Chapter 15: Attack On USJ Pt1

A few weeks pass and Aizawa makes an announcement. "Today we will be going to an area to train." Aizawa says as some of the class gets excited. "Max and Luna, you won't be able to participate due to your abilities. You two can go home or something." Aizawa said. "Alright, let's go. Maybe we can catch the movie if we are not late" Max said as he and Luna went towards the door. "Wouldn't teleportation make you never late?" Izuku said. "Well no, not if I want to bring Luna as her ability is the direct opposite of space magic. Her quirk expands distance while teleportation decreases distance. Anyway I gave Aizawa a draco crystal in case something goes wrong. See you later!" Max said as he went on a little date with Luna.

"Well let's get started then shall we." Bryce said as he got up and started glowing red a bit. Enel woke up as his chair hit the floor "whait,what are we doing today?" Enel asked as Aizawa repeated himself while annoyed, "okay,is there going to be anyone there for me to specifically train with,i kinda can't find anyone who can actually help me with training" Enel asked. "Some really good heroes will be there." Aizawa said "enough chit chat let's go!" Bryce said as he stood up "i'll meet you guys there" Enel said as he looked at the slip of paper on his desk that had the address on it. "Caio" Enel said as all that was left of him was an after image "i forget he can do that" Denki thinks to himself as everyone else begins to walk out the school onto a bus. "I can't wait to try my new soul aspect." Bryce said as we cut to Enel walking around the USJ until he saw someone that he had hoped he didn't run into. Seraphim,the soul hero, was standing and looking at the sky. "I'm guessing since my clone didn't ever come back that it was destroyed,and they seriously want me to take him out. He is literally a pro hero,and a top 10 one on top of that. They have way too much faith in me" Enel thought as he took a deep breath. "Hey,are you Seraphim! Oh my god,I'm a huge fan,can I get your autograph" Enel said as he faked his excitement. Seraphim smiled as he began to sign a notebook that Enel brought out. "Now's my only chance,I have to use everything I know right here" Enel thought as electricity began cackling around him. Enel then landed a solid right hook on Seraphim's face that sent him sliding back a bit. "Why is he attacking me?" Seraphim thought as Enel let out all his bloodlust in an attempt to try and stun Seraphim "woah,i can't control my quirk?" Enel said as he tried to secure that he wouldn't be imprisoned if he doesn't end up killing Seraphim. Enel then blitzed in front of Seraphim and seemingly landed a flurry of attacks on him. "Not bad kid,but i can see right through your facade,now mind telling me what your affiliation with Ra's al Ghul,and the league of assassins" Seraphim asked as Enel then dropped his facade "none of your concern,it's nothing personal,there's a hit on your head and i've decided to take it" Enel said as Seraphim used one of his wings to smack Enel to the ground "damn!" Enel said as he charged up and attacked "VARI!" Enel shouted as a massive blast of lightning was fired at Seraphim "Determined Shield" Seraphim said as a red bubble formed around him and protected him from the blast. "He's not half bad" Seraphim thought as Enel dashed right in front of he shield and kicked it so hard that it was sent spiraling back. "Godspeed Combination!" Enel shouted as his eyes and body began to emit even more lightning and electricity. Enel then started dashing around faster than lightning and kicking the barrier around. The barrier eventually cracked open as Seraphim smirked as he made a massive orange hand and grabbed Enel "do you want to continue this little skirmish,because this is pretty entertaining for me" Seraphim said as he flew slowly over to Enel and put his hand on his head "Calming Ocean" Seraphim said as Enel's body glowed green until he eventually fell asleep "good,now let's peer into his mind" Seraphim said as he used one of his moves to get Enel to sleep talk reveal everything he knows "*snore* Al Ghul is…the league of assassins is….is…None of your concern *snore*" Enel said as Seraphim sighed "Al Ghul trained his assassins to never reveal their secrets even when unconscious?" Seraphim said frustrated as Enel started talking again "No,please stop…no,no! Please Stop,she didn't do anything wrong, mom didn't do anything wrong dad,please…" Enel said as he kept snoring. "That's why. Al Ghul is taking kids from broken homes,turning them into killers and putting them in better homes. I don't even know what to feel. I guess that explains why he tried to take me out,I'll drop him off somewhere" Seraphim said as he put Enel in front of the gate sitting on the grass up against the wall. As soon as the rest of the class arrived Bryce was the first to enter. Bryce looked around in astonishment until he saw Enel "Bro wake up it didn't take that long did it?" Bryce said, shaking Enel awake. Enel woke up and punched Bryce square in the mouth as he was under the guise that he was still fighting Seraphim. "OW YOU DICK WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" Bryce shouted as he healed the bruise with determination "Hm,sorry,i was uh,i was,having quite the dream" Enel said as he looked around "Where is everyone else?" Enel asked. "There's about to come in, I just rushed in." Bryce said as he helped Enel up "sounds about right,what are we even going to do here,i've been bored since i got here,i think there is only 1 person here who can actually keep up with me,and our quirks are completely different" Enel said as all he remembers was him being held up and a hand being out on his head.The rest of the class walked in "Welcome all of you,to the USJ,the best hero training facility in all of Japan. I'm the pro hero thirteen,and you all must be class 1-A,nice to see all of you" Thirteen said. The class all said hello. Izuku in particular was freaking out and nearly shaking in pure excitement "I can't believe that i'm actually seeing multiple pro heroes in real life,right in front of me" Izuku thought as he was writing everything down. Meanwhile Seraphim and Enel were just looking at each other. Enel with a little bit of annoyance and bloodlust and Seraphim of pity and remorse "that boy has no idea what Al Ghul has in store for him does he,doesn't he know by now that he can't be trusted" Seraphim thought as Enel's mind was racing "when Al Ghul hears that i failed to kill him,my head might as well be rolling on the floor when he's done because i don't think i'll survive this time" Enel thought as everyone was being shown around the USJ. around an hour later, as the students were about to close off their little trip, portals opened at the opposite side of the USJ. "Wow you hear that,they even have fake villains for us to fight as well" Izuku thought as Aizawa felt as if something was off. It was only when the villains got closer that they realized that the villains weren't fake and that this was an all out assault by the league of villains."All students ,evacuate now-"

Aizawa said as he was cut off by more portals opening and swallowing the students and spitting them out all around the USJ.

"Kill them all '' a grayish blue haired man said as the villains that poured out of the portals started running and advancing at the few heroes in the USJ. "Crap,there isn't enough of us here to take all of them on,and we need to consider that there are students nearby so we can't really go all out" Aizawa thought as he saw a blue streak dart past him and into the crowd of villains. "Why are you just standing there,back me up!!" Enel said as he started to take down villain after villain with his speed alone. Aizwa rushed in as well and used his quirk to erase other's quirks and use his capture scarf to fling villains into each other. "Tch,i can't come this far just to be taken down by puny heroes and a kid,luckily i have an ace in the hole. NOMU,TAKE THE FAST ONE DOWN!'' The gray haired man said as from behind him a 12ft tall muscular amalgamation of quirks of flesh stood behind him with its brain exposed,eyes bulging out of their sockets,and beak equipped with razor sharp teeth. "RAAAAAAH!" the Nomu shouted as it rushed through the crowd of villains mercilessly in an effort to attack Enel. "What the-!" Enel said as he just barely managed to block the on coming attack from this beast. The Nomu landed a powerful punch on Enel's arms and sent him flying back into a stone formation in the USJ. The Nomu however didn't let up in the slightest and jumped towards Enel. "Shit,he hits harder than anything i've been up against '' Enel thought as he managed to recover quick enough so that Nomu didn't kill with the oncoming attack. "RAAAH!" The Nomu said as it just barely hit Enel. The Nomu then saw Enel landing nearby and immediately rushed at him and landed a solid punch to his face,sending him sliding back far. Enel eventually hit a large rock and crashed into it leaving a massive dust cloud. "Good,now Nomu-" the gray haired man said as he saw an electric blue light coming from the dust cloud and electricity crackling around it. "Hehe *huff* you thought that hurt,i'll show you real pain!" Enel said as he walked out of the dust cloud with electricity crackling around him. Enel then suddenly disappeared and reappeared right in front of the Nomu and lands a flurry of punches and kicks on the Nomu that actually start to push it back. The Nomu tried to grab Enel but was too slow as it got uppercutted with a fist full of lightning that sent it sliding back far. "I have to end this now! KILLER SERIES FINISHING MOVE: CHIDORI!" Enel shouted as he grabbed his arm for stability and charged up all the lightning he could muster and dashed faster than lighting right at the Nomu. Enel drags his chidori across the ground while running and it easily tears through the ground. "HAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Enel shouted as he landed the chidori right in Nomu's chest and the move was so strong that it destroyed the place it hit completely,and sent millions of volts through the Nomu's body. THe Nomu staggered back as thick,purple blood pured out of th Nomu as it cried out in pain "huff,huff,how's that,you stupid beast" Enel said as he was on his knees. However,one thing that Enel didn't account for,was what the Nomu was originally built for. "Impressive,in any other case,you would have killed your opponent,but the Nomu isn't a regular person,it's a project made specifically to kill Allmight,meant to adapt to his strength and speed,and for that,we'd need it to have insane regeneration properties" the gray haired man said as the destroyed portion of Nomu's chest started to fill as the Nomu grew in size by an order of magnitude. Along with having immunity to Electric and lightning based attacks.

"What was that sound,it sounds like 1,000 birds" Bryce said as he heard a blood curdling scream that sounded like Enel coming from the center of the USJ. "Don't worry about him,he's one of the stronger of us all,he should be fine" Bakugou said as he took down every villain that came at him "Aizawa told us to get away,so after this we need to get out of here now" Bakugou said as Bryce started to get concerned "what about Enel,there was a horde of villains over there,even Aizawa was worried" Bryce said as Bakugou barked back at him "rules are rules! And in hero society those who break the rules are scum!" Bakugou shouted as he sent a villain flying. Bryce looked at him with a surprised and shocked look that quickly turned into one of pure fury "so what you're telling me is,we should abandon a comrade and fellow student because of some rules a teacher gave us! I understand that those who break the rules are scum,but those who would consciously abandon a comrade are worse than scum!" Bryce shouted as his rage altered the properties of his D.T. His D.T went from deep red to a bright pinkish red along with his eye color. THis pinkish red aura started to engulf Bryce as he dashed off at blistering speeds towards Enel. "AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Enel shouted as Nomu bit into his arm with full force easily cutting through the bone. THe Nomu then started to shake Enel while having his arm in its mouth. "EAT THIS!" Enel shouted as the arm that was in Nomu's mouth charged up a blast of electricity and shot it upwards at Nomu's head. Smoke came from Nomu's brain,eyes,and head but it was still unaffected. "Heh,if this is how i die,then i'll go out with a fucking bang!" Enel said as he noticed that Bryce was nearby but was lost on where his position was. Enel then punched the Nomu in it's exposed brain forcing it to let go of his arm. Enel then took a deep breath and jumped back far enough away that he could use this move without hurting anyone "KILLER SERIES FINISHING MOVE: EL THOR!" Enel shouted as the clouds became more dense and heavy and turned from white to gray and black. Suddenly a pillar of lightning came down on the Nomu seemingly frying it,but also serving as a massive flare to his and the Nomu's location. Enel chuckled a bit as his normally bright blue pupils became faded as his knees buckled under the weight of his body and he passed out;The Nomu on the other hand was more enraged than anything and dashed at the unconscious Enel with its mouth wide open ready to tear his body to pieces. JUst then a bright red barrier covered Enel as Nomu was kicked in the side and sent flying by Bryce. "Don't worry Enel,i'll take it from here,thanks for holding out so long," Bryce said as he landed near Enel.