, after all."


"I'm worried that my younger sister might have chosen an incompetent young man."


"What do I need to do?"

"Oh-hoh, Instead of showing it through words—you prefer proving it with actions huh? I like that attitude."

"Onee-chan!" Astria panted.

It seems that Astria was watching the whole fight at the VIP viewing deck where all nobles are. She had immediately gone down the moment she saw her sister approach Naoki.

"It's fine, Carol."

"Humor me, If you can move me from this spot—I'll accept your marriage and even let you in the Scarlet Shades as an honorary member."

"What!? That's the guy?" All the leaders were in shock.

Astria had consulted her sister beforehand, she had decided to explore the world with Naoki to get stronger. This, however, will prove to be difficult without affiliation to any Faction or Clan. She had begged her sister, at least on paper, to let Naoki join.

"This is not what we agree-"

"Bring it on!" Naoki flared up.

Now that Naoki had gotten used to battles—it appears that he had turned into a battle junkie. Although to make it fair, the lord of Avery had deactivated all her soul armors and artifacts. She had also given Naoki unlimited attempts.

The audience watched in great focus, not a single one had averted their eyes—watching Naoki's next move.


No effect.

"Again!" Naoki activated all his nodes along with [Blitz].

No effect.

Naoki backed off—to gain a headstart. He rushed towards her with all his might.


A shockwave occurred but had no effect.

"Alex-chan you're being mean!" Alicia commented.

"That's right, he's still a beginner you know!" The leader of iron forge, Bertha, reprimanded.

"It's fine, it's fine," Alexandra said, seemingly amused by the situation.

Astria watched with a worried look on her face. Naoki kept trying and trying but contrary to his desperate attempts—it seems like he was enjoying it.

"Naoki... Wait! What are you doing?"

Naoki was heading toward the edges of the arena and then ran along it, he then [Blitz] on the wall to boost him into another wall.


"With this, I can continue gaining speed." Naoki thought.

He had constantly kept on using [Blitz] on his feet at the circular arena walls—propelling him faster every time he had stepped on it. He soon reached sound-breaking speed—which was close to the limit he could bear.

"I'll end it with this!" Naoki declared as he redirected all his speed toward his target.

"Come!" Alexandra readied her stance.

It was a surreal sight, it was as if Naoki had become a bullet.


Naoki was only a few moments away from Alexandra when...


He disappeared.

"Where di-"


Using all of his Soul Nodes to their limit, Naoki had hit her from behind.


The force that had hit her had seemingly been felt by all of the audience.

"Oh." She stepped forward.


That's right, it seems that her stance had worked against her. She had leaned towards Naoki to guard against his attack—not considering that he might attack from behind.

"Ahaha, it seems that you have won..."

"-and to think you had a Soul Skill... This is the first time a man had made me move." Alexandra chuckled softly, this was truly a pleasant surprise for her.

That's right, moments before Naoki was about to hit her—Naoki had activated [Shadow] and redirected his trajectory using [Blitz] to the wall behind her, aiming to boost himself one more towards her back. Although the invisibility was practically useless in front of better cultivators, it still took a second to see through it—which is what all Naoki needed.

"Heh... that's what you get... for being overconfiden-" Naoki collapsed.

"Naoki!" Astria cried out, rushing towards his aid.

"Ah... my bad."

It seems that Naoki had overused his soul nodes and is experiencing Soul Fatigue. Alexandra had called for people to relocate and treat Naoki.

"What a handful brother-in-law." She sighed, feeling a bit apologetic.