Chapter 7: True Bravery

Bryce was walking out of school when chara started talking "hey wanna know something Bryce?" "Chara I swear to go if you're trying to bribe me for chocolate so help me god!" Bryce said with an aggravated expression. "No no it aint that again do you want more abilities?" chara asked. "What do you mean by more abilities?" Bryce asked. "you see your quirk can awaken multiple times depending on the situation." Chara replied. "Wait, what really." Bryce said, surprised. "Mhmm yep let's try to start you off with the bravery aspect of your quirk." Chara replied " you will have to feel immense amounts of fear and well survive it." chara said. "Fear you say I can help with that." Max said as he walked towards them. "How can you hear her?" Bryce asked as he backed away a bit. "There is a soul next to yours. I can see and hear it thanks to soul magic existing. Anyway let's duel, entertain me enough I will grant you a way to use Bravery. Do we have a deal?" Max said as he put out his hand. "Why do I have a feeling you are not alone as well?" Chara asked. "What do you mean?" Bryce asked also. "Oh, well she doesn't exist but she is the most powerful commander and AI named Raphael. Yes she is in my head and helps me. Yes she can take over my body but only with approval. Now let's fight!" Max said as he took out a strange looking spear from the air. "Heh alright" Bryce said as he made two kusarigamas "Heh looks like I get to try these out!" Bryce said in excitement "I never get to friendly spar anyone so you don't know how much this pumps me up." Bryce said. "You ready?" Max said as he stretched "yeah,just give me a sec" Bryce said as he took a deep breath "hey,are you sure you can win this?" Chara asked concerned "yeah,I've been training my ass off so I'm confident" Bryce said as he readied himself. Bryce used the chain on his weapons to spin them and stared directly at Max "come at me Max!" Bryce shouted. The spear in Max's hands flew straight towards Bryce. Bryce smirked and threw his weapon and clashed with Max. Bryce launched at Max at blistering speed and used the second weapon and try and slash at his chest. "Dimensional Shift" Max said as he disappeared and reappeared in a purple light as the spear flew back in Bryce's direction. "Oh shit" Bryce said as he barely dodged but was sliced across his face. Bryce jumped back as he put one hand on his face "hmm,that's not good" Bryce said as Chara sighed "move out of the way" Chara then took control of Bryce's body. Bryce was thrusted into a black void with what looked like a small TV that showed the current events happening. Chara now in Bryce's body then made the second weapon disappear. "One is much better to focus on," Chara said as he then blitzed at Max while spinning the weapon. Max jumped back as Chara threw the weapon. Max tried rushing him. Max stuck his hand out and yelled increase. Small blades of stone and dirt swarmed around Chara and temporarily blinded him "HarlHarlequinFigure" Max shouted as a massive fireball was shot out of a small magic circle on Max's hand. This hit Chara directly and caused a small explosion. "*cough" That was unexpected" Chara said as his eyes glowed red through the smoke. "My turn" Chara said as he stuck his right out and made dozens of red knives made of D.t. "Blade storm" Chara said as these knives surrounded Max and sliced and cut him all over. "D.t Siphon" Chara said as red energy flowed from Max's body and into Chara. Chara then with a devilish grin spun the kusarigama at insane speeds and charged at Max at insane speeds. Chara threw the bladed end of the weapon at Max and by some stroke of luck Max dodged it. "If i'm going to win i need to even the playing field" Max thought as he clapped his hands together "Magic Spear: Chastiful '' Max said as a silver spear with a black blade was formed. "I have yet to use my spear's true power. Spirit Spear Chastiefol 1st form: Minor Increase" Max said as the spear spins and turners into several minni spear heads. They all headed to Chara at great speeds and in different directions. "I give!" Chara said as the blades were inches away from her. "Well, a deal is a deal so let Bryce take over since he only needs level one and with you your chances are low" Max said as the spear disappeared. Chara gave back control to Bryce. "Finally! I never really got used to watching myself" Bryce said as Max raised his hands. "Aura of Fear: Level 1" Max said as a black aura of fear came from his hand and hit Bryce. This black aura made Bryce fall to his knees. Reliving the past traumas in his life,the pain and suffering he endured. All washed over him and threw him under. Like a wave pushing you deep into the cold ocean. Where you drown in a sea of your own negativity. "Giving up so easily?" voices called out as green,orange,purple,cyan,yellow,and blue hands push him back to the surface. "You are filled with Determination '' the voices said as Bryce now with glowing red eyes stands up as his aura fades. Max sees this and prepares his spear. The two dash in at eachother but before they can clash Enel steps in between them and stops their attacks with his bare hands. "That's enough for you two,you can finish this another time. This is just a sparring match,not a death battle" Enel said as the two boys came to their senses. "Aw, I wanted more fun," Max said as he stepped away. "You are lucky Enel that I had no magic activated or you would have been missing a body part. Anyway I did what I came to do so bye!" Max said as he teleported away