Chapter 22: Final Adjustments,1 week left!

"Come on,you can attack faster than that!" Undyne shouted as Enel was sparring with her. "Are you sure you want me to go all out here,what about your house?" Enel said as he spun his lightning spear around and attacked Undyne. "You're right,also I think it's time we move on from basic training to your own unique moves,so here's what I'll do for you" Undyne said as she clashed with Enel. "I'll take you to this open field and let you try out moves on your own" Undyne said as she put Enel over her shoulder and moved at deafening speeds towards an empty field. As they arrived Enel recollected himself as the moment he turned around Undyne was gone. "Okay,I guess we can start now" Enel thought as he summoned multiple lightning spears and made clones to spar with. After doing that for a warm up for about an hour he went on YouTube and searched up some of Undyne's highlight moves. "Spear of Justice,Spear Rush,Spear Wall,basically everything that has to do with spears" Enel thought as he spent hours replicating the moves but found himself stumped while coming up with his own moves until. "It's getting dark,hmm okay what if i go back to my roots and focus on refining all of my past moves." Enel said as he did just that. Enel took a deep breath as he charged up an attack. Blue electricity became more wispy and wind-like as it departicalized into a whole new attack. Enel closed his eyes as he felt the wind blowing on him,he could feel everything at once as he opened his eyes he cried out "Cero!" The massive swirling ball of electricity was fired like a beam as it easily traversed large distances before it eventually hit a large rock formation. The beam was so intense that it vaporized the rock formation and left a thick black smoke coming from the area with electricity crackling around it. He even improved this by mixing his blood into the electricity to make it more volatile. "I'll call the stronger variant,the Gran Rey Cero" Enel said as he had another idea "what if I supercharge the spears" Enel thought as he closed his eyes and focused on making a more powerful spear of electricity. No pure raw Bioelectricity. Enel clasped his hands together as a bright blue light came from inside of his clasped hands. Enel spread his hands apart to reveal a spear with one pointed end,bright white and blue,with with a wispy tail that split into two. Enel played around with it until he eventually threw it. The spear flew faster than lightning until it hit something. The moment it came in contact with something the resulting explosion was immense and left a pillar of lightning. "Lanza Del Relampago" Enel said as the shockwave sent a massive gust of wind over the area. Enel spent the rest of the day refining and trying to perfect these moves. Along with refining his old ones.

We cut to Bryce in front of seraphim and frisk. "Come on akido what happened to that cool move you wanted to show me?" Seraphim said mockingly. "Give me a minute to mentally prepare myself, this is gonna be painful." Bryce said as he got into a stance. "DT." Bryce said as his hair started to float up one of his eyes turned to a burning red and the other a blinding green the ground beneath him started to rumble. "TIMES 25!" Bryce yelled as he got enveloped by a green and red aura he dashed at a tree and kicked it into the air and kicked it down as soon as it hit the ground it exploded into a bunch of splinters. As soon as Bryce landed he turned off his D.T. and fell to the ground, his green aura slowly healing him. "When I do that it's extremely painful. It's more powerful than D.T times 25 mainly because it fuses the strength of determination and kindness." Bryce said, breathing heavily. "I see how long you can use it for." Seraphim asked. "Honestly quite awhile but again extremely painful so I try not to be in it too long." Bryce said as he got up and deactivated his K.D. "Bryce, Frisk go to different areas of this secret training area and don't try attacking each other. I want you two to either perfect old moves or create new ones understood?" Seraphim asked. Bryce and Frisk nodded as they both walked separate ways. Bryce got to an area he thought was good and thought. "I wonder if I can summon bone dragon wings." Bryce though as he imagined seeing bone wings and concentrated. Frisk on the other hand had made progress already as he summoned 7 bone hands that were able to be controlled with only his mind and were able to do sign language. "Frisk,you do know we can do much more than that" G said as Frisk nodded "go right on ahead then" Frisk said as G explained these traits to him. "Think of these traits as colors. Red is the strongest trait,it shows power and determination. Blue is integrity or patience depending on the hue. Yellow is justice,orange is bravery,purple is patience depending on the hue. Then there are the more negative traits,like pink,black,and the corrupted seven traits. Pink is fear,Black is hatred,Corrupted orange is cowardice,yellow is blind justice,blue is impatience,red is guilt,green is selfishness. You also have access to all of my abilities as well. There are also two others that would be prime examples of this,Sans and Papyrus. Sans has access to blue attacks but not in the way Bryce would be able to use it but in his own way,Same with Papyrus. Although,you would have a much stronger version of their powers due to me being with you." G said as Frisk nodded "interesting,correct me if i'm wrong but people with monster quirks turn to dust when killed right,it's been a while" Frisk said as G sighed "yes,you of all people should know that" G said as frisk chuckled a bit. "Yes! It actually worked." Bryce exclaimed as bone wings manifested from his back.