The visitor 3

" Who was that Mama" , Soma asked with a prickled interest grabbing a seat to sit beside her mother

". Chike the hunter",

" Did he leave a message behind, hope all is well", she asked sounding apprehensive and shaking her mother showing that she's desperate for answer.

Seeing her daughter's nervousness she smiled a lot to her self

" Yes all is, he said I should give you this ", Annaki pointed to the wrapped meat on the stool beside her.

" What is this"?

" See for yourself " Annaki responded

" he said you wished him a successful hunting this morning, so he brought this for you"

Soma took the wrapped meat from the stool beside her mother and smiled a knowing smile. " He did?",. that's so thoughtful of him ", Annaki looked closely at her daughter , she saw something that was commonly described as the " look of love " on her face

" What's going on between the both of you? ".

". you mean Chike and I? ".

" Yes, between Chike and you ",

" oh, we are just friends", she blushed hiding her face away from her mother.

" Really ! , just friends ! " , she asked still not believing her

". Anyway, it's fine , what of Eze the palm wine tapper ",

" We are not really friends " , she pointed out the truth

". I know when a man like a woman, and that young man Chike he likes you , he's hardworking and a successful hunter, so when he asks for your hand in marriage don't say no "

" I heard what you and your friend was discussing this morning, but don't you listen to her love still exists . As for not being rich, it's those who are poor and hardworking today that will become rich tomorrow".

". So do you like him?", Soma who was playing with her fingers nodded shyly

" I like him",

" And the other one that brought you home?"

" Mama , like I said earlier we are not even friends yet".

Annaki drew back and sighed deeply " your sister Muna is in the kitchen cooking, maybe the meat Chike brought would help our soup thicken", she smiled knowingly at her and continued with what she was doing .

Soma understanding what her mother said nodded in approval " I will bring it to her then", she said and stood up excusing herself to meet Muna in the kitchen.

Soma was a very attractive girl she was begining to enjoy the attention from men, But two people however consistent Chike and Eze.

Chike however on his part was a successful hunter and she began to develop feelings for him.

One day she decided to make a meal for him with the part of the meat he brought her, She set into motion and prepared a special delicacy, dressed in her best clothes and a new hair do , she spooned the delicacy in a special bowel and set out for Chike's place.

Arriving at Chike's compound she saw Chike's mother on her way out who directed her to the back of the hut , ". Good day mama" Soma greeted

" Good day my child, how are you"

" Am fine, am looking for Chike "

". He's at the back of the hut , I will see you guys later an on my way to the market ".

Bidding her farewell she walked towards the back of the hut but halted midway.