

I sighed on one particular evening. How long has it been? I couldn't tell. In fact, even I stopped thinking about it for a while—yet here I am, stuck and lost.

"Something... Someone..."

I called out in vain, I knew nothing would change. I knew that I had to stop. And I knew that I had mountains of responsibilities to attend to.

"How long has it been... since I gave up on my dream..."

How comical it all was, I thought that being responsible and being a role model would allow me to finally stop feeling like this—now, I feel like everything is just a hindrance.

"I wish I could just stay here forever..." I sighed.

My name is Fujiyama Kaori, and as you can see—I'm pathetic, right? How could the Student Council President Fujiyama Kaori end up in such a pitiable state? Ultimately, it all has to do with my personality. When I feel tired and swamped with responsibilities, I often feel like there's no purpose to it all—to living, I mean.

[Do you wish to escape?]


The screen monitor had flashed that as if it heard my own wails—in any case, It's probably those 18+ popups that crop up when I'm finding my otome games.

"Haha... before escaping, I'd at least want to experience what it's like to be a main character in a romance-comedy..." Kaori chuckled to herself.


"Ah... AH!!!"

Falling, as if the floor had suddenly collapsed. I immediately panicked and tried to claw up—but there was nothing but pure white.

Oh... that's right, it all makes sense now.






Kaori found herself sitting upright, the bright and soft glow of the morning sun entered the room—signaling the start of dawn. It appears that the other two had woken up just a bit early.

"I... ah, yes."

"Is everything alright Kaori-chan? Are you missing your boyfriend? I can talk to Mother about it..." Lydia donned a worried look.

"Lydia... I don't think... it's that simple..." Minami commented.

"Nonono! It's nothing of the sort Lydia, thank you for the concern."

Contrary to Kaori's half-asleep, half-panicked face—Lydia was still carrying her usual positive energy. It appears she really appreciates being called only by her first name.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Your Royal Highness? It seems that breakfast is served at Quaint Hall. I'll be standing by outside until you are ready." Leanna said.

"Ah, Leanna-chan! Yeah, I'll be right there!"

"Let's go... Kaori."

"Yes..." Kaori, with her "nightmare" in her mind, could only reluctantly sigh.


[What are your plans for today, Naoki?]

"...or so, they said... how did I end up here?"

After he had returned back to the inn, the two girls had asked this of Naoki—though contrary to their inquiry, both of them appeared to be ready to go out, about to leave Naoki behind.

"I was just in the Quaint Domain earlier though..." He looked around, seeing nothing but the azure blue sky—each of his steps ripples the floor he stood on.

That's right, having been left behind, Naoki could only cultivate by himself on a nearby floating island—which had a domain gate that opened to one of the most entered domains in all of Quaint, the Quaint Domain.

"W...? e...l... ? come?"

"Eh...!?" Naoki flinched in shock.

"Ah... fixed. Human language... complicated."

A figure appeared in front of him, her eyes showed no emotion—though her demeanor was flawless, not a trace of weakness can be found. Naoki was suddenly awed by the person, her garments and hair had nostalgically reminded him of the moon.

"No need... scared. Iso... friendly." She gestured, her face had not wavered even the slightest bit.

"You are...?"

"Iso is... Iso. I am... a Soul..? Soul Saint."

Naoki immediately understood, it seems this person was likely similar to Leariz, and was the Domain Master of the Quaint Domain—or so he concluded.

"That is... right."


"Thoughts... readable."

"Ah, I forgot that I can't hide anything from Soul Saints." Naoki could only embarrassingly laugh.

Iso seems to not react at anything, her face in complete tranquility—as if it is not bothered by anything and everything. Meanwhile, Naoki noticed another thing, the red insignia on her head is seemingly glowing—its radiant scarlet light appeared to be glowing every time Naoki spoke.

"This... a regulator... Iso was very... emotional... I damaged my soul because of that..." Her forehead shone brilliantly, emphasizing her point.

"..." As if empathizing with her, Naoki kept silent.

"You are... stray?"

"Ah... that's right." Naoki reluctantly admitted, knowing he could not hide anything.

Naoki steeled himself—Leariz had told him that male strays are extremely prohibited, and if found, would be presented to the supreme goddess to be executed on the spot.

"Not worry... I not cruel..."


"I only ask... help."

If only for a bitter second, Naoki had noticed the deep sadness in her eyes—despite the blinding red light. This person, just what would happen if that red insignia is removed? Naoki wondered.

"I need... control of emotions... man needed."

"Why exactly do you need a guy—and me no less?"

"Simple... love..."


The sudden mention of love had caught Naoki off-guard—leading to his outburst. He couldn't just suddenly accept the randomness of this turn of events.

"In exchange... I'll help you grow... soul techniques..." Iso inched closer, touching Naoki's forehead with the tip of her finger.


Bright white light flashed at contact—as if some divine power had been passed down to Naoki. He didn't know why—why this had happened and why he of all people, was picked. He didn't know this person's intentions nor the complete reasoning behind them.

"Come... again... [Ancient Soul]."




As if nothing had happened—Naoki disappeared, his many questions left unanswered. He didn't know if this was just his luck or whether he should be happy about it or not.

"Limitless soul... mentor... not like."

"Must conceal... and control soul... set myself... free."

Her face was in perfect stillness—in contrast with the tear that flowed from her azure eyes. As her scarlet insignia grows brilliantly, silence followed. That's right, this is how she'd always lived, her soul world was nothing but this—deep oceans and limitless blue skies. The depths of her soul that only she, Iso—the daughter of one of the direct subordinates of the Supreme Goddess of Zenia, Beryll—can understand.

At least, for now.