
"Everything is set, Matriarch." A well-dressed man reported.

"Mhm! Very well! It has been quite some time since I have seen that rascal friend of mine, the opportunity has finally presented itself."

"Additionally, your daughters have already signed up for the battle between the two kingdoms... If I may be so bold—our own daughter has requested for funds again."

Kingdom of Quaint.

While it was not as big as Lizea, it did not pale in comparison in terms of strength. This was all due to their proactive leader—who was a close friend of Ceana von Lizea herself. The matriarch prided herself on leading their country in glory—it appears that she has greatly contributed to the development of their country.

"Tania? Sure, remember to remind her to visit her mother, it seems like she has grown distant as of late." She smiled playfully, contrary to her regal speech.

"Understood, thank you—I'll be sure to discipline her about it, Matriarch." The guy bowed.

Despite her grandeur achievements and profound cultivation, the Matriarch of Quaint was also known for having several husbands and lovers—with some who took care of her children. As to why she had decided to take on the path of polyamory, only she knows the answer to that question.

"If I may add, see to it that you welcome the students from Lizea at the Excelsior—even if we are to compete, they are still valuable allies and friends of our Kingdom of Quaint."

"Yes!" The man saluted, before excusing himself.

The Excelsior

It was one of the greatest inventions of the Soul Arts, a Soul Artifact that allowed for instantaneous transportation over long distances—much like teleportation. Naturally, being a powerful Soul Artifact, it can't be used frequently—as it needs to be recharged at least a week before it can be used again.

"Heh, we'll see who's stronger this time, Ceana!" She declared jovially—she was her greatest rival, after all.

The Lizean Students were expected to arrive today and have an audience with her, it was customary to pay respects to the ruler that you're visiting—especially if it's a big group or formal in nature. Although the Matriarch didn't care, all she wanted was a show of bout between her friend again—she couldn't accept the loss last time, after all.



"Peasant... there's no need to over-react."

"Hehe, surprised? I forgot to mention that the capital of the Kingdom of Quaint is a floating city. The artifact that carries it above ground was a gift from another country—which was made by a genius inventor—" Astria said, trifling over trivia.

"Stop it, carol—the peasant is probably too mesmerized to even listen to you."

Looking down, one could barely see the ground—as clouds sway beneath them. Yet oddly enough, the floating city was stable, not even the slightest tremor could be felt—Naoki never had such gleam in his eyes until he saw this wondrous sight.

"Welcome Lizean students! I am Lara, the Excelsior guide for Lizea—I take it that you are all competing?" The person declared, gathering the attention of all the people on the platform.

The platform that Naoki and the students were on was the Excelsior—which was situated on a small island connected to the capital. Additionally, there were several islands that were also connected to the capital—as if having their own fleet.

"Honored Lara, we will take over from here." A uniformed lady floated beside her.

"Ah, if it isn't Lady Rhea—I was not informed of your visit, what will it be for today?"

"Mother—I mean, the matriarch has ordered me to take over here—it seems she wants me to personally tour them." The girl embarrassingly sighed.


When Lara had said that, she snapped her hand and vanished—as if she had just not existed. But while this was happening, no one seemed to have paid attention—it appears that the Lizean students were just chattering among themselves, unmindful of the events.

"We meet again... Rhea Quaint~" A girl monotonously greeted.

"Eira! It's really been so long!"

Jovially declaring that, the floating girl went down to hug Eira Hrothford—it seems they were very close friends. And while this was happening, Naoki couldn't help but feel like someone was intently monitoring him—an ominous aura penetrated deep into his soul.

"It couldn't be..."


"It's the mysterious violet lady..." Naoki grimaced.

That's right, Nadia Walter was one of the top students in the academy, after all. It seems she was also here to attend the event—though Naoki had noticed from her face that she'd rather be back at Lizea.

*Murmur* *Chatter*

"Everyone, Lizean students! I know you all are eager for this trip to see the sights of our Kingdom and participate in the competition. And with that said, I will first lead you all to the finest inn around town, which has already been paid for by the kingdom, to settle in your belongings." Rhea declared, gathering the attention of everyone else.

"It's time to go... everyone~"

The number of Lizean students on this trip is nearly 200—and while that wasn't that many compared to the school's population, these were the most elite of the elite of the younger generation; which the Queen herself was very proud of.


"Just like the information we've gathered, she's here, Captain."

"So it would seem..."

"Isn't this the time to finally take her down? A lot of our brothers and sisters have already fallen by her and her lackey's hands." One member argued.

In a dark alley of a particularly empty street lies several dozen white-robed figures—each had a golden insignia that reflected their organization. That's right, it was no other than the Golden Messiah.

"You're all clearly underestimating her—really, why would the Golden Order send with only so few personnel?"

"Is that really true? she's already weakened according to our reports, what is there to worry about? We already know her true cultivation after that one incident outside the capital city of Lizea." The guy retorted, as if the concern was baseless.

"No... It's really odd." A hoarse-voiced man said.

"What do you mean, Captain?"

"It's just... the scouts have reported that she was alone—her Shades that usually accompany her are nowhere to be found..."


To be precise, Nadia Walter's subordinates. And while most of them didn't have a profound cultivation, they were all trained in the art of espionage—it was the Walter family's iconic trademark, after all.

"In any case... We, the Golden Messiah must make her see the truth! To remove the fake tyrant of this world!"

"Yes!" Everyone cheered in unison.

Relative to the ordinary masses, the intentions of Golden Messiah and their main objective still elude them. To some, they were liberators, and to some, they were rebels—but most people know one thing, the kingdoms don't welcome them.

Yet some still pass, and their roots were still obscure even to their own members. But Naoki couldn't care less about this, as he takes in the beautiful sight of the Kingdom of Quaint.