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Chapter 6: Final Stand, Shred of Hope

Bryce was nearing his limit as Dust was seemingly looking like he hadn't broken a sweat. "Are we done here?" Dust said as Bryce was snapped out of his daze and right back into the battle "far from it, i'm just getting started" Bryce said as he struggled to stand upright. "If you want to quit now and die a swift death this is your last chance" Dust said as he grinned as he put his hood on "i should be asking you that" Bryce said as the moment he finished that sentence there were dozens of blasters around and above him. Dust snapped his fingers as they all fired. A massive purple explosion illuminated the area once again. Bryce had managed to make a barrier out of D.T. Dust then teleported up to Bryce and kicked the barrier down to the ground, shattering it. Dust then teleported again but now in front of Bryce "this feel familiar?" Dust asked rhetorically as Bryce could feel as if his heart was grabbed. The image of a black heart appeared in front of Bryce and was outlined with purple. Dust threw his hands back, this then sent the heart and subsequently Bryce flying and slamming into a wall. Dust then threw him up and down until he felt like stopping. Bryce managed to put himself on his hands and knees. "S-shit, this guy, just what the hell is he?" Bryce thought as he coughed up blood "My L.V is at 21. I haven't been able to put this guy down, this is becoming a major problem" Bryce thought as he tried to stand up but was then nearly skewered by a flurry of sharp bones. Some of them left cuts, some bruises and some went clean through Bryce. "F-fuck" Bryce said as one of the sharp bones was right through his leg. Bryce fell to one knee as his vision started to become blurry. Bryce then blacked out. "Hmph, 2 down 1 to go" Dust thought as he saw that papyrus was gone.

Killer pulled back as he conceived with Horror and Dust. "Aww, you're running away so soon-" Enel said tauntingly as he then saw the three of them standing in front of them. "Pap, Bryce, come on!" Enel shouted as he saw that Bryce was slowly bleeding out, and papyrus was no longer there. "Fine then!" Enel said as he truly thought about this battle. "I know i can't win, i just need to get Bryce out of here" Enel thought as he took a deep breath as he rushed in with his sickle swords . His speed was impressive but wasn't enough as Horror blocked his initial attack with his butcher knife. Dust and Killer then summoned 3 blasters each and tried to atomize Enel. Enel managed to dodge the blasts and jumped onto one of the pillars. "Not good, i've been backed into a corner already" Enel thought as Horror was already in front of him. Enel managed to get down fast enough before Horror sliced him in half. Horror destroyed the pillar in that slice. As Enel touched down on the ground he was hit in the chest by a long bone that sent him flying back. Killer then teleported behind him and summoned a blaster which hit Enel in the back. Dust then got in front of Enel and stabbed him right in the chest. The battle stopped completely as Enel coughed up large amounts of blood. The murder time trio then teleported out as soon as Enel's body hit the ground. Enel clung onto whatever life he could grasp onto and managed to slowly crawl to Bryce. "I-i-if *gasp* i-i c-could *gasp* m-m-make t-to *gasp* b-bryce, t-then i-i c-could *gasp* s-send h-h-im *gasp* a-away *gasp*" Enel muttered as he used the rest of his power to try and teleport Bryce and himself somewhere. Anywhere. Enel mustered all his will power and tried to see the nearest source of electricity. He sensed a faint surge and teleported to it. The source that Enel sensed was Recovery girl turning on the light to her office. As Recovery Girl stepped into her office, she nearly had a heart attack as she saw Bryce's pale and almost lifeless body and Enel with a bone spike through his chest. Recovery Girl shouted at the top of her lungs for help, and 5 heroes came by song with some students that were in the U.A building at the time. When they saw the two boys they immediately put them on 2 beds and tried to start an operation. Luckily U.A paid for certified surgeons in case any student or hero was ever gravely injured to the point of needing immediate surgery.

Seconds, minutes, hours, all were counted as they performed not 1 but 2 surgeries to try and keep these 2 boys alive. In about 6 hours Bryce was in stable condition. Turns out that the kindness aspect of his quirk also self heals so it made surgery a bit less stressful. It healed more major wounds and bruises but the doctors supplied blood to keep him alive. Unfortunately the same can't be said for Enel. Although his surgery is still ongoing, it wouldn't look like his condition would be one that could be saved. Nearly all of his ribs were shattered, some pieces of his ribs were starting to puncture his lungs and some had already penetrated them. "Someone get in contact with the bubble hero, blood hero, the mind hero, and any other hero that might be able to he;p us save this boy's life!" Recovery Girl shouted as some of the heroes ran out to try and get as many heroes that could help. A few minutes passed as dozens upon dozens of heroes were in the same room trying to keep Enel from flatlining during this surgery. The mind hero Cerebrall kept his hands on Enel's temples to keep his brain from sending any electrical signals to any other body bart and potentially messing up the procedure. Aizawa was called to keep his body from activating his quirk as a self defense mechanism during this operation. The Bubble Hero Wash was there to not only keep Aizawa's eyes from getting dry but to sterilize equipment, and to mitigate the possibility of Toxic shock The blood hero Blood Lad was there to keep Enel from bleeding out. And even the Trash Hero, compost, was there to break down any foreign objects that were inside of Enel that could be potentially dangerous and harmful to Enel. "Okay, i'm going to try and remove some of the rib fragments that are puncturing his lungs, if they seem too dangerous to pull out i'll need you to degrade them compost" Recovery girl said as she carefully and steadily took one fragment out of Enel's right lung. There are 4 fragments,, Recovery girl managed to get 2 but Compost had to degrade the other 2. Then Wash made a bubble that touched Enel's lung and grabbed the brown mush that was the 2 bone fragments and then made the bubble come back to him. Blood Lad kept a constant supply of blood running through the lungs and body as well to keep Enel breathing. They then did the same for the other lung. Then came the major deal. The bone spike. It had missed Enels heart but somehow managed to tangle itself in between the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava without hitting either of the two. "Shit, this is going to be extremely difficult, these two veins lead directly to the heart, so if we accidentally flinch or move too fast then the veins can rupture and then he'll bleed out and die almost immediately. My arthritis is starting to act up so i can't perform this procedure, i need someone with steady hands" Recovery girl asked as Best Jeanist walked up. "I'll perform the procedure, please guide me through" Jeanist said as he had to wash and put a sterilizing bubble upon his hands, cleaning them. Jeanist then put latex gloves on and a doctor mask and then gently picked up the large tweezers. "Okay, place the mouth on the bone" RG said as Jeanist did so , now try and use your quirk to gently pull on the tweezers and bone. Jeanist struggled to use his quirk through plastic but managed to do so. He gently wrapped 2 threads around the mouth of the tweezers and 2 threads around the bone. He gently pulled as the bone started to slide out. Bit by bit, inch by inch the bone came out and was longer in between either vena cava. "Now we need to-" RG said as the hero stepped up and touched Enel's ribs. "Don't worry, i had my hands cleaned, my quirk is amplified, what i'm doing is amplifying the white blood cells in his body to put his ribs back together" The hero said as around and hours goes by until all of Enel's ribs are restored. All the heroes then help RG stitch Enel's chest up. Aizawa then closes his eyes , re-activating Enel's quirk. On the EKG Enel's heart beat is regular and steady. All the heroes walk out of his room gently "we did it, we just saved that kid's life" one of them says as Aizawa smiles as tears come to his eyes. "Drinks on me tonight?" Aizawa said as all the heroes walked out and headed to a nearby pub. Hours go by until an uninhabited area suddenly goes up in a bright flash of light, followed by a deafening shockwave. After the explosion happened there were cracks in the sky that splintered. Some strange objects fell through some but a bolt of energy came out of the biggest one that was directly above the crater caused by the explosion. When the energy struck, a black cloaked person appeared. The person also had a skull mask or face under his hood and had black and white fire come from his face and hands. It looked around before a few hero's came around and surrounded the crater. Endeavour was the main lead of this, "You there, did you cause this! What are you!" He yelled trying to get answers from the figure in the crater. The figure looked around and seemed to try and analyze its situation. "Fine, we will just take you in and question you that way" Endeavor said as his fire burned bright and he charged at the figure. The figure simply stood there as lightning crashed down and hit Endeavor. Endeavor looked at the sky and saw that it was clear as day and the cracks disappeared. The figure raised his hand and a bunch of electrical energy surged from nearby poles and cars to it as the energy surrounded him and darkness seemed to come off of him as well as his shadow was only getting bigger. "I don't know where I am. But don't charge at me!" the figure said as he released all the energy in bolts that barely missed everyone. "Ok, calm down. I'm sorry but I meant no harm. My name is Endeavor and I am a hero. I thought you were the cause of all this" he said as he approached the figure slowly. "A-A hero? Oh, I'm sorry for the damage I caused" The figure said as his darkness and energy was receding. "My hero's name is Black Surge. I don't think I'm in my own world anymor-"The figure said as his fire flickered out and fell down. Endeavour and the other heroes came down to check on Black Surge but they couldn't remove the mask or cloth as a surge of electrical energy would shock them if they tried. "I'll take him to the hospital. The rest of you should check for survivors and help" Endeavor said as he went to the hospital.