11:27 am

Lemongrass tea. She instantly reacted at the scent when the old Henry brought a boiling tea set with him. He fell back in his armchair and loosened a bit his necktie. By now, shadows must be confined underneath hanging objects. The blank porcelain of the tea set gleamed brighter as the sun slipped higher in the sky and bounced off to an open window.

"Grab a cup," he reminded me and I poured a cup for her before mine.

Soon, the tea was warm enough to be drunk at a steady pace. The old Henry had a bottle of beer, but since I was still unconscious because of booze this morning, I decided not ask for one.

"Missy, I heard ya wanted to go to the sea," she put down her cup on the coaster on her lap and timidly nodded. 'Is that so? I'm kinda curious, y'know, could ya tell me why?'

Her somewhat pale cheeks reddened a bit, "…It's pretty stupid," she muttered.

"It ain't stupid," I replied at once while the old Henry looked at us with his waved wrinkles.

"Mr. Burglar is right, missy. I don't think there's a stupid reason to go to the sea."

"…Well, I want to touch the sky."

"Touch the sky? Touch the sky... But why the sea then? Wouldn't a skyscraper make the deal?"

"The sea extends the infinite blue of the sky," she immediately said.

The old man sank deeper in his armchair and chugged his beer in inapprehension. We kept quiet for a while, and he stared at the filled-to-its-rim ashtray. Then his face lightened up and he let out a crumpled smile.

"Oh, I think I get it, missy! Yeah, I hope ye'll make it, I'll lend ya my camper."

"…Thank you very much," she earnestly replied with a smile.

"And I take that Mr. Burglar will handle the wheel?" I agreed. "Well, do stay for lunch too then! Ya can take it easy for now, y'all most likely arrive early. Do stay for lunch!" he repeated.

I looked at her, but her smile only bloomed like a morning glory. I was kind of hungry anyway, so I wouldn't refuse a lunch myself. The old man went to go cooking in the kitchen so, I thought I'd lend him a hand.