
"Thanks for your patronage..."

"Hmm, likewise, I also am greatly thankful to you for buying these pills."

"It is no problem at all... An alchemist as young as you occurs only once in a blue moon, after all..."

The lethargic man praised—though his tone showed no signs of emotion. This was one of the local trading firms, where they sell and buy various items. And although there were other options, Naoki had decided to buy his daily needs from this otherwise impassionate man for one reason: He was trustworthy.

Recently, his control over his unique soul has somehow improved—he can now often tell the general thoughts and intentions of people, though it is often vague and only a gut feeling. As he sold the pills that he made from alchemy, he also bought a few things.

"An Azure blue coin... it's somehow satisfying to the eye."

The coin shimmered and reflected the essence of a sapphire—its brilliant glow is deserving of its value, which is 10,000 Zeals. This was the first time he had received such a large amount of money, who knew that pills could be so expensive? Naoki thought.

"That totals down to 13580 Zeals... Do come back again..." The lethargic man waved at Naoki.

"With this, I can finally somehow pay back those two... but first..."

After selling 25 of his medicinal pills, he still had more than enough to buy a Soul Armor and a Soul Artifact to protect himself from the effects of his soul's unique ability. Apparently, Pills only needed to be consumed once to fully heal and while consuming multiple pills can speed it up, it was considered generally wasteful—which Naoki couldn't help but reflect about back then.


"You know... you can really be thoughtful and sweet, Naoki." Astria smiled at the man before him.

"Right? I've rented this whole place out, so it's just the two of us here."

"And this flower... it's a Prism Avery Flower—the normal ones already cost 100 Zeals though... how much did you buy these for?" Astria was worried about the cost of setting everything up, feeling slightly guilty.

Prism Avery Flower

Avery Flowers are usually found near the city of Avery and are usually gifted at the Crystallite Soul Reunion, where people go out and enjoy time with their loved ones. The Prism Flowers are considered to be flowers that never wither and thus have lots of commercial value. Additionally, the flowers often glowed and even has reflective properties—which most women found aesthetically pleasing.

"Don't worry about that, you've always taken care of our expenses anyways—and besides, back then at the Crystallite Soul Reunion, we weren't able to properly enjoy our time together as we have just met. That's why I want to experience that again with you, Carol." Naoki returned her smile.

"Hah... you and that silver tongue of yours—was that the reason why Dorothy stopped being stubborn?" She avoided his gaze, though her sudden meek demeanor had revealed that she was flattered.

"Still... to think that..." Astria continued.

"Yeah, feels like years have already gone by..."

Due to Naoki's ability and their marriage connection, the two are in complete harmony when they are communicating—seemingly understanding each other's thought processes. Even while it occasionally becomes hazy and muddled, at times like now, when they are alone together, they are perfectly in sync.

"This same exact situation happened with your mother also, no?" Astria decided to touch upon a sensitive subject.

"Yeah, I'm sure mother would have been overjoyed to meet you—and probably annoy you to death." Naoki laughed at the thought.

"Haha, if it was my mother, I think you'll be dead."

"I can kinda tell..." Naoki wryly laughed.

They began to talk about various things, and enjoy the calm ambiance of the small but cozy restaurant. Various food was served, all of which were quite pricey but delicious—Naoki really splurged on this one.

"Later, with Dorothy, do you think..."

"Are you sure?"

"Mhm, she's kinda like family to us now—and even if I have my reservations, I'd much rather have her with us than somewhere else. I mean, that girl can really be harsh on herself at times and I'll worry she'll end up lost like back then—when both her parents died." Astria said with a reassuring nod, it seems that they've gotten really close over the past few days.



"Oh, you're back..."

"What are you doing out here all alone?" A troubled face could be seen on Naoki's face.

Reaching back at the inn, Naoki saw Dorothy all alone by the window—the faint glow of the moon illuminated her puzzled face. As for Astria, she decided to leave the two on their own for now.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about a lot of things—and how I was so immature back then."

"What do you mean?"

"Like right now, Carol still accepted and even encouraged me to follow my heart—but as for me, back then, I couldn't even be honest with her. I was just thinking, I was really a fool for being so childish." She wryly laughed.

It seems like Dorothy really adored Astria, and had seen her as an idol figure ever since. Oddly enough, even when she said all that, her face was seemingly clear from doubts—as if she came up with something of her own.

"So, did you come up with an answer?" A slight smile formed on Naoki's lips.

"Yes... So if I may be so bold—" She stood up, facing Naoki.

"I want you to look at me as well, Naoki Ozawa. And if possible, I want you to pay attention to me more."

Dorothy bowed as low as she could, her demeanor showed no signs of faltering now that she had finally decided to stop restraining herself. While it was bold of her to declare that she wanted to be more important of the two, it was her honest feelings—to which Naoki can't help but endear.

"Hehe, that's what I'd like to hear—but are you sure you're fine with me? or with this situation, rather?"

"At first I hated the idea, even more so at the fact that the first man I fell in love with is already married—and I am quite aware this is also just a byproduct of your ability. Even so, even so... I don't think any of that matters—that is because... I don't think I can lie to myself any longer."

"Hear that? You can now come in, Carol."


When Naoki said that, the door opened, revealing Astria—who brought over a small but finely detailed box. She went over to the stunned girl, giving it to her—it seems like it was a present.

"This... I..." She was too shocked to speak.

"We've also brought over some food so we can enjoy eating them together—you haven't eaten, right?"

"Hey, Naoki—slow down. We were supposed to let her open the present first then tell her about it." Astria smacked Naoki, a sigh escaped her mouth.

"These are... like how my parents back then... for my birthday." Dorothy teared up.

While it was not her birthday, the two had decided to surprise Dorothy. Apparently, a similar situation from Dorothy's past had happened before—and the two had decided to emulate it since they were both aware of her most precious memories.

After a funny banter between both of them, the three had laughed—enjoying this moment. They begin to unpack the food that they have brought over—to which Dorothy's eyes glowed at the number of desserts. Naoki couldn't help but feel that he had finally done something to return the debts he owed to them.

"What are you spacing out there, peasant?"

"He must feel so lucky that he got two flowers at his side." Astria mockingly snickered.

"Hah... just when I thought I'd be treated better—you two are still merciless as ever..." A comical tear flowed from his face.

That's right, this was where he belonged—a place that he'll never trade anything for. Finally, he has the chance to uphold his promise: to protect those he held dear so that they may never lose their way and find what it is they ought to seek—so that their soul may be filled again.