
When Su Xiaoxiao entered Wei Ting's room with a dark expression, Xiaohu was trying to pee.

"Xiaohu didn't pee."

He waved his small hands at Su Xiaoxiao seriously.

"I know." Su Xiaoxiao touched his head and said to him and Dahu, "Go and help Uncle Ergou paste the couplets."

The three of them put down the paper and pen on the table and left.

After writing a couplet, Wei Ting was writing the word "fortune".

Su Xiaoxiao slapped the table and said fiercely, "Wei Ting, what were you trying to do?"

Wei Ting continued to write leisurely. "Has your little lover left?"

Su Xiaoxiao narrowed her eyes. "Why? Are you jealous?"

Wei Ting sneered. "Heh, you're thinking too much. I just think that everything has to be fair. If I'm not allowed to attract bees and butterflies in the village, don't even think about fooling around outside."

Su Xiaoxiao clenched her chubby fists again.