Oscar at the border

Close to the border of the country

Mara's POV

"Oscar!" I called out in a fright when I turned around to look at the person that tapped me gently.

"Yes Mara.. it's me.. what are you doing here and why do you look so scared?" He asked me as he gave me a suspicious look.

As if taunting me in school wasn't enough and now he is here as well??... What should I do? How do I get this delivered?

"Actually I came to see someone but I got the location all wrong and now I am finding it difficult to find my way out" I lied trying to act calm. That was a skill I learnt from ma'am Keren anyways.

"Who is the person ? And how could you be so wrong with a location that you ended up so close to the border?" He continued to ask me questions.

I tactically kept on looking around to check for the lady I was meant to deliver the goods to.

"Who or what are you looking for?" He shaked me a little when he noticed I had gone completely quiet.