『Golden Messiah』



Two women could be seen sitting side-to-side, a total awkward silence had made their mouths totally shut. Though it seems that they have calmed down, somewhat.

"...I know I wasn't in my right state earlier—but I'm sorry." She stiffly said.

"It's fine—I was just a little mad."


The person that was the subject of their conversation was knocked unconscious. It seems like he isn't waking up soon—he was unable to escape, apparently.

"Dorothy... I—In truth, I really thought you hated me."

"That's! How could that be!?"

"Well, you'd always laugh at me whenever I lose—and even if I win, it was because you had held back. Until tonight, I had just thought you were going to nag me every time. After all, I was kinda hurt—you remember? I asked if you wanted to be my friend..."

"...but I instead laughed at your feelings." Dorothy finished.

On the contrary, after she had done that back then, she celebrated with joy when she reached her home. She couldn't properly tell Astria the truth—her pride wouldn't allow her.

"I'm sorry..."

"Hey..." Astria interjected.

"Would you mind if you call me Carol too? I kinda took a liking to it..."


This was Astria's indirect way of asking if they could be close—which Dorothy immediately picked up. It had shocked her that she began tearing up—she had always wanted her to repeat those words again.

"A-Ah...! Yes!"

"...!" Astria flinched, Dorothy had suddenly hugged her.

They stayed like that for a while—seemingly clearing the big misunderstanding between them. So all those anonymous presents that she had received were all from her, Astria thought.

"That's right... let's ask this piece of tras—Naoki if he can help us with something."

"With this peasant...?"

"You'll see."


The gentle breeze

Outside of the forest, the three proceeded onward to their destination. They were only a day away from the Royal Capital of Lizea and the majestic Sky Tower. In contrast to the lush scenery around the road they were on, Naoki could be seen trailing behind the two girls—grimacing.

"Hey... it really wasn't my fault..." Naoki pleaded.

"Hmph, trash."

"This is why peasants will be peasants."

It seems that the two had both agreed to be condescending to Naoki, moving at a much faster pace than before.

"Don't be unreasonable! You wouldn't be alive by now if it wasn't for me!?" Naoki kneeled.

"Pft! Ahahahaha!"

"Even if I hate this peasant—it is too pitiful." Dorothy looked back, mockingly laughing.

It seems that they had long forgiven Naoki—and had only wanted to tease him. Astria couldn't contain her laughter when Naoki had begged for forgiveness ever since morning.

"I'm sorry Naoki, and thank you."


"I really haven't properly thanked you for everything—for saving me and for clearing up the misunderstanding between me and Dorothy. In truth, I've felt more alive recently, ever since you came." She softly smiled.


"Still... why do we keep encountering monsters every time? This is not normal..." Dorothy pondered.

When they left Avery, they kept on encountering monsters, albeit weak. It was odd because weak monsters try to avoid those who are significantly stronger than them.


"Hmm...? Naoki- Wait!?"

"What is it?"

Naoki had just now realized a fatal mistake—this whole time he had ignored a part of his soul, namely, the one Dedicated Soul Node that he had left on.

"Okay, maybe this was actually my fault..."

"Naoki... so that's why... AHAHAHAHA!"

"!" Naoki had [Blitz] forward, getting a bad premonition.

"Eh? EH? What is this about?"

It seems that the [Honey Node] was left activated, which explained why Naoki kept getting looks from the townsfolk and why Dorothy was in danger in the first place. It goes without saying that after he got caught, Naoki suffered another serious beating.

As an apology, Naoki had connected Dorothy to Astria's soul—it seems it was possible as long as they both were touching Naoki. With Astria's request fulfilled, they continue onwards.


Several days have passed.


"Khh! These guys won't give up!" The woman said in contempt.

"Lady Nadia... it was a pleasure working with you... I'll-I'll never forget! The life that you have given me—Farewell!" A subordinate declared, charging at the horde of enemies.


In the middle of the road, a group of what seemed like women knights were defending themselves against enemies twice their number. What was odd was not that they were attacked—but because these people knew exactly where they were, they all collectively thought.

"Scatter! She's Soul imploding!" The leader ordered.


"[Soul Burst]!" The female knight exclaimed.


"Alpha-XIV!!! Tch! again..."

A radiant purple smoke scattered, signaling that the explosion did indeed happen. It seems that some of the enemies were still affected by it.

"Continue! There are only five of them left! We, the Golden Messiah, will not stop!"



"What's wrong, Naoki?"

As compensation for getting beaten up the other night, the Silver Queen's Soul Fragment was given to Naoki—no one complained since he was the weakest of the three. As a result, the monster gave Naoki a Dedicated Soul Node that he named [Discerning Eyes] which allows him to see from faraway places and analyze them in greater detail.

"I'll be back!" He [Blitz] forward.

"...I see, let's catch up too, Dorothy." Astria followed suit.

"Hah... it must be nice knowing what goes in his mind..." Dorothy murmured to herself.

Dorothy was suffering the effects of Soul Seeking—and while she was aware of that, she can't help but start to feel a certain way for someone. This was the main reason why Soul Seeking is a revered profession because not only is it almost impossible to learn, people who had their soul peered at instantly develop a sort of affinity for the person which explains why rarely anyone could hate a Soul Seeker—similar to how professional psychiatrists were back in Naoki's world.

"...Hmph!" Naoki hit the person that was attacking a woman.


The person has flown away, caught off guard by Naoki's sudden hit.


The two looked at each other and in that split second, the woman immediately put on her glasses. It was so fast that Naoki wasn't even able to see her hand.

"My Lady!"

"Stay back, young man!"

The two subordinates immediately pointed Naoki their weapon—indicating that he should not step forward.

"Hey! Was that supposed to be a punch!?" The enemy earlier taunted.


The enemy was unharmed it seems, but what Naoki was shocked at the most was not because his attack was ineffective, it was because the person he had hit was a man—and quite a strong one at that.

"These people are...!"

"Golden Messiah!!!" Astria exclaimed immediately charging at the enemy.

Her face could be seen full of hatred. Naoki thought back to the time that Dorothy almost died—that was the same exact face that she had made now. Naoki had suddenly gotten chills, these people were no ordinary thugs...

These were the group that killed Astria's Parents.